《中国日报》China Daily对名厨江振诚及廊桥进行大篇幅专访报道
2018年10月19日《中国日报》China Daily对名厨江振诚及廊桥进行专题采访报道,文章用大篇幅讲述了江振诚先生非凡的职业经历、身为华人厨师的国际成就和责任以及他与成都廊桥THE BRIDGE的缘分。同时,记者还对廊桥餐厅的前世今生进行了详细的背景介绍。
Sichuan cuisine gets star touch
On Oct 10, 2017, when chef Andre Chiang walked into his two-Michelin-starred Restaurant, Andre, in Singapore, he saw his staff working diligently. They knew exactly which guests were coming, where they would be seated, what they wanted to eat, and how to cook, season and create an unforgettable memory for each one of them.
2017年10月10日,当江振诚主厨走进他在新加坡开设的米其林二星餐厅Restaurant André时,他看见员工们辛勤的工作,他们非常明确地知道今天会有哪些客人到来,他们将坐在哪里,他们会吃什么以及该如何为他们烹饪、搭配和为他们制造一段终身难忘的美好记忆。
That's when Chiang decided to shut the restaurant down.
"It's like drawing a picture-I paint from scratch, little by little, and one day it's complete, you don't want to change any detail-all I need to do is to sign on the picture and it's perfect," says Chiang.
After three decades' experience in French cuisine, Chiang launched his first project involving Chinese cuisine at the end of 2017 when he agreed to be the creative and culinary director of THE BRIDGE, a Sichuan cuisine restaurant in Chengdu, Sichuan province.
作为拥有近30年法餐料理经验的世界名厨,江振诚于2017年在中国成都参与开设了他第一家以中国菜为基础的餐饮项目——廊桥THE BRIDGE。
"Some may wonder what I can do to reshape Sichuan cuisine. My mission is to enhance its beauty, which has existed for centuries, strip out the unnecessary and reinstate the true elegance of original Sichuan cuisine," says Chiang.
Chiang, who was born in Taipei, was first exposed to the kitchen when he entered vocational school to learn cooking. Outside of his classes, he took part-time jobs at restaurants.
He worked at the Landis Tapei Hotel for one year when he worked for Paris 1930 and at the hotel's pastry kitchen.
He first worked at the Landis Taipei Hotel for a year, and then at Paris 1930.
At 20, Chiang became the executive chef of Paris 1930, becoming the youngest French cuisine executive chef in Taiwan.
江振诚出生在台北,他第一次接触料理是早在上中学的时候,暑期去到餐厅的厨房做兼职。他的第一份工作是在台北亚都丽致大饭店的西餐厅Paris 1930和酒店烘焙房。20岁时,便成为了Paris 1930的行政总厨,同时也是台湾史上最年轻的法餐料理主厨。
"Each day I would arrive in the kitchen earlier than the others. When I saw the pots and pans neatly arranged and the clean kitchen counter, I felt the urge to cook, and I enjoyed the silence before the kitchen got busy," says Chiang.
Later, another opportunity knocked at Chiang's door after he helped French chefs Jacques and Laurent Pourcel during their time at Paris 1930 as guest chefs.
He impressed the twin brothers and was given an opportunity to work at their restaurant, Le Jardin des Sens, in France.
Chiang said yes immediately, and moved to France even though he did not know a word of French.
在江振诚协助法国“双子星”大厨Jacques和Laurent Pourcel在Paris 1930做完客座主厨晚宴之后,另一个国家向他发出了邀请。他被两位双胞胎大厨的魅力深深打动了,当两位大厨向他发出到位于法国他们的餐厅Le Jardin des Sens工作邀请时,江振诚毫不犹豫地答应了,并搬去这个对于他来说完全陌生的国度——法国。
"As a French cuisine chef, I had to learn in France, and prepare authentic French cuisine that the French like," says Chiang.
In Paris, Chiang stuck to his habit of arriving in the kitchen an hour before anyone else, even though he often worked 16 hours per day.
"I was not a patch on anyone in the kitchen when I arrived, so I had to make an effort to improve my skills," says Chiang.
As well as learning from the brothers, Chiang spent his salary eating at Michelin-starred restaurants in France and took notes.
"Each payday, I'd jump on the cheap night train to explore France and taste the food."
In his third year at the brothers' restaurant, Chiang was assigned to help at their Paris eatery, Mansion Blanche, for a few days.
Later, Chiang ran the brothers' four restaurants in Asia-in Toyko, Bangkok, Shanghai and Singapore.
江振诚在“双子星”餐厅工作的第三年,他就被委派到巴黎协助新餐厅Mansion Blanche的开业筹备。之后,他又被派往东京、曼谷、上海和新加坡四地为“双子星”开餐厅。
In 2008, Chiang launched his first restaurant, Jaan par Andre at Raffles Hotel in Singapore, and two years later, it was listed 39th among the world's 50 best restaurants.
2008年,江振诚在新加坡开设了第一家属于他自己名字的餐厅——莱福士酒店Jaan par Andre餐厅,并在开业两年后跻身世界Best50餐厅第39.
That's when Chiang felt it was time to move on.
In October 2010, Chiang's Restaurant Andre opened in Singapore, with only 30 covers and five chefs.
He planted an olive tree in front of the restaurant, which was brought from France, and to make the tree feel like it was in France, Chiang even put ice on the soil to mimic winter.
2010年10月,江振诚在新加坡开设了以他的名字命名的餐厅——Restaurant André,只有30个餐位和5位厨师。他在餐厅门口栽种下三棵法国空运来的橄榄树,让他的法国情节得以安放,由于新加坡的气候炎热,有时候江振诚还需要为橄榄树的土壤敷冰块降温。
In 2017, Chiang was introduced to Ni Yingke, owner of The Bridge, as she was reopening her newly decorated restaurant in Chengdu.
After their first meeting, Ni took Chiang to visit local markets and see the abundant fresh ingredients.
"You can find a Sichuan cuisine restaurant everywhere in the world," says Chiang. "But it's not only about spicy food-originally the cuisine had 24 flavors, but some of them are not easy to find now.
"Sichuan cuisine is like a lady with heavy makeup-she has a strong visual impact, but people forget what she looks like when she's not wearing makeup.
"She's also pretty," says Chiang.
Meanwhile, Chiang has studied the history of Sichuan cuisine and also learned traditional recipes from Sichuan master chefs.
Now, Chiang flies to Chengdu once a month to update the menu. The morning after he arrives, he wakes up early to visit the local market with Li Hongshun, the executive chef of The Bridge.
"To buy fresh local ingredients is one thing, but the other thing is to spend time with the chef, just the two of us. It's my way of developing a rapport," says Chiang.
In February, Chiang became the first Chinese chef to be presented with a lifetime achievement award by Asia's Best 50, as well as the youngest chef to receive the prize.
He wore a Chinese Tang suit to the ceremony and spoke in Chinese while delivering his acceptance speech.
Chiang now aims to be the coach of a scorer-like team.
"I used to be a star scorer player, but now I want to lead, tell them how to train, and spend more time off the field."
Besides The Bridge and other restaurants he manages, Chiang is working on two projects, including a new restaurant at Restaurant Andre's old location, a three-floor white house.
除了成都廊桥,江振诚目前还在策划两个新的餐饮项目,曾经的Restaurant André三层小白楼,他会改建成一家新概念餐厅。
Chiang says that every decade he has a new mission, and he likens them to rockets.
Before turning 30, he was building the rocket, and between 30 and 40, the rocket was being prepared for launch.
"Now after 40, I need to make sure that the rocket stays in orbit," says Chiang.
撰文 by 李映雪
翻译 by 张际星
A foodie's landmark in Chengdu
The Bridge, located at Anshun Bridge-one of Chengdu's most important historical landmarks-is the first restaurant project on the Chinese mainland by Chinese chef, Andre Chiang.
The origin of the bridge, depicted in Travels of Marco Polo, can be traced back to the 13th century. Hundreds of years later, The Bridge is a symbol of the dramatic changes witnessed by Chengdu over the years.
The interior of The Bridge was created by the founding partners of design agency Neri& Hu, Lyndon Neri and Rossana Hu.
The restaurant is their first project in southwestern China, and their design concept envisions a "hanging lantern" to recall the clarity and unity of the historical building.
Throughout the restaurant, imagery of Chinese mythological creatures offer a tangible link with the history of Anshun Bridge and Chengdu as a whole.
The restaurant, which can seat 270 guests over two floors, is divided into the 150-seat Salon de Bridge dining room, the reception lounge and two private dining rooms-Hanging Lantern and The Currents.
廊桥分为餐厅和酒吧两大板块,可同时款待270位宾客。一层主厅“廊里”可容纳 150 位食客同时用餐; 二层为VIP包间区域:“浮泷”和“水榭”。
The restaurant offers both set menus and a la carte dining.
Chiang's exclusive "four chapters" set menu takes guests on a culinary journey in the style of a traditional Chinese banquet.
"We need to follow the way in which nature guides us and bring out the best flavor from local produce," says Chiang.
"My goal for The Bridge is to render into experience-for all senses and dimensions-the most intrinsic elements of Sichuan flavor."
The food that executive chef Li Hongshun provides presents a diverse perspective of Sichuan cuisine-from classic dishes and modern molecular gastronomy to obscure historical recipes thought to be lost to the mists of time.
撰文 by 李映雪
翻译 by 张际星
「廊桥THE BRIDGE」是由世界名厨江振诚先生在中国大陆打造的第一家餐厅作品,于2017年12月29日在成都开业。廊桥THE BRIDGE位于复建后的安顺廊桥之上,千年合江亭之旁,地理位置得天独厚,世间罕有。管理团队为了让食客们拥有更加极致且独一无二的饮食体验,对其前身廊桥餐厅进行了全面的改造升级:特别邀请了在国际获奖无数的如恩设计研究室,在保留传统建筑的结构和屋顶轮廓的原则下,设计并重塑了餐厅整体空间构造和内外装潢。于此同时,廊桥THE BRIDGE与全球最受瞩目的华人名厨江振诚(André Chiang)合作,奉上川菜国际化的具象演绎——“岁时料理”,通过江振诚对川菜的全新解读,书写川菜进化的另一种可能,餐厅拥有270个坐席,旨在打造世界级的美食地标。
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