
快讯 | THE BRIDGE廊桥荣获2020黑珍珠餐厅指南一钻



On 9 January 2020, Meituan-Dianping unveiled the 2020 edition of the Black Pearl Restaurant Guide at a ceremony in Macau. This year, 309 restaurants made it into the guide, including 16 three diamond restaurants (“must visit once in a lifetime”), 78 two diamond restaurants (“perfect for special occasions”), and 215 one diamond restaurants (“great for family/friends gatherings”).

值此THE BRIDGE廊桥两周年欢庆之际,一直致力于川菜国际化,将川菜传播出去的THE BRIDGE廊桥携手世界名厨江振诚先生,蝉联2020黑珍珠餐厅指南一钻殊荣。

On the occasion of its second anniversary, THE BRIDGE has been honoured with a one diamond award by the Black Pearl Restaurant Guide, in recognition of its commitment to the internationalisation of Sichuan cuisine.

评委推荐理由:名厨江振诚主理,诠释新一代的特色川味。菜品精致有创意,在川菜既有架构上进行改良,选材用料用心,摆盘也不做作,的确配得上THE BRIDGE廊桥这个著名景点,可作为成都对外的一张名片。


Why the experts recommend THE BRIDGE: With THE BRIDGE, Chef André Chiang has created a new interpretation of Sichuan cuisine. His dishes build on the traditions of Sichuan-style cookery, using premium ingredients and modern cooking and plating techniques where appropriate. As a result, THE BRIDGE has become an international destination for modern Sichuan dining.


One Diamond, Two Years in a Row

世界名厨 | 成都基因 | 国际合作

Renowned Chef | Chengdu DNA | International Cooperation

开业两年来,THE BRIDGE廊桥一直致力于挖掘川菜文化,植入与生俱来的成都DNA,与国际化的表达融合为一。THE BRIDGE廊桥在多次国际化合作中,为我们带来了意想不到的惊喜。无论是与台北RAW的合作,还是敖云餐配酒,亦或是与“松露之王”Umberto Bombana先生合作的黑松露盛宴,都显示了THE BRIDGE廊桥一步步走向国际的脚步,成为了川菜国际化的教科书。

THE BRIDGE has always been dedicated to combining the DNA of Sichuan cuisine with a more international form of culinary expression. Over the past two years, THE BRIDGE has surprised diners with a number of international cooperations. From a collaboration with RAW from Taipei to a wine pairing with Aoyun winery to a black truffle gala dinner with the “King of Truffles” himself, Chef Umberto Bombana, each event has showcased the potential of modern Sichuan cuisine.

世界名厨 | 成都基因 | 国际合作

Renowned Chef | Chengdu DNA | International Cooperation


 A New Definition of Sichuan Cuisine

创新 | 传承 | 探索 | 格局

Creativity | Heritage | Exploration

不仅如此,THE BRIDGE廊桥在将川菜文化展现给世界的同时,也没有放弃过对菜品的创新。餐厅对传统的传承、对创新的努力、对本地的挖掘,对国际的理解,也重新定义了川菜。

In addition to bringing Sichuan cuisine to the world, THE BRIDGE has never stopped its exploration of what Sichuan cuisine can be, drawing on heritage, local knowledge, and innovation.

THE BRIDGE廊桥不仅积极挖掘川菜文化与创新,还致力于培养更多的可以继承发扬川菜精髓的传人。THE BRIDGE廊桥与四川烹饪学院达成共识,“教育”将成为未来的工作重点之一,江振诚先生被特聘为荣誉讲师,江先生和团队将会持续为学生们带来具有国际视野的内容分享,为川菜的未来哺育更多人才。


THE BRIDGE is also committed to passing on this passion to the next generation of Sichuan chefs. The restaurant has cooperated with the Sichuan Institute of Culinary Education, with Chef André Chiang appointed as an honorary lecturer. Through this cooperation, the two sides hope to nurture more talented chefs who can continue the restaurant’s commitment to bringing Sichuan cuisine to the global stage.

THE BRIDGE廊桥团队到访四川烹饪学院,


THE BRIDGE's cooperated with

the Sichuan Institute of Culinary Education

到THE BRIDGE廊桥品味美食,每次体验都会有不一样的感受。THE BRIDGE廊桥摆脱了传统川菜的束缚,结合自身团队对成都风土、文化与食材的了解,从食器的设计到食材的搭配都十分考究,让用餐成为一个完整的体验。

Each visit to THE BRIDGE offers something new. By breaking free of the constraints of so-called “traditional” Sichuan cuisine and drawing on the local knowledge and culture of its team, THE BRIDGE has created a unique style of Sichuan cuisine that infuses every aspect of the dining experience, from ingredients to environment to tableware.

黑珍珠榜单一直致力于发掘本土美食精华,THE BRIDGE廊桥如今作为成都的地标性餐厅,在川菜国际化的道路上不断摸索与前进,特别是2018年重装开业后,邀请世界名厨造访,在餐饮界书写川菜国际新里程。2020年,THE BRIDGE廊桥将会继续展开更多精彩的厨艺交流,将会探索川菜的更多可能性,为“重新解构的新一代川菜“再次写下新篇章!

THE BRIDGE and the Black Pearl Restaurant Guide share a commitment to discovering the essence of local cuisine. Since opening in 2018, THE BRIDGE has become a landmark not just in Chengdu but around China. In 2020, THE BRIDGE will continue to explore the boundaries of Sichuan cuisine and carry out more exciting culinary exchanges, writing a new chapter for the food of this fascinating region.

「THE BRIDGE廊桥」是由世界名厨江振诚先生在中国大陆打造的第一家餐厅作品,于2017年12月29日在成都开业。THE BRIDGE廊桥位于复建后的安顺廊桥之上,千年合江亭之旁,地理位置得天独厚,世间罕有。管理团队为了让食客们拥有更加极致且独一无二的饮食体验,对其前身廊桥餐厅进行了全面的改造升级:特别邀请了在国际获奖无数的知名设计研究室,在保留传统建筑的结构和屋顶轮廓的原则下,设计并重塑了餐厅整体空间构造和内外装潢。于此同时,THE BRIDGE廊桥与全球最受瞩目的华人名厨江振诚(André Chiang)合作,奉上川菜国际化的具象演绎——“岁时料理”,通过江振诚对川菜的全新解读,书写川菜进化的另一种可能,餐厅拥有270个坐席,旨在打造世界级的美食地标。


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