解/拆邊界 亞際木刻版畫實踐
「解/拆邊界 亞際木刻版畫實踐」
2023年4月28日(金) - 5月8日(月) 会期中無休
10:00-17:00 (最終入館は閉館30分前)
東京藝術大学大学美術館 陳列館 2階
陳韋綸 (Chen Wei-lun) 、台北
劉家俊 (Jay Lau Ka Chun) 、香港
キム・オク (Kim Eok)、首爾
林樂新 (Lam Lok-san) 、香港
パンクロック・スゥラップ (Pangrok Sulap) 、沙巴
刺紙 (Prickly Paper) 、廣州
印刻部 (Print & Carve Department) 、台北
點印社 (Printhow) 、香港
プリントメイキング・フォー・ザ・ピープル (Printmaking for the People) 、马尼拉
タリン・パディ(Taring Padi) 、日惹
木刻波流 (Woodcut Wavement) 、上海
吳君儀 (独立研究者、马来西亞)
江上賢一郎 (文化研究・福岡)
インターアジア木版画展実行委員会、東京藝術大学 グローバルサポートセンター
28 April - 8 May 2023
10:00 -17:00 (open every day during the exhibition period)
2F The Chinretsukan Gallery, Tokyo University of the Arts, Ueno Campus
Anti-War, Anti-Nuclear and Arts of Block-print Collective (Tokyo)
Chen Wei-lun (Taipei)
Jay Lau Ka-chun (Hong Kong)
Kim Eok (Seoul)
Lam Lok-san (Hong Kong)
Pangrok Sulap (Sabah)
Prickly Paper (Guangdong)
Print & Carve Department (Taipei)
Printhow (Hong Kong)
Printmaking for the People (Manila)
Taring Padi (Yogyakarta)
Woodcut Wavement (Shanghai)
Krystie Ng (Researcher, Malaysia)
Lee Chun Fung (Artist, Hong Kong)
Kenichiro Egami (Researcher, Fukuoka)
In recent years, art and cultural practices using woodblock prints have been gaining renewed attention throughout Asia. The modern woodblock print movement, which began in China in the early 20th century with Lu Xun, spread throughout Asia as a movement/method for the people themselves to express society and reality, but it waned in the latter half of the 20th century due to changes in social structure and media environment. However, since the 2000s and 2010s, some Asian artists and social activists have been using woodblock prints to express social and political issues, to experiment with cultural direct action and collective creation, and to create cross-border exchanges and networks.
The Inter Asia Woodcut Exhibition Organizing Committee
Global Support Center, Tokyo University of the Arts
The Graduate School of Global Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts
[Supported by]
Nomura Foundation
Asahi Culture Foundation
Hong Kong Arts Development Council
National Culture and Arts Foundation, Taiwan