
2018年3月CTC通讯 March Newsletter

2018-03-30 CTC 国际教育 ConnectToCanada

Paul & Scott 致辞 

Message from Paul & Scott

Welcome to our March edition of the CTC Newsletter. As you will soon see by reading the many articles contained in this newsletter, we have had a very busy and celebratory month, and we're very proud and excited to share this news with you. March marks the arrival of a new season here in Canada and an end to the long, cold winter. This is the time of year when the sun starts to peak out from behind the grey clouds and we all get the feeling of "new beginnings". These new beginnings carry over into our everyday life and everyone seems to look even more optimistic than ever. The new beginnings are really part of the CTC Centre right now, and the many acceptances to colleges and universities have started to flow in, signifying a new beginning for each of our students who will shortly leave the safety and comfort of the Centre to venture out to post-secondary studies. What a great time to be a student here at the Centre ... lots of promise and optimism about next steps. And the great news is that these college & university acceptances have only just begun! The month of April and May will be filled with more great news for us to share, and more celebrations to share with our brilliant, kind, engaged students. But its not a time to stop working hard ... on the contrary ... its time to work even harder as we begin that final push to the end of June. Here at the Centre, we are very pleased to announce some "new beginnings" with our staff. We welcome Sunny Yang to our CTC Team. Sunny has taken up the position of House Leader with our 2017 Boys as Kelly and Ellen travel the world to reconnect with family in China. Sunny has had a "new beginning" that has been very successful, and she brings much experience to our team. Welcome Sunny! And one additional, albeit temporary addition to our team - Connie Stella. Connie is a Canadian administrator who is currently serving as the Vice-Principal at Weifang Hansheng International School, but is here in Canada for a month and busy hiring teachers who are interested in an adventure with 271 Education Group at both Hansheng and Changle. We're thrilled to have Connie with us for this month!

    欢迎来到CTC三月通讯。通过阅读本通讯中的文章,您将了解到我们有一个非常繁忙和值得庆祝的月份。对此我们感到非常自豪和兴奋,迫不及待地要与您分享这些消息。三月标志着加拿大新一季节的到来、漫长而寒冷冬季的结束。这是一年中太阳开始从灰色云朵后面出现的时候,我们都感受到了“新的开始”带来的喜悦。这份喜悦延伸到我们的日常生活中,每个人看起来似乎都比冬天时更积极乐观。“新的开始”是最近CTC中心的一大主题,大学录取开始不断涌入,这标志着我们每个学生的新起点,他们很快就会离开中心的安全和舒适,到理想的大学去学习。对于中心的学生,现在是多么美好的时刻...对未来充满信心和乐观。好消息是大学的录取通知书才刚刚开始发放! 4月和5月份将会有更多好消息供我们分享和庆祝。但是,现在不是停止努力学习的时候......恰恰相反......时间推向六月,同学们要为取得优秀的期末成绩临门一脚,需要更努力地学习。同时,中心也非常高兴地迎来一些“新的开始”。我们欢迎Sunny Yang加入我们的CTC团队。由于章老师和申老师要回到中国与家人休假、团聚,Sunny老师代替她们照顾2017届男孩们。Sunny已经有了一个非常成功的“新开始”,她为我们的团队带来了很多经验。还有一位是我们团队的暂时补充 - Connie Stella。康妮是一位加拿大行政人员,目前在潍坊翰声国际学校担任副校长,她将在加拿大逗留一个月,招聘对到271教育集团,包括翰声和昌乐二中教学感兴趣的加拿大老师。我们很高兴在这个月让康妮和我们在一起!

重要日期 & 活动预告

Important Dates & Activities Notice 

Fri, Mar 30…Good Friday

Mon, Apr 2…Easter Monday

Tue, Apr 10…EQAO OSSLT (Literacy)

Tue, Apr 17.... Term 1 Ends

Wed, Apr 18... Term 2 Begins

Tue, Apr 24...Mid-term Report Cards Issued


周五,3月30日 ~ 周一,4月2日:复活节假期(不用上课)

周二,4月10日:OSSLT 英语文学省考





College & University Admission

  We are all so very proud of the many students who have already received college and university admission offers. As of our publication date of this newsletter, here is a list of students who have received offers - some accompanied by scholarships - to many prestigious schools throughout Canada: Alden Cheng Guanlin, Miley Liu Chang, Alex Liu Xiaodong, Imogene Liu Yurui, Leo Nie Siyuan, Carina Peng Wenming, May Wu Yifei, Peter Wu Siyuan, Scott Wang Xiaolin, Jazmyn Xu Yinan, Ava Xu Jing, Gary Yuan Tingrui, Suzy Zu Rui, Zack Zhao Huanzhang, Krystal Zhang Jinyi. This is UNQUESTIONABLY great news and I am so very excited and proud for the students who have received their offers. However, no matter how happy we are for these students - and we are ELATED - we also know that there are many offers of admission still to come. The phenomenon of "early admissions" is a relatively new practice by Ontario colleges and universities. Several years ago, all the offers of admission came at once in April. However, universities, like so many other institutions, are in competition for students.  As a result, they began the practice of making offers to students earlier and earlier, hoping that their college or university would get chosen over other universities. Now, we have offers coming to students all the way from January through to May and June. It is very important for students and parents to know that the majority of offers from universities and colleges will happen in April - - - and so if you haven't received yours yet, THAT IS PERFECTLY NORMAL. Don't feel discouraged -continue to work as hard as you possibly can and know that this hard work will pay off in the end. By the time we reach the end of June, we are confident that we will have lots and lots and lots of offers to celebrate together ... and no one will be more proud of you when you graduate from high school and go on to post-secondary than your Centre staff.  So... everyone... work hard ...it will happen ... I promise!

    我们为已经收到大学录取通知的学生感到非常自豪!!截至本通讯的发布日期,以下13位同学已经收到总数23份的大学录取通知书,全部来自加拿大有名的大学,其中8份更是附有$2,000到$10,000不等的奖学金:程官临、刘畅、刘晓冬、刘雨芮、聂思源、彭文明、吴奕霏、伍思远、王晓林、徐奕楠、徐靖、苑庭瑞、俎睿、赵焕章、张瑾以。对于不断流入的令人激动万分的好消息,我们为以获得录取通知的学生感到非常兴奋和自豪。然而,无论我们对这些学生多么开心,我们知道还有很多录取通知还在路上。 “提早录取”现象是安大略省大学的一种相对较新的做法。几年前,所有的录取通知都是在四月份一次发放。然而,像其他许多机构一样,大学也在想方设法争夺优秀生源。因此,他们越来越早地向学生发放录取通知,希望学生优先选择他们的大学。所以,从1月到5月、6月,大学录取会不断地送入。对于学生和家长来说,很重要的一点是了解大多数大学录取将在四月份发放- 如果您暂时还没有收到录取通知书,这非常正常。不要灰心 - 继续尽可能地努力学习,并且明白艰苦的学习最终将会得到回报。在我们到达六月底的时候,我们相信我们会有很多很多很多的大学录取的喜讯可以一起庆祝...当你从高中顺利毕业、升上大学,没有人会比中心的老师更为你感到自豪 。所以......每个人......努力学习......目标一定会实现的......我保证!

IELTS Class Concluded


The second session of IELTS training began at the end of January and has now successfully concluded as of the middle of March.  Many students took this class very seriously and they made significant progress in this short period of time.  Each parent received an IELTS report card for their child which detailed their class attendance, participation, assignments, current IELTS level and planning for next steps.  IELTS teachers will continue to provide one-on-one advice to our students any time they wish.  IELTS is a stepping stone for all the students to successfully enter their ideal university.  As long as students invest their time and effort and put their hearts into the challenge, victory will be in sight! Students - believe in yourself and keep working hard.  We know that good news is just around the corner!



March Break Activities

Literacy Camp】CTC would like to congratulate all of the students who attended the three-day Counting on You Literacy Camp at Clarkson Secondary School over the March Break. As you are aware, all high school graduates in Ontario are required to write, and pass, the OSSLT - Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test. This year, the OSSLT is written in all Ontario schools - including Applewood Heights and Clarkson - on April 10. This is a time of great pressure for our students, and I'm sure everyone joins our CTC staff in wishing them all well on this test.  In order to be better prepared for this high-pressure, high-stakes test, many of our students attended a three-day Literacy Camp on March 12, 13 & 14.  In fact, CTC would like to congratulate the following students who had PERFECT ATTENDANCE at this camp - they were present and on time for all three days: Ben, Candice, Polly. Great work and a thousand congratulations for these hard-working and committed students!

    【春假活动之英语文学营】CTC祝贺所有在3月份春假参加在克拉克森中学举行的为期三天的英语文学营的学生。如您所知,安大略省所有高中毕业生都必须参加并通过OSSLT -安大略省中学文学考试。今年,OSSLT将于4月10日在安大略省的所有学校(包括中心同学就读的ApplewoodHeights和Clarkson)进行。这对我们的学生来说是一个巨大的压力,希望所有读者都与我们CTC老师,祝他们考试顺利。为了更好地为这个高压高风险的考试做好准备,我们的许多学生在3月12日,13日和14日参加了为期三天的专门为通过考试设计的文学营。在这里,CTC向下列在文学营中全勤并表现优异的同学提出热烈的表扬 - 他们分别是:张一鸣、王议婕和盖益。一分耕耘、一分收获,相信这三位勤奋努力、对自己负责的学生一定受益良多,在考试中表现出色!

The Centre organized many exciting activities for our students through March Break, including U of T campus tours, a visit to the Art Gallery of Ontario and Eaton Centre, Playdium Arcade in Square One area, Riverwood Conservancy for hiking & photography, Maple Syrup celebrations at Heritage House, a movie afternoon, etc.  Every student was able to find something that they were interested in and participate to relieve the pressures of daily intense school life.



Easter Activies at the Centre

Easter is both a religious holiday and a Canadian tradition that marks the beginning of spring. Here at the Centre, we are going to participate in the fun aspects of this Canadian celebration in a number of ways. Students are off of school on Good Friday (Friday, March 30) and Easter Monday (Monday, April 2).  We will encourage them to divide these school holidays into both academic study and leisure activities. Each student is encouraged to devote a minimum of 4 hours each day to completing projects, catching up on homework, studying for upcoming tests, etc... in addition to IELTS work as appropriate. During other times, students are encouraged to spend some time outdoors in the Canadian spring. On Easter Sunday, chocolate is the Canadian tradition ... and students will have an opportunity to engage in an Easter Egg Hunt in the dormitory in search of delicious treats for everyone.  This Canadian tradition should be fun for everyone ... no matter if you are age 8, 18 or 80!




To successfully graduate from high school in Ontario, each student needs to complete 10 hours of volunteer hours for each year they are here. Actively participating in volunteer activities not only helps complete the diploma requirements at school, but also provides students with a good opportunity to experience Canadian culture, Canadian local community life and gain experience for future internships and work. The Center has been committed to organizing and encouraging students to participate in different volunteer activities. On the weekend of March 17, five of our students (Suzy Zu Rui, Scott Wang Xiaolin, Ava Xu Jing, Gary Yuan Tingrui, and Elaine Zhao Yilei) participated in a volunteer activity recommended by the retired Applewood Heights Principal Marcel Giraldi. Our students spent a very pleasant 3 hours on administrative work and accumulated good work experience. The city of Mississauga will hold a marathon in May and is accepting applications from volunteers. The Centre strongly encourages the students to attend this event and will help the students duringthe application process. Students who haven't registered yet are encouraged to register as soon as possible.



Monthly Progress Report

We have always believed that student success is not possible unless everyone participates - and we believe that parents are avery important part of this team. We know it is difficult for parents and students to be studying more than 10,000 km. away from home, and despite this distance, we know that parents can be a tremendous help in ensuring the academic and social success of students here in Canada. Therefore, one of our primary goals here at the Centre is open, honest and frequent communication with parents. We have recently implemented a system of monthly reports which are completed on the 15th of each month. Each of the 4 dormitory leaders will send parents a report each month to inform them how their son/daughter is progressing in terms of responsibility, teamwork, academic preparation and caring for other members of the class. We also make a commitment each month to work side-by-side with your son/daughter to help them with their academic progress. We hope you will find this Monthly Progress Report helpful. If you have any questions about the report, please feel free to speak directly to your son's/daughter's House Leader and/or Paul or Scott.

我们一直认为,除非每个人都参与,否则学生的成功是不可能的- 我们相信父母是这个团队中非常重要的一部分。我们知道,学生在远离家庭1万公里以外的加拿大学习,对家长和学生双方都很艰难。尽管距离遥远,我们相信父母可以在确保加拿大学生的学术和社交成功方面提供巨大帮助。因此,我们在中心的主要目标之一是与家长开诚布公地开展沟通。最近,我们实施了每个月15号向家长汇报学生每月进步的报告制度。 4位宿舍老师每个月都会向家长发送一份报告,告知他们的儿子/女儿在责任、团队合作、学术准备和照顾班上其他同学方面的进展情况。我们还会每个月与您的儿子/女儿并肩作出承诺,帮助他们完成学业进程。我们希望你会发现这个每月进度报告很有帮助。如果您对报告有任何疑问,请随时直接与您儿子/女儿的宿舍老师,或者与Paul或Scott联系。

