
动态 | R3加入可信区块链推进计划

可信区块链 可信区块链推进计划 2019-11-09
近日,国际区块链公司R3加入可信区块链推进计划(Trusted Blockchain Initiatives,简称TBI),成为新晋理事单位。国际区块链联盟R3基于Corda平台,正在打造全球最大的金融区块链行业组织。可信区块链推进计划将与R3开展积极合作,共同致力于开发符合现有监管框架的区块链技术,分享区块链技术的最佳实践方式,促进我国区块链技术与国际行业组织的深入交流。


R3首席执行官David E. Rutter表示,”可信区块链推进计划致力于促进区块链技术的研究和应用,与R3自身的愿景高度契合,因为我们与监管机构密切合作,以确保区块链的承诺以可持续的方式实现。 我们很高兴成为可信区块链理事的成员之一,并期待在中国提供满足行业需求的解决方案。”





The international blockchain enterprise software firm R3 has been invited to join the Trusted Blockchain Initiatives (TBI) and become one of its new board members. 

Hundreds of businesses build their applications on R3’s Corda platform, which has unique scalability and is fully interoperable.

The TBI will work with R3 to develop blockchain technology that complies with the existing regulatory framework, which shares the best practices in blockchain technology, and has in-depth communication between Chinese blockchain technology and international industry organisations.

Wei Kai, Deputy Director of the Cloud Computing & Big Data Research Institute in China Academy of Information and Communications Technology (CAICT), and the Secretary-General of the Trusted Blockchain Initiatives comments: “I am confident in the establishment of a partnership between R3 and TBI. The TBI serves as a technology, industry, education, research, and policy service, all in one government industry innovation platform. It plays an important role in leading the development of Chinese blockchain technology and will continue to make positive contributions through international collaboration with China.

R3 CEO David E. Rutter said “The Trusted Blockchain Initiatives’ work to promote the research and application of blockchain technology mirrors R3’s own vision, as we work closely with regulators to ensure that the promise of blockchain is delivered in a sustainable way. We are excited to become one of TBI’s board members and look forward to delivering solutions to industry needs, in China and beyond”

About Trusted Blockchain Initiatives:

The Trusted Blockchain Initiatives, launched April 9, 2018, is an industrial cooperation mechanism established by the CAICT and is jointly initiated by domestic and foreign blockchain related enterprises and research institutions. The TBI aims to promote the core of blockchain as well as technical research and industry application. In addition to promoting the healthy development of the blockchain industry, the TBI develops credible blockchain standards and provides support for government decision-making. Since its establishment, the TBI have reached 339 members as well as 17 working groups who are establishing standards and evaluation, industry applications, policies and regulations, media groups, and international cooperation.

About R3:

R3 is an enterprise blockchain software firm working with a global ecosystem of more than 300 participants across multiple industries from both the private and public sectors to develop on Corda, its open-source blockchain platform, and Corda Enterprise, a commercial version of Corda for enterprise usage.

R3’s global team of over 200 professionals in 13 countries is supported by over 2,000 technology, financial, and legal experts drawn from its vibrant ecosystem. 

The Corda platform is already being used in industries from financial services to healthcare, shipping, insurance and more. It records, manages and executes institutions’ financial agreements in perfect synchrony with their peers, creating a world of frictionless commerce. Learn more at www.r3.com and www.corda.net.


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