American Economic Review
(Vol. 108 No. 10 October 2018)
[1] Learning from Others' Outcomes
Alexander Wolitzky
[2] Narrative Sign Restrictions for SVARs
Juan Antolín-Díaz and Juan F. Rubio-Ramírez
[3] Why Did the Democrats Lose the South? Bringing New Data to an Old Debate
Ilyana Kuziemko and Ebonya Washington
[4] Why Do Defaults Affect Behavior? Experimental Evidence from Afghanistan
Joshua Blumenstock; Michael Callen and Tarek Ghani
[5] Estimating Group Effects Using Averages of Observables to Control for Sorting on Unobservables: School and Neighborhood Effects
Joseph G. Altonji and Richard K. Mansfield
[6] Housing Booms and Busts, Labor Market Opportunities, and College Attendance
Kerwin Kofi Charles; Erik Hurst and Matthew J. Notowidigdo
[7] Medical Care Spending and Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from Workers' Compensation Reforms
David Powell and Seth Seabury
[8] Moved to Opportunity: The Long-Run Effects of Public Housing Demolition on Children
Eric Chyn
[9] Evaluating Strategic Forecasters
Rahul Deb, Mallesh M. Pai and Maher Said
[10] Testing Efficient Risk Sharing with Heterogeneous Risk Preferences: Comment
Aditya Shrinivas and Marcel Fafchamps
[11] Testing Efficient Risk Sharing with Heterogeneous Risk Preferences: Reply
Maurizio Mazzocco and Shiv Saini
Journal of Political Economy
(Volume 126, Number 5 | October 2018)
[1] A Schumpeterian Model of Top Income Inequality
Charles I. Jones; Jihee Kim
[2] Income and Consumption: A Micro Semistructural Analysis with Pervasive Heterogeneity
Sule Alan; Martin Browning; Mette Ejrnæs
[3] Fostering Patience in the Classroom: Results from Randomized Educational Intervention
Sule Alan; Seda Ertac
[4] Do Government Audits Reduce Corruption? Estimating the Impacts of Exposing Corrupt Politicians
Eric Avis; Claudio Ferraz; Frederico Finan
[5] Competitive Information Disclosure in Search Markets
Simon Board; Jay Lu
[6] Slow to Hire, Quick to Fire: Employment Dynamics with Asymmetric Responses to News
Cosmin Ilut; Matthias Kehrig; Martin Schneider
[7] What Do Test Scores Miss? The Importance of Teacher Effects on Non–Test Score Outcomes
C. Kirabo Jackson
[8] Making Corruption Harder: Asymmetric Information, Collusion, and Crime
Juan Ortner; Sylvain Chassang
[9] "No Hatred or Malice, Fear or Affection": Media and Sentencing
Arnaud Philippe; Aurélie Ouss
The Quarterly Journal of Economics
(Volume 133, Issue 4, November 2018)
[1] Global Evidence on Economic Preferences
Armin Falk; Anke Becker; Thomas Dohmen; Benjamin Enke; David Huffman; Uwe Sunde
[2] Excess Sensitivity of High-Income Consumers
Lorenz Kueng
[3] What do Exporters Know?
Michael J Dickstein; Eduardo Morales
[4] Marginal Tax Rates and Income: New Time Series Evidence
Karel Mertens; José Luis Montiel Olea
[5] Racial Bias in Bail Decisions
David Arnold; Will Dobbie; Crystal S Yang
[6] The Elusive Costs of Inflation: Price Dispersion during the U.S. Great Inflation
Emi Nakamura; Jón Steinsson; Patrick Sun; Daniel Villar
[7] Political Advertising and Election Results
Jörg L Spenkuch; David Toniatti
[8] Religious Competition and Reallocation: the Political Economy of Secularization in the Protestant Reformation
Davide Cantoni; Jeremiah Dittmar; Noam Yuchtman
[9] Missed Sales and the Pricing of Ancillary Goods
Renato Gomes; Jean Tirole
[10] Should Buyers or Sellers Organize Trade in a Frictional Market?
Shouyong Shi; Alain Delacroix
Management Sciences
(Volume 64, Issue 10, October 2018)
[1] Patient Triage and Prioritization Under Austere Conditions
Zhankun Sun; Nilay Tanık Argon; Serhan Ziya
[2] Catastrophe Aversion and Risk Equity in an Interdependent World
Carole Bernard; Christoph M. Rheinberger; Nicolas Treich
[3] Death, Bereavement, and Creativity
Kathryn Graddy, Carl Lieberman
[4] Hormonal Contraceptives Do Not Impact Economic Preferences: Evidence from a Randomized Trial
Eva Ranehill; Niklas Zethraeus; Liselott Blomberg; Bo von Schoultz; Angelica Lindén Hirschberg; Magnus Johannesson; Anna Dreber
[5] Strategy and the Strategist: How It Matters Who Develops the Strategy
Eric Van den Steen
[6] Incentives and Ratcheting in a Multiproduct Firm: A Field Experiment
Francisco Brahm; Joaquin Poblete
[7] Dynamic Pricing Under Debt: Spiraling Distortions and Efficiency Losses
Omar Besbes; Dan A. Iancu; Nikolaos Trichakis
[8] Procurement Policies for Mobile-Promotion Platforms
Manmohan Aseri; Milind Dawande; Ganesh Janakiraman; Vijay Mookerjee
[9] User-Generated Content and Competing Firms’ Product Design
Young Kwark; Jianqing Chen; Srinivasan Raghunathan
[10] The Value of Multidimensional Rating Systems: Evidence from a Natural Experiment and Randomized Experiments
Pei-Yu Chen; Yili Hong; Ying Liu
[11] Privacy Protection, Personalized Medicine, and Genetic Testing
Amalia R. Miller; Catherine Tucker
[12] High-Powered Performance Pay and Crowding Out of Nonmonetary Motives
David Huffman; Michael Bognanno
[13] Decentralized Clearing in Financial Networks
Péter Csóka; P. Jean-Jacques Herings
[14] Discrete Nonlinear Optimization by State-Space Decompositions
David Bergman; Andre A. Cire
[15] Embedding Formulations and Complexity for Unions of Polyhedra
Juan Pablo Vielma
[16] Board Structure Mandates: Consequences for Director Location and Financial Reporting
Zinat S. Alam; Mark A. Chen; Conrad S. Ciccotello; Harley E. Ryan Jr.
[17] Two-Sided Reputation in Certification Markets
Matthieu Bouvard; Raphaël Levy
[18] The Dynamics of Borrower Reputation Following Financial Misreporting
Sudheer Chava; Kershen Huang; Shane A. Johnson
[19] A Theory of Corporate Boards and Forced CEO Turnover
Thomas J. Chemmanur; Viktar Fedaseyeu
[20] Return to Invested Capital and the Performance of Mergers and Acquisitions
Jun “QJ” Qian; Julie Lei Zhu
[21] Financial Regulatory Reform After the Crisis: An Assessment
Darrell Duffie
[22] Corporate Cash Hoarding: The Role of Just-in-Time Adoption
Xiaodan Gao
[23] Post-Earnings-Announcement Drift and the Return Predictability of Earnings Levels: One Effect or Two?
Asad Kausar
[24] Supporting Tax Policy Change Through Accounting Discretion: Evidence from the 2012 Elections
Vishal P. Baloria; Kenneth J. Klassen
[25] Do Compensation Consultants Enable Higher CEO Pay? A Disclosure Rule Change as a Separating Device
Jenny Chu; Jonathan Faasse; P. Raghavendra Rau
[26] Automated Earnings Forecasts: Beat Analysts or Combine and Conquer?
Ryan T. Ball; Eric Ghysels
[27] Prehire Screening and Subjective Performance Evaluations
Bin R. Chen; Sanxi Li
Journal of Economic Geography
(Volume 18, Issue 5, September 2018)
[1] The business of location: site selection consultants and the mobilisation of knowledge in the location decision
Nicholas A Phelps; Andrew M Wood
[2] The local, the global and the industry common: the case of the video game industry
Patrick Cohendet; David Grandadam; Chahira Mehouachi; Laurent Simon
[3] Knowledge integrators and the survival of manufacturing clusters
Giulio Buciuni; Gary Pisano
[4] A tale of two distances: a study of technological distance, geographic distance and multilocation firms
Shixiang Wang; Minyuan Zhao
[5] Subsidiary development of new technologies: managing technological changes in multinational and geographic space
Anupama Phene; Stephen Tallman
[6] Chinese and Indian MNEs’ shopping spree in advanced countries. How good is it for their innovative output?
Vito Amendolagine; Elisa Giuliani; Arianna Martinelli; Roberta Rabellotti
[7] Innovation in risky markets: ownership and location advantages in the UK regions
Luisa Gagliardi; Simona Iammarino
责任编辑:王小军 易娜 张茜茜 谢蒙利
张晶飞 马龙
推文审核:张天舒 梁龙武 骆丹云
总 审 核:学术无界顾问团
Social Connectedness: Measurement, Determinants, and Effects