

学术无界 学术无界 2023-10-24


Energy Economics是是一份1979年发行的学术期刊,是能源经济学和能源金融领域的重要期刊内容涵盖与能源有关的经济模式和经济概论。期刊被SSCI收录,影响因子5.203(2019),分区排名:Economics, 11/373, Q1。

本期期卷:Volume 105

发表日期:January 2022




目     录


On the co-evolution of PM2.5 concentrations and income in China: A joint distribution dynamics approach

中国 PM 2.5浓度与收入的共同演化:一种联合分布动力学方法

Jian-Xin Wu, Ling-Yun He, ZhongXiang Zhang



Is smart transportation associated with reduced carbon emissions? The case of China


Congyu Zhao, Kun Wang, Xiucheng Dong, Kangyin Dong



Do energy policies bring about corporate overinvestment? Empirical evidence from Chinese listed companies


Dongyang Zhang, Qunxi Kong



Does economic growth stimulate energy consumption? The role of human capital and R&D expenditures in China


Muhammad Shahbaz, Malin Song, Shabbir Ahmad, Xuan Vinh Vo



Intolerance predicts climate skepticism


Alva Johansson, Niclas Berggren, Therese Nilsson



Renewable versus nonrenewable energy for Canada in a free trade agreement with China


Henry Thompson, Hugo Toledo



The asymmetric effects of oil price shocks on the U.S. stock market


Sajjadur Rahman



Green investments: A luxury good or a financial necessity?


Imran Yousaf, Muhammad Tahir Suleman, Riza Demirer



Historical carbon abatement in the commercial building operation: China versus the US


Shufan Zhang, Minda Ma, Kai Li, Zhili Ma, ... Weiguang Cai



Assessing the impact of industrial robots on manufacturing energy intensity in 38 countries

评估工业机器人对 38 个国家制造业能源强度的影响

En-Ze Wang, Chien-Chiang Lee, Yaya Li



The real economic costs of COVID-19: Insights from electricity consumption data in Hunan Province, China

COVID-19 的实际经济成本:来自中国湖南省用电量数据的见解

Hongshan Ai, Tenglong Zhong, Zhengqing Zhou



The effect of foreign investment on Asian coal power plants


Qinrui Xiahou, Cecilia Han Springer, Robert Mendelsohn



Estimating the impact of energy efficiency on housing prices in Germany: Does regional disparity matter?


Lisa Taruttis, Christoph Weber



Burn or let them bury? The net social cost of producing district heating from imported waste


Thomas Broberg, Elbert Dijkgraaf, Sef Meens-Eriksson



Energy transition, intensity growth, and policy evolution: Evidence from rural China


Shu Wu, Hongyun Han



The capital market responses to new energy vehicle (NEV) subsidies: An event study on China


Chang Liu, Yuan Liu, Dayong Zhang, Chunping Xie



Risk aversion in multilevel electricity market models with different congestion pricing regimes


Mirjam Ambrosius, Jonas Egerer, Veronika Grimm, Adriaan H. van der Weijde



Assessing the business interruption costs from power outages in China


Hao Chen, Haobo Yan, Kai Gong, Haopeng Geng, Xiao-Chen Yuan



Adding fuel to human capital: Exploring the educational effects of cooking fuel choice from rural India


Shreya Biswas, Upasak Das



Won’t Get Fooled Again: A supervised machine learning approach for screening gasoline cartels


Douglas Silveira, Silvinha Vasconcelos, Marcelo Resende, Daniel O. Cajueiro



On the co-evolution of PM2.5 concentrations and income in China: A joint distribution dynamics approach

中国 PM 2.5浓度与收入的共同演化:一种联合分布动力学方法

Jian-Xin Wu, Ling-Yun He, ZhongXiang Zhang


This paper examines the long-run relationship between income and PM2.5 concentrations using a joint distribution dynamics approach. This approach is applied to a unique panel data of PM2.5 concentrations and income for 285 Chinese cities over the period 2000–2018. Both static and dynamic distribution analyses show that poverty-environment trap exists in terms of PM2.5 concentrations among Chinese prefectural and above (PAA) level cities. However, this effect cannot be observed between income and other two pollutants (SO2 and CO2 emissions). The analyses indicate that multiple equilibria are the major characteristics in the long-run relationship between income and PM2.5 concentrations in China. Thus, new environmental models are expected to be developed to explain this new stylized fact. The findings provide strong support for taking more aggressive measures that consider income and urban environment simultaneously to reduce poverty and air pollutions together in the Chinese cities.

摘 要

我们将监督机器学习技术与汽油价格分布的统计时刻相结合,以检测巴西零售市场中的卡特尔。标准差、变异系数、价差、偏度和峰度是有助于识别和预测反竞争市场行为的预测因子。我们评估每个分类器并讨论与假阳性(当卡特尔不存在时检测卡特尔)和假阴性(当卡特尔确实存在时不检测卡特尔)预测相关的权衡。竞争管理机构需要有效监控并经常预测卡特尔运动。考虑到这一点,我们在新数据集中测试算法的性能(事前筛选)。我们的结果表明,当主要目标是尽量减少假阳性预测时,假阴性结果会急剧增加。模型在同城测试和预测卡特尔的总体平均得分率为 96.22%。当我们在一个城市训练算法并预测其他城市的卡特尔结果时,平均而言,总体得分率等于 73.75%。我们的工作表明机器学习分类器具有积极的属性,可以为卡特尔的威慑提供有价值的贡献。此外,我们为反垄断当局提供了关于在零售汽油市场中抑制串通协议的积极工具的利弊的政策处方讨论。我们的工作表明机器学习分类器具有积极的属性,可以为卡特尔的威慑提供有价值的贡献。此外,我们为反垄断当局提供了关于在零售汽油市场中抑制串通协议的积极工具的利弊的政策处方讨论。我们的工作表明机器学习分类器具有积极的属性,可以为卡特尔的威慑提供有价值的贡献。此外,我们为反垄断当局提供了关于在零售汽油市场中抑制串通协议的积极工具的利弊的政策处方讨论。


Is smart transportation associated with reduced carbon emissions? The case of China


Congyu Zhao, Kun Wang, Xiucheng Dong, Kangyin Dong


 The greenhouse effects of the transportation sector are quite significant as the sector essentially consumes a lot of fossil fuels. To reduce this sector's carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and achieve carbon neutrality, developing smart transportation has emerged as a promising approach. Accordingly, by employing spatial econometric models, we study the impact of smart transportation on CO2 emissions in China. For this purpose, we first assess smart transportation levels in the 30 Chinese provinces for the period 2002–2017. The results indicate that the overall level of smart transportation displays a significant upward trend, and regional heterogeneity exists. Also, a significant spatial spillover effect is found between smart transportation and CO2 emissions in China, implying that a province's carbon mitigation not only depends on the development of its own smart transportation, but also on that of neighboring provinces. Smart transportation can inhibit the CO2 emissions significantly in not only the transportation but also non-transportation sectors. Furthermore, in addition to the direct mitigation effect, smart transportation can also indirectly affect CO2 emissions through transportation scale, structure, and technology effects. The findings of this paper therefore add to the existing literature and provide important policy implications for promoting smart transportation and curbing CO2 emissions in the transportation and other sectors.

摘 要

运输部门的温室效应非常显着,因为该部门基本上消耗了大量的化石燃料。为了减少该行业的二氧化碳(CO 2)排放并实现碳中和,发展智能交通已成为一种有前途的方法。因此,通过采用空间计量经济学模型,我们研究了智能交通对中国CO 2排放的影响。为此,我们首先评估了 2002-2017 年中国 30 个省份的智能交通水平。结果表明,智慧交通整体水平呈现明显上升趋势,存在区域异质性。此外,智能交通与CO 2之间存在显着的空间溢出效应中国的碳排放量,意味着一个省份的碳减排不仅取决于本省智能交通的发展,还取决于周边省份的发展。智能交通不仅可以显着抑制交通领域的CO 2排放,还可以显着抑制非交通领域的CO 2 排放。此外,智慧交通除了直接减缓效应外,还可以通过交通规模效应、结构效应和技术效应间接影响CO 2排放。因此,本文的研究结果补充了现有文献,并为促进智能交通和遏制交通和其他部门的CO 2排放提供了重要的政策意义。


Do energy policies bring about corporate overinvestment? Empirical evidence from Chinese listed companies


Dongyang Zhang, Qunxi Kong


 In an era of profound changes in the global economic and industrial landscape, the ability of renewable energy policies to create new growth drivers is critical to achieving China's economic recovery in the post-COVID-19 period. Consequently, this paper empirically examines whether renewable energy policies bring about corporate overinvestment. Using corporate investment data and hand-curated information on energy firms from Chinese listed companies from 2007 to 2018, the results show that implementing renewable energy policies causes firms to overinvest. Renewable energy investment is more of a government-led industrial policy, reflecting how local governments increase their degree of intervention in firm investment, leading to overinvestment and better short-term firm performance. However, in the long run, the overinvestment encouraged by renewable energy policies will more negatively impact the economic performance of state-owned enterprises (SOEs). Moreover, when economic policy uncertainty is high, renewable energy policies can lead to a more pronounced tendency for firms to overinvest. Despite this trend, renewable energy policies do not significantly increase the likelihood of overinvestment among firms with high state-owned or equity concentration but instead allow firm operators to make more rational investment decisions. Thus, the government should formulate policies to regulate the investment process of enterprises and avoid distorting their investment behavior when providing financial support and preferential policies.

摘 要

在全球经济和产业格局发生深刻变化的时代,可再生能源政策创造新增长动力的能力对于实现后COVID-19时期中国经济复苏至关重要。因此,本文实证检验了可再生能源政策是否会导致企业过度投资。使用 2007 年至 2018 年中国上市公司能源公司的企业投资数据和手工整理的信息,结果表明,实施可再生能源政策会导致企业过度投资。可再生能源投资更多是政府主导的产业政策,反映了地方政府如何加大对企业投资的干预力度,从而导致过度投资和企业短期业绩较好。然而,从长远来看,可再生能源政策鼓励的过度投资将对国有企业(SOEs)的经济表现产生更大的负面影响。此外,当经济政策不确定性很高时,可再生能源政策可能导致企业过度投资的趋势更加明显。尽管有这种趋势,可再生能源政策并没有显着增加国有或股权集中度高的企业过度投资的可能性,而是让企业运营商做出更理性的投资决策。因此,政府在提供金融支持和优惠政策时,应制定政策规范企业投资过程,避免扭曲企业投资行为。当经济政策的不确定性很高时,可再生能源政策可能导致企业过度投资的趋势更加明显。尽管有这种趋势,可再生能源政策并没有显着增加国有或股权集中度高的企业过度投资的可能性,而是让企业运营商做出更理性的投资决策。因此,政府在提供金融支持和优惠政策时,应制定政策规范企业投资过程,避免扭曲企业投资行为。当经济政策的不确定性很高时,可再生能源政策可能导致企业过度投资的趋势更加明显。尽管有这种趋势,可再生能源政策并没有显着增加国有或股权集中度高的企业过度投资的可能性,而是让企业运营商做出更理性的投资决策。因此,政府在提供金融支持和优惠政策时,应制定政策规范企业投资过程,避免扭曲企业投资行为。可再生能源政策不会显着增加国有或股权高度集中的公司过度投资的可能性,而是允许公司经营者做出更理性的投资决策。因此,政府在提供金融支持和优惠政策时,应制定政策规范企业投资过程,避免扭曲企业投资行为。可再生能源政策不会显着增加国有或股权高度集中的公司过度投资的可能性,而是允许公司经营者做出更理性的投资决策。因此,政府在提供金融支持和优惠政策时,应制定政策规范企业投资过程,避免扭曲企业投资行为。


Does economic growth stimulate energy consumption? The role of human capital and R&D expenditures in China


Muhammad Shahbaz, Malin Song, Shabbir Ahmad, Xuan Vinh Vo


This study evaluates the link between human capital, energy consumption, and economic growth using data for the Chinese economy from 1971 to 2018. To test the cointegration relationship between disaggregated energy, human capital, and economic growth, a bounds testing approach is applied by taking the structural breaks into consideration. The estimated results confirm that these variables are integrated. Further, human capital accumulation has a statistically significant negative effect on all types of energy consumption. We note a positive link between energy usage and economic growth. However, a significant negative relationship is found between R&D expenditures, and energy consumption. The results also show a one-way causal effect of human capital on all forms of energy consumption. However, the association between economic growth, dirty energy usage, and clean energy usage remains interdependent, indicating a feedback effect. Further, energy consumption and R&D exhibit bidirectional causal relationship.

摘 要

本研究使用 1971 年至 2018 年的中国经济数据评估人力资本、能源消耗和经济增长之间的联系。为了检验分解的能源、人力资本和经济增长之间的协整关系,采用边界检验方法,采用考虑到结构性突破。估计结果证实这些变量是综合的。此外,人力资本积累对所有类型的能源消耗都有统计学上显着的负面影响。我们注意到能源使用与经济增长之间存在积极联系。然而,研发支出与能源消耗之间存在显着的负相关关系。结果还显示了人力资本对所有形式的能源消耗的单向因果影响。然而,经济增长之间的关联,肮脏的能源使用和清洁能源的使用仍然相互依存,表明存在反馈效应。此外,能源消耗和研发表现出双向因果关系。


Intolerance predicts climate skepticism


Alva Johansson, Niclas Berggren, Therese Nilsson


While there is almost unanimous consent among scientists that climate change is real and has detrimental consequences, there is a sizable number of people who are skeptical towards these propositions and who are not worried by climate change. In an attempt to understand the basis of climate skepticism, we look at the role of intolerance, a culturally transmitted attitude to the effect that people with certain characteristics are not to be respected. The theoretical link from intolerance to climate skepticism is driven by two elements: insufficient or biased knowledge formation and a value of not caring very much about the welfare of others. Our empirical analysis confirms that intolerance on the basis of race, ethnicity, immigration status, religion or sexual orientation predicts climate skepticism. By using the epidemiological method, relating the views on climate change of second-generation immigrants in Europe to cultural values in their countries of origin, we are able to rule out reverse causality – a novelty in the literature trying to explain climate skepticism. To get a feeling for the importance of intolerance, an increase in the share who are intolerant towards people of a different race in the individual's country of origin by 10 percentage points implies a reduced probability of the individual considering the consequences of climate change extremely bad of 4.3 percentage points (21.5%). An important implication of our findings is that to influence climate skeptics, it may be necessary to go beyond argumentation about the facts as such and to find ways to affect more basic individual characteristics.

摘 要

尽管科学家们几乎一致同意气候变化是真实存在的并且会产生有害后果,但仍有相当多的人对这些主张持怀疑态度,并且并不担心气候变化。为了理解气候怀疑论的基础,我们着眼于不容忍的作用,这是一种文化传播的态度,大意是不尊重具有某些特征的人。从不容忍到气候怀疑论的理论联系是由两个因素驱动的:知识形成不足或有偏见,以及不太关心他人福利的价值观。我们的实证分析证实,基于种族、民族、移民身份、宗教或性取向的不容忍预示着对气候的怀疑。通过使用流行病学方法,将欧洲第二代移民对气候变化的观点与其原籍国的文化价值观联系起来,我们能够排除反向因果关系——这是试图解释气候怀疑论的文献中的新奇事物。为了感受不容忍的重要性,在个人原籍国对不同种族的人不容忍的比例增加 10 个百分点意味着个人考虑气候变化后果的可能性非常糟糕4.3 个百分点(21.5%)。我们的研究结果的一个重要含义是,为了影响气候怀疑论者,可能有必要超越对事实本身的争论,并找到影响更基本的个人特征的方法。


Renewable versus nonrenewable energy for Canada in a free trade agreement with China


Henry Thompson, Hugo Toledo


This paper predicts the adjustments in energy sources in Canada entering a free trade agreement FTA with China in an applied specific factors model including agriculture, manufacturing, services, and nonrenewable energy sectors. FTA price change scenarios lead to adjustments in sector outputs and capital returns, wages for five skill groups, and the price of electricity. Electricity is tied to renewable energy and treated as a factor of production. Increases in outputs, capital returns, and wages gains are offset by declines in manufacturing and the operator-handler wage. The declining demand for electricity will favor the nonrenewable sector over renewable energy.

摘 要

本文采用包括农业、制造业、服务业和不可再生能源部门在内的应用特定因素模型,预测了加拿大与中国签署自由贸易协定 FTA 的能源调整。FTA 价格变化情景导致部门产出和资本回报、五个技能组的工资和电价的调整。电力与可再生能源相关联,并被视为生产要素。产出、资本回报和工资收益的增加被制造业和操作员工资的下降所抵消。电力需求的下降将有利于不可再生能源部门,而不是可再生能源。


The asymmetric effects of oil price shocks on the U.S. stock market


Sajjadur Rahman


In this paper, we investigate the asymmetric relation between the price of crude oil and U.S. aggregate real stock returns. In doing so, we estimate a nonlinear bivariate structural vector autoregression that includes the effects of oil price volatility on stock returns. We use the estimates of our nonlinear model to calculate the responses of stock returns to unexpected increases and decreases in prices of crude oil and conduct a test of symmetry on these responses. In contrast to the existing literature, we find that aggregate returns respond asymmetrically to positive and negative oil price shocks, and oil price volatility plays a major role in asymmetries by having a negative effect on stock returns. Our empirical results hold in case of disaggregate returns, after reestimating our nonlinear bivariate model with the returns of various industries.

摘 要



Green investments: A luxury good or a financial necessity?


Imran Yousaf, Muhammad Tahir Suleman, Riza Demirer


This study examines the diversification and hedging benefits of green investments for conventional stock portfolios in the context of the recent COVID-19 pandemic. While the findings confirm the status of gold as a strong hedge against stock market downturns, we find that clean energy investments, green bonds, in particular, have the potential to serve as a safe haven as well. In fact, compared to the other alternative and sustainable investments in our sample, green bonds are found to be the only asset that serves as a safe haven against large stock market fluctuations due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Portfolio analysis further shows that supplementing conventional stock portfolios with green bonds during the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in the highest risk-adjusted returns, compared to those supplemented with other alternative assets in the sample. Our findings support the emergence of green investments not as a luxury good, but a necessity for improved financial stability and performance, particularly during the turbulent market states driven by the recent pandemic.

摘 要

本研究探讨了在最近 COVID-19 大流行的背景下,绿色投资对传统股票投资组合的多样化和对冲收益。虽然研究结果证实了黄金作为对股市低迷的强大对冲工具的地位,但我们发现清洁能源投资,尤其是绿色债券,也有可能成为避风港。事实上,与我们样本中的其他替代和可持续投资相比,绿色债券被认为是唯一能够抵御因 COVID-19 大流行而导致股市大幅波动的避风港资产。投资组合分析进一步表明,与样本中补充其他替代资产的投资组合相比,在 COVID-19 大流行期间用绿色债券补充传统股票投资组合会产生最高的风险调整回报。


Historical carbon abatement in the commercial building operation: China versus the US


Shufan Zhang, Minda Ma, Kai Li, Zhili Ma, ... Weiguang Cai


Building is the “last mile” sector in carbon neutrality transition, and commercial buildings have the largest decarbonization potential using current strategies and technologies. This study focused on China and the United States (US) to assess carbon-dioxide (CO2) abatement in commercial building operations at different emission scales and investigate the carbon abatement efficiency of the two countries from 2001 to 2018. The results show that: (i) Economic efficiency and energy intensity are key to reducing CO2 intensity in Chinese and American commercial buildings, respectively; (ii) Generally, CO2 abatement efficiency in China was 1.1–1.9 times that of the US, although CO2 abatement in China and the US in 2001–2018 was close [China: 1451.89 (±549.05) mega-tons of CO2, US: 1929.84 (±757.36) mega-tons of CO2]; (iii) Ridge regression tested the robustness of CO2 abatement results of the assessment model successfully. Furthermore, the study mapped paths for energy efficiency improvement in commercial buildings in China and the US to explore the strategy that best decarbonizes buildings. Overall, this study covers the research gap on a carbon abatement assessment tool for different economies or regions to compare the historical carbon abatement features on building operation.

摘 要

建筑是碳中和转型的“最后一英里”部门,商业建筑在利用当前战略和技术的情况下具有最大的脱碳潜力。本研究以中国和美国 (US) 为重点,评估不同排放规模的商业建筑运营中的二氧化碳 (CO 2 ) 减排情况,并调查两国 2001 年至 2018 年的碳减排效率。结果表明:(i) 经济效率和能源强度分别是降低中国和美国商业建筑中CO 2强度的关键;(ii) 中国的CO 2减排效率一般是美国的1.1-1.9倍,虽然CO 22001-2018年中国和美国的减排量接近[中国:1451.89(±549.05)兆吨CO 2,美国:1929.84(±757.36)兆吨CO 2 ];(iii)岭回归成功地检验了评估模型的CO 2减排结果的稳健性。此外,该研究还绘制了中国和美国商业建筑能效提升路径,以探索最佳的建筑脱碳战略。总体而言,本研究涵盖了针对不同经济体或地区的碳减排评估工具的研究空白,以比较建筑运营的历史碳减排特征。


Assessing the impact of industrial robots on manufacturing energy intensity in 38 countries

评估工业机器人对 38 个国家制造业能源强度的影响

En-Ze Wang, Chien-Chiang Lee, Yaya Li


Considering the continuing slowdown of the improvement in energy intensity around the world, it is essential to seek a more effective measure to address the dilemma of energy and sustainable development. To this end, this research attempts to provide fresh insight into the determinants of energy intensity from the perspective of industrial robots and an industry-based view. By applying the dynamic panel GMM estimate methodology to a new data panel that includes 38 countries and 17 manufacturing sectors, this study provides the first comprehensive assessment of the use of industrial robots on manufacturing energy intensity. We found that industrial robots could significantly improve manufacturing energy intensity, and our hypotheses passed a series of robustness tests. Moreover, this improvement effect works through the technology improvement effect and technological complement effect between industrial robots and labor. Finally, we found a heterogeneous nexus exists between industrial robots and manufacturing energy intensity. Specifically, industrial robots can exert influence on non-renewable energy intensity rather than renewable energy intensity. Compared to capital-intensive sectors, we found that the use of industrial robots mainly affected labor-intensive sectors. We also found that Industry 4.0 could promote the improvement effects of industrial robots on manufacturing energy intensity.

摘 要

考虑到全球能源强度改善的持续放缓,寻求更有效的措施来解决能源与可持续发展的困境至关重要。为此,本研究试图从工业机器人的角度和基于行业的观点对能源强度的决定因素提供新的见解。通过将动态面板 GMM 估计方法应用于包括 38 个国家和 17 个制造业部门的新数据面板,本研究首次全面评估了工业机器人对制造业能源强度的使用。我们发现工业机器人可以显着提高制造能源强度,我们的假设通过了一系列稳健性测试。而且,这种改进效应通过工业机器人与劳动力之间的技术改进效应和技术互补效应发挥作用。最后,我们发现工业机器人和制造能源强度之间存在异质关系。具体来说,工业机器人可以对不可再生能源强度而不是可再生能源强度产生影响。与资本密集型行业相比,我们发现工业机器人的使用主要影响劳动密集型行业。我们还发现,工业 4.0 可以促进工业机器人对制造能源强度的改善效果。工业机器人可以对不可再生能源强度而不是可再生能源强度产生影响。与资本密集型行业相比,我们发现工业机器人的使用主要影响劳动密集型行业。我们还发现,工业 4.0 可以促进工业机器人对制造能源强度的改善效果。工业机器人可以对不可再生能源强度而不是可再生能源强度产生影响。与资本密集型行业相比,我们发现工业机器人的使用主要影响劳动密集型行业。我们还发现,工业 4.0 可以促进工业机器人对制造能源强度的改善效果。


The real economic costs of COVID-19: Insights from electricity consumption data in Hunan Province, China

COVID-19 的实际经济成本:来自中国湖南省用电量数据的见解

Hongshan Ai, Tenglong Zhong, Zhengqing Zhou


The COVID-19 pandemic has caused extreme economic fluctuations. However, the magnitude of the economic cost of this extreme event remains challenging to quantify. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the economy is estimated through firm-level electricity consumption data from Hunan province, China. Specifically, a difference-in-differences (DID) model was employed to estimate the real economic costs. The results indicate that electricity consumption in Hunan Province dropped by 27.8% during the early stage of the COVID-19 pandemic. Manufacturing and the transportation industry suffered the most severe declines. Electricity consumption began to recover after the virus was controlled. We suggest that government departments should take full measures to prevent and control COVID-19 outbreaks and associated economic impacts, in conjunction with preparing for economic recovery, deploying targeted measures to support different industries in response to the heterogeneity COVID-19 pandemic impacts. The COVID-19 has changed people's living habits and brought a new direction, the Internet industry, of economic growth. Hunan Province needs to accelerate the digital empowerment of traditional industries, develop the Internet, 5G technology, and new digital infrastructure to offset the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Electricity consumption is an applicable index in estimate the real economic cost of extreme events.

摘 要

COVID-19 大流行造成了极端的经济波动。然而,这一极端事件的经济成本规模仍然难以量化。COVID-19 大流行对经济的影响是通过中国湖南省的企业级用电量数据估算的。具体而言,采用差异中的差异(DID)模型来估计实际经济成本。结果表明,在 COVID-19 大流行初期,湖南省的用电量下降了 27.8%。制造业和运输业的跌幅最为严重。疫情得到控制后,用电量开始恢复。我们建议政府部门应采取全面措施预防和控制 COVID-19 的爆发和相关的经济影响,在为经济复苏做准备的同时,部署有针对性的措施来支持不同的行业,以应对 COVID-19 大流行的异质性影响。COVID-19 改变了人们的生活习惯,并带来了新的经济增长方向——互联网行业。湖南省需要加快传统产业的数字化赋能,发展互联网、5G技术和新的数字基础设施,以抵消COVID-19大流行的负面影响。用电量是估算极端事件实际经济成本的适用指标。的经济增长。湖南省需要加快传统产业的数字化赋能,发展互联网、5G技术和新的数字基础设施,以抵消COVID-19大流行的负面影响。用电量是估算极端事件实际经济成本的适用指标。的经济增长。湖南省需要加快传统产业的数字化赋能,发展互联网、5G技术和新的数字基础设施,以抵消COVID-19大流行的负面影响。用电量是估算极端事件实际经济成本的适用指标。


The effect of foreign investment on Asian coal power plants


Qinrui Xiahou, Cecilia Han Springer, Robert Mendelsohn


Asia has built 90% of new coal-fired capacity worldwide in the past 20 years, attracting billions of dollars of foreign investment. This paper explores how such foreign investment has affected the environmental performance of a set of 2108 Asian coal power plants. The findings suggest that foreign-funded power plants are on average 3.4% cleaner in terms of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions intensity than their domestically funded counterparts, with an effect that varies by foreign country, from 8.9% cleaner (South Korea) to 2.0% dirtier (Russia). Better technology (heat rate) explains 96% of this improved environmental performance, while cleaner coal (emission factor) explains the remaining 4%. The environmental performance of foreign-funded coal power plants has only a negligible spillover effect on the performance of domestically funded plants. Although foreign investment slightly reduces CO2 emissions per unit of electricity, overall, it increases global reliance on coal, thus undermining global ambitions to curb greenhouse gases.

摘 要

在过去的 20 年里,亚洲新建了全球 90% 的燃煤发电能力,吸引了数十亿美元的外国投资。本文探讨了此类外国投资如何影响一组 2108 座亚洲燃煤电厂的环境绩效。研究结果表明,外资电厂的二氧化碳排放量(CO 2) 排放强度高于国内资助的同行,其影响因外国而异,从清洁 8.9%(韩国)到污染 2.0%(俄罗斯)。更好的技术(热耗率)解释了 96% 的环境绩效改善,而清洁煤(排放因子)解释了剩下的 4%。外资燃煤电厂的环保绩效对内资电厂的绩效只有微不足道的溢出效应。尽管外国投资略微减少了每单位电力的 CO 2排放量,但总体而言,它增加了全球对煤炭的依赖,从而削弱了全球遏制温室气体排放的雄心。


Estimating the impact of energy efficiency on housing prices in Germany: Does regional disparity matter?


Lisa Taruttis, Christoph Weber


The German government is aiming for a climate-neutral building stock before 2050 to meet the defined goals of the Climate Action Plan 2050. Increasing the building stock's energy efficiency is therefore a high priority, and investments by private homeowners will greatly influence this, as around 46.5% of German homes are owner-occupied. To identify the possible monetary benefits of investments in energy retrofits, we investigate whether energy efficiency is reflected in the property values of German single-family homes. Therefore, we examine potential heterogeneous effects across regions. With 422,242 individual observations on a 1 km2-grid level from 2014 to 2018, this study adds to the extant literature by 1) examining the energy efficiency effect on housing values for the entire country and specifically investigating regional disparities in this context, and 2) estimating an energy efficiency value-to-cost ratio to compare housing values' increase with initial investment costs and future energy cost savings. Applying hedonic analysis, we find a positive relationship between energy efficiency and asking prices. If energy efficiency increases by 100 kWh/m2a, prices increase by 6.9% on average. We also find evidence for regional disparities. The effects are significantly weaker in large cities than in other urban areas, whereas the impact in rural regions is much stronger. According to this, housing shortage and higher purchasing power per capita were identified as drivers for low energy efficiency premiums. Finally, there is evidence that about 98% of future energy cost savings are already reflected in a higher housing value under myopic expectations regarding future energy prices.

摘 要

德国政府的目标是在 2050 年之前实现气候中和的建筑存量,以满足 2050 年气候行动计划的既定目标。因此,提高建筑存量的能源效率是当务之急,私人房主的投资将对此产生重大影响,例如46.5% 的德国房屋是自住的。为了确定能源改造投资可能带来的金钱收益,我们调查了能源效率是否反映在德国单户住宅的财产价值中。因此,我们检查了跨地区的潜在异质效应。在 1 km 2上进行 422,242 次个人观测- 从 2014 年到 2018 年的电网水平,本研究通过 1)检查能源效率对整个国家的住房价值的影响,并在此背景下专门调查区域差异,以及 2)估计能源效率价值,从而增加了现有文献成本比率,用于比较住房价值的增加与初始投资成本和未来能源成本节约。应用特征分析,我们发现能源效率和要价之间存在正相关关系。如果能效提高 100 kWh/m 2a、价格平均上涨6.9%。我们还发现了地区差异的证据。大城市的影响明显弱于其他城市地区,而农村地区的影响要强得多。据此,住房短缺和较高的人均购买力被确定为低能效溢价的驱动因素。最后,有证据表明,在对未来能源价格的短视预期下,约 98% 的未来能源成本节约已经反映在更高的住房价值上。


Burn or let them bury? The net social cost of producing district heating from imported waste


Thomas Broberg, Elbert Dijkgraaf, Sef Meens-Eriksson


In this study, a net social cost framework is applied to provide insights on policy issues relating to the cross-border trade in waste fuel. We estimate the net social cost of using imported waste fuel in a highly efficient combined heat and power plant (CHP) in a cold climate by considering both private costs and benefits as well as external costs related to energy production, alternative waste management and fuel transport. We conclude that using imported waste fuel is beneficial from a societal perspective compared to using biofuel, given the wide range of assumptions regarding technical, economic and environmental characteristics. The net social cost is mainly determined by fuel cost advantages and the external cost of greenhouse gas emissions. External costs associated with transports only marginally impact the net social cost of waste imports for incineration. The results are robust to variation in the excess heat utilisation rate, which implies that importing waste for incineration would also be beneficial in countries with warmer climates where district heating networks already exist.

摘 要

在这项研究中,应用净社会成本框架来提供与废物燃料跨境贸易相关的政策问题的见解。我们通过考虑私人成本和收益以及与能源生产、替代废物管理和燃料运输相关的外部成本,估计在寒冷气候下在高效热电联产 (CHP) 中使用进口废燃料的净社会成本. 鉴于对技术、经济和环境特征的广泛假设,我们得出结论,从社会角度来看,与使用生物燃料相比,使用进口废弃燃料是有益的。净社会成本主要取决于燃料成本优势和温室气体排放的外部成本。与运输相关的外部成本对垃圾进口焚化的净社会成本影响很小。结果对余热利用率的变化是稳健的,这意味着进口废物进行焚烧对于已经存在区域供热网络的气候温暖的国家也是有益的。


Energy transition, intensity growth, and policy evolution: Evidence from rural China


Shu Wu, Hongyun Han


Influenced by the urban-rural energy dualism, developing rural energy is a matter of improving social equity rather than just correcting market imperfections in China. Energy transition and intensity growth have been two major characteristics of China's rural energy development for decades, leading to the evolution of rural energy policies. Based on 2608 provincial rural energy policies and rural energy consumption data from 1994 to 2014, this study investigates how energy policies evolve with energy transition and intensity growth in rural China. It proceeds by classifying provincial rural energy policies into five types and using the logit event history analysis model for first-time policy adoptions and the Cox model for subsequent policy adoptions. The findings are as follows: (1) energy transition has facilitated the first-time adoption of economic instruments, regulatory instruments, and supportive policy schemes, and the subsequent adoption of economic instruments and information and education policies, but hindered the subsequent adoption of supportive policy schemes; (2) energy intensity growth has promoted the first-time adoption of all policies and subsequent adoption of regulatory instruments and information and education policies; (3) energy dependence, PM2.5 concentration, carbon intensity, income, rural energy technicians, and urbanization rate significantly have influenced rural energy policy evolution. Corresponding policy implications are provided in the final section.

摘 要

受城乡能源二元论影响,发展农村能源是改善社会公平的问题,而不仅仅是纠正中国市场的不完善。几十年来,能源转型和强度增长一直是中国农村能源发展的两大特征,导致了农村能源政策的演变。本研究基于 1994 年至 2014 年 2608 个省级农村能源政策和农村能源消费数据,调查了中国农村能源政策如何随着能源转型和强度增长而演变。将省级农村能源政策分为五类,首次采用 logit 事件历史分析模型,后续采用 Cox 模型。调查结果如下:(1) 能源转型促进了经济工具、监管工具和支持性政策方案的首次采用,以及随后的经济工具和信息和教育政策的采用,但阻碍了后续支持性政策方案的采用;(2) 能源强度增长促进了所有政策的首次采用以及随后的监管工具和信息和教育政策的采用;(3) 能量依赖,PM (2) 能源强度增长促进了所有政策的首次采用以及随后的监管工具和信息和教育政策的采用;(3) 能量依赖,PM (2) 能源强度增长促进了所有政策的首次采用以及随后的监管工具和信息和教育政策的采用;(3) 能量依赖,PM2.5集中度、碳强度、收入、农村能源技术人员和城市化率显着影响农村能源政策演变。最后一节提供了相应的政策含义。


The capital market responses to new energy vehicle (NEV) subsidies: An event study on China


Chang Liu, Yuan Liu, Dayong Zhang, Chunping Xie


Subsidies are crutial for the development of China's New Energy Vehicle (NEV) market. With the country's ambitious goal to achieve carbon neutrality in 2060, NEV is playing a growing role in decarbonising the transport sector. This paper empirically evaluates the effectiveness of three main forms of subsidies: fiscal policy, preferential tax, and government procurement. Specifically, we pay attention to financing issues and use an event study approach to investigate how the capital market responds to these policies. Results show that both preferential tax and government procurement policies have significant positive impacts on NEV stock prices. Relative to lithium-ion battery and NEV manufacturers, charging pile companies benefit less from preferential tax or government procurement. For fiscal subsidy policies, their impacts on NEV stock prices are ambiguous, depending largely on the specific policy contents. An increase in targeted subsidies for those technology-oriented NEV firms has a positive impact on the stock market. However, subsidies falling short of expectations due to frequent policy changes and the removal of local government subsidies are associated with significant negative effects. At this critical stage when the Chinese government is re-designing subsidy policies on NEVs, special attention should be paid to setting a transparent schedule and reducing the potential negative effect caused to the stock market.

摘 要

补贴对于中国新能源汽车(NEV)市场的发展至关重要。随着该国在 2060 年实现碳中和的雄心勃勃的目标,新能源汽车在交通部门脱碳方面发挥着越来越大的作用。本文实证评估了三种主要补贴形式的有效性:财政政策、税收优惠和政府采购。具体而言,我们关注融资问题,并采用事件研究的方法来调查资本市场对这些政策的反应。结果表明,税收优惠和政府采购政策对新能源汽车股价都有显着的正向影响。相对于锂离子电池和新能源汽车制造商,充电桩企业从税收优惠或政府采购中获益较少。对于财政补贴政策,它们对新能源汽车股价的影响是模糊的,主要取决于具体的政策内容。对那些以技术为导向的新能源汽车公司增加定向补贴对股市产生积极影响。然而,由于政策频繁变化和取消地方政府补贴而导致的补贴不及预期会带来显着的负面影响。在中国政府重新设计新能源汽车补贴政策的关键阶段,应特别注意制定透明的时间表,减少对股市的潜在负面影响。由于政策变化频繁和取消地方政府补贴而导致的补贴不及预期会带来重大的负面影响。在中国政府重新设计新能源汽车补贴政策的关键阶段,应特别注意制定透明的时间表,减少对股市的潜在负面影响。由于政策变化频繁和取消地方政府补贴而导致的补贴不及预期会带来重大的负面影响。在中国政府重新设计新能源汽车补贴政策的关键阶段,应特别注意制定透明的时间表,减少对股市的潜在负面影响。


Risk aversion in multilevel electricity market models with different congestion pricing regimes


Mirjam Ambrosius, Jonas Egerer, Veronika Grimm, Adriaan H. van der Weijde


Due to ongoing efforts for decarbonization, electricity markets worldwide are undergoing fundamental transitions, which result in increased uncertainty for all market participants. Against this background, we investigate the impact of risk aversion on investment and market operation in markets with different congestion pricing regimes and multi-level decision making. We develop a stochastic multi-level equilibrium model with risk-averse agents, which includes investment in transmission and generation capacity, market operation, and redispatch. The model can incorporate perfect, as well as imperfect locational price signals and different upper-level expectations about lower-level risk aversion. We apply our model to a stylized two-node example and compare the effects of risk aversion in a system with zonal and nodal pricing, respectively. Our results show that the effect of risk aversion is more pronounced in a market with nodal pricing, compared to a market with imperfect locational price signals. Furthermore, transmission planners that are ignorant about risk aversion of generation companies can induce substantial additional costs, especially in a nodal pricing market.

摘 要



Assessing the business interruption costs from power outages in China


Hao Chen, Haobo Yan, Kai Gong, Haopeng Geng, Xiao-Chen Yuan


With the increasing frequency of extreme weather events, cyber attacks and natural disasters, power system reliability is facing unprecedented challenges. To contribute to a more targeted electricity reliability policy in China, this study develops a Dynamic Inoperability Input-output Model to assess the business interruption costs (BICs) from a provincial extremely big electricity outage event. The time-varying inoperability is first simulated for different sectors over the recovery period with consideration of the sectoral interdependencies. Then, the BICs are estimated for different sectors and the most vulnerable sectors to power outages are identified. At last, the impacts of four influencing factors on the estimated BICs are explored in the sensitivity analysis section. Our major findings are that: (1) The total BIC of an outage event is about 1.44 billion yuan, and the first 24 h of the recovery period account for about 70% of the total BICs. (2) 2% of a sector's inoperability caused by power outages will, on average, be transmitted to other sectors due to their interdependencies. (3) The chemical sector has the biggest economic losses from power outages, while water supply sector has the largest peak inoperability from power outages.

摘 要

随着极端天气事件、网络攻击和自然灾害频发,电力系统可靠性面临前所未有的挑战。为了促进中国更有针对性的电力可靠性政策,本研究开发了一个动态不可操作性投入产出模型来评估省级特大停电事件的业务中断成本(BIC)。考虑到部门的相互依赖关系,首先在恢复期内模拟不同部门的时变不可操作性。然后,估算不同部门的 BIC,并确定最易受断电影响的部门。最后,在敏感性分析部分探讨了四个影响因素对估计的 BIC 的影响。我们的主要发现是:(1)一次停电事件的总BIC约为14.4亿元,恢复期前24小时约占总BIC的70%。(2) 一个部门因停电而导致的停运,平均有2%会因相互依存关系而传导至其他部门。(3)化工行业因停电造成的经济损失最大,而供水行业因停电而停电的高峰期最大。


Adding fuel to human capital: Exploring the educational effects of cooking fuel choice from rural India


Shreya Biswas, Upasak Das


The study examines the effect of household cooking fuel choice on educational outcomes of adolescent children in rural India. Using multiple large-scale nationally representative datasets, we observe household solid fuel usage to adversely impact school attendance, years of schooling and age-appropriate grade progression among children. This inference is robust to alternative ways of measuring educational outcomes, application of other datasets, specifications and estimation techniques. Importantly, the effect is found to be more pronounced for females in comparison to the males highlighting the gendered nature of the impact. On exploring possible pathways, we find that the direct time substitution on account of solid fuel collection and preparation can explain the detrimental educational outcomes that include learning outcomes as well, even though we are unable to reject the health channel. In the light of the micro and macro level vulnerabilities posed by the COVID-19 outbreak, the paper recommends interventions that have the potential to fasten the household energy transition towards clean fuel in the post-COVID world.

摘 要

该研究考察了家庭烹饪燃料选择对印度农村青少年儿童教育成果的影响。使用多个具有全国代表性的大规模数据集,我们观察到家庭固体燃料的使用对儿童的入学率、受教育年限和与年龄相适应的年级进展产生不利影响。这种推论对于衡量教育成果的替代方法、其他数据集的应用、规范和估计技术是稳健的。重要的是,与突出影响的性别性质的男性相比,女性的影响更为明显。在探索可能的途径时,我们发现固体燃料收集和准备的直接时间替代可以解释有害的教育成果,包括学习成果,即使我们无法拒绝健康频道。鉴于 COVID-19 爆发造成的微观和宏观层面的脆弱性,本文建议采取干预措施,以加快后 COVID 世界中家庭能源向清洁燃料的过渡。


Won’t Get Fooled Again: A supervised machine learning approach for screening gasoline cartels


Douglas Silveira, Silvinha Vasconcelos, Marcelo Resende, Daniel O. Cajueiro


We combine supervised machine learning techniques with statistical moments of the gasoline price distribution to detect cartels in the Brazilian retail market. Standard deviation, coefficient of variation, spread, skewness, and kurtosis are predictors that can help identify and predict anti-competitive market behavior. We evaluate each classifier and discuss the trade-offs related to false-positive (detect cartel when it does not exist) and false-negative (do not detect cartel when it does exist) predictions. The competition authority needs effective monitoring and often anticipating cartel movements. With this in mind, we test the algorithms’ performance in new datasets (ex-ante screening). Our results show that false-negative outcomes can critically increase when the main objective is to minimize false-positive predictions. The models’ overall average scoring rate for testing and predicting cartels in the same city is 96.22%. When we train the algorithms in one city and predict the cartel outcomes in other cities, on average, the overall scoring rate is equal to 73.75%. Our work suggests that machine learning classifiers have positive attributes and can provide valuable contributions to cartels’ deterrence. In addition, we offer a policy prescription discussion for antitrust authorities regarding the pros and cons of proactive tools for inhibiting collusive agreements in retail gasoline markets.

摘 要

我们将监督机器学习技术与汽油价格分布的统计时刻相结合,以检测巴西零售市场中的卡特尔。标准差、变异系数、价差、偏度和峰度是有助于识别和预测反竞争市场行为的预测因子。我们评估每个分类器并讨论与假阳性(当卡特尔不存在时检测卡特尔)和假阴性(当卡特尔确实存在时不检测卡特尔)预测相关的权衡。竞争管理机构需要有效监控并经常预测卡特尔运动。考虑到这一点,我们在新数据集中测试算法的性能(事前筛选)。我们的结果表明,当主要目标是尽量减少假阳性预测时,假阴性结果会急剧增加。模型在同城测试和预测卡特尔的总体平均得分率为 96.22%。当我们在一个城市训练算法并预测其他城市的卡特尔结果时,平均而言,总体得分率等于 73.75%。我们的工作表明机器学习分类器具有积极的属性,可以为卡特尔的威慑提供有价值的贡献。此外,我们为反垄断当局提供了关于在零售汽油市场中抑制串通协议的积极工具的利弊的政策处方讨论。我们的工作表明机器学习分类器具有积极的属性,可以为卡特尔的威慑提供有价值的贡献。此外,我们为反垄断当局提供了关于在零售汽油市场中抑制串通协议的积极工具的利弊的政策处方讨论。我们的工作表明机器学习分类器具有积极的属性,可以为卡特尔的威慑提供有价值的贡献。此外,我们为反垄断当局提供了关于在零售汽油市场中抑制串通协议的积极工具的利弊的政策处方讨论。













中国科学院青藏高原研究所招聘客座研究生 / 遥感科研助理








