L@二月|YunKyoung Cho:《Encounter the Insensible/ 相遇不可知》
Where do we come from, 2020
©Franconia sculpture Park,Photo by Luka Fisher
Yunkyoung Cho是活跃于美国马里兰地区的纤维和多媒介韩国艺术家。Cho一直致力于表达形态之美,注重审美,技术,和意象化表达等层面。她近期的作品是关于用抽象的方式去表达出看不见却散发于我们的灵气。她的艺术作品涵盖了雕塑,多媒介创作和装置艺术。曾经广泛地在美国费城,巴尔的摩,华盛顿,奥斯汀,谢弗以及韩国的首尔,釜山等地展出。Cho被Vermont Studio Center的2020年艺术基金项目选中,并曾获得AICAD和The Dedalus Foundation绘画与雕塑硕士的教学项目资格。Cho于2020年五月毕业于马里兰艺术学院,获得Rinehart School of Sculpture (MFA) 雕塑系的硕士学位。
Yunkyoung Cho is a fiber and mixed media artist based in the Maryland area. Cho has dedicated her life expressing beauty in physical form carefully designed with aesthetic, technical, and symbolic aspects. Her recent works are about an abstract approach to existence by utilizing shapes and forms of auras that surround us and may not be seen with mere visual senses. Her artwork, including sculpture, mixed media, and installations, has been exhibited widely throughout Philadelphia, PA, Baltimore, MD, Washington D.C., Austin TX, Shafer MN, Seoul, and Busan, South Korea. Cho was selected for the Fellowship 2020 at the Vermont Studio Center in Johnson, VT and was nominated the Teaching Fellowships at AICAD and MFA Fellowship in Painting and Sculpture at The Dedalus Foundation. Cho received an MFA in Rinehart Sculpture program from Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA) in Baltimore, Maryland in May 2020.
策展人王敏雯,同时也从事设计和艺术写作,于2020年毕业于马里兰艺术学院策展实践硕士学位。在此之前,曾在国内有多次和艺术机构合作的经历,包括中国美术馆。她现在热衷于研究科学艺术,网络策展,以及在新兴跨文化艺术空间内探索公众参与,并帮助艺术家做出理想的展呈。近期的项目包括:和艺术家Terrance James Jr.合作的实验性网络项目,群展“ C – Magnetic Cultures: Four Chinese Artists”和“Bodily Constructs”。
Minwen Wang is a curator, designer, and art writer. She received her Master of Fine Art in Curatorial Practice at Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA), Baltimore, Maryland in 2020. Wang previously worked for and collaborated with several art institutions, including The National Art Museum of China. She is now passionate about SciArt, online curating, and the possibilities of public engagement as well as supporting artists to convey their work and ideas in uplifting, cross-cultural spaces. Her recent projects include an experimental online project with artist Terrance James Jr., and group exhibitions C – Magnetic Cultures: Four Chinese Artists and Bodily Constructs.
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