

双语君 中国日报双语新闻 2019-03-29

2018.12.16 十一月初十·周日

Parental melding in marriage matters is an integral part of Chinese culture.







A blind date is arranged for by a mutual acquaintance of both participants, whether that person be a friend of both persons or a family member of one. The two people who take part in the blind date have never met or seen each other, thus the name blind date.

相亲由两人的共同朋友来组织,可能是两人的好友,也可能是其中一人的家人。相亲过程里的这俩人之前从来没见过,所以就有了这个名词“blind date”。

Therefore, it is the responsibility of the person who arranges the date to ensure that they are a good match. Sometimes one person is more interested in the match than the other, which may make it more difficult on the person arranging the date to judge whether the date will be successful. 


Parents find their children blind dates in parks. Spouse-hunting fairs in big city parks by parents eager to see their children tie the knot have made parks in China a haven for relationship hunters and their parents. 


Views on marriage are rapidly changing in China, along with the way young people view their own lives and their place in society. Many young Chinese people see themselves as trapped in between generations, wanting to pursue life and their own aspirations while also feeling pressure to live up to their parents’ expectations. 


Parents started tacking posters of children's statistics onto cork boards, on umbrellas, on the ground. Every weekend, hundreds of parents and grandparents gather in one general area off subway exit nine at People's Square in Shanghai to browse the selection. Many of them will group together to chat; others diligently browse around with a pen and paper in hand.


The postings are straightforward: age, height, zodiac, weight, job, accomplishments, where their kid was born. Birthplace is rather important, as it determines where someone can get health benefits and property rights. Rarely do you see a photo, hobbies, personalities traits, and quirks.


Parental melding in marriage matters is an integral part of Chinese culture. Marriage in China extends far beyond romantic compatibility. Marriage also serves to codify or heighten the social status of a family. This is a practice that dates back to imperial times where weddings were arranged principally on a monetary basis. A good marriage includes financial stability for both parties.


In China, a wedding is designed more for the parents than it is for the children. It's a way to show off to business partners and friends. It's a statement event that represents how parents have done well in securing a steady and prosperous future for their children. It's always paid for and organized by the families. Familial compatibility is just as important, if not more, than a couple's dynamic.


In Chinese mainland, the stakes are even higher. The one-child policy that began in the 1980s means that most of the kids of marriageable age right now are facing intense pressure from their parents to be paired off properly. After all, each household only has one child to put all their hopes and dreams on. Marriage already is such an important part of a Chinese family's reputation but parents these days only have one chance to get their future planned out right.


Quickly I realize the market is not so much an actual marketplace as it is a safe place where parents can congregate to soothe their anxieties and relate to each other. Walking past the umbrellas with their boastful pieces of paper, I feel a pang of guilt about coming here to gawk.


I thought back to my parents, back to when I had asked them, months ago, what would happen if I never found someone I liked.


"Well then, you'll just live with us forever," my dad joked while my mom laughed, nervous but lovingly, in the background. 


I spoke with some locals after my visit, and they told me the Marriage Market is also a form of socialising, for parents and grandparents to gather and speak about the wonderful tales of matchmaking successes, and their soon-to-be-pregnant daughter-in-law. While it might hold a lot of controversial traditions behind it, the atmosphere of the market really is about positive thoughts, love and encouragement from parents who just want their children to have the joy of creating a family. 






acquaintance: n 熟人

participant: n 参与者

tie the knot: 结婚

monetary: adj 金钱的;货币的

imperial: adj 帝国的

soothe: v 安慰;抚慰;劝慰

socialize: v (和他人)交往,交际



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