
From Orphan To American Idol:11-Year-Old Crochet Prodigy

Amy CouponWorld 2020-02-19

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11-year-old Jonah Larson hit the big time a few weeks ago when his Instagram account,Jonah's Hands-where he shares his crocheted creations--went viral.

He's now up to over 100,000 followers, up from under 2,500 just a few short weeks ago,he has more orders than he can keep up with and he gets daily packages and gifts from admirers and fellow fiber artists.

As a newborn in Ethiopia, Jonah was abandoned by his birth mother along a trail in a wooded area.A woman on her way to get water heard his cries and delivered him to the orphanage where Jonah spent the first five months of his life.When asked about his difficult family of origin,Jonah crocheting fingers never slow."Yeah, lucked out,"Jonah says.

He learned to crochet when he was 5 from a YouTube tutorial his mom Jennifer found.She gave him a hook,some yarn and left him alone.

"It started as a diversion to keep his sometimes overly-active mind occupied. He got so fast and so good he started giving lessons on social media." his mother said.

Afghans, pillows, mittens and throws – each crafted to heirloom quality – are draped over chairs. All were created by Jonah, social media’s crochet prodigy.

His mother,Jennifer Larson,helped him start his crocheting business and named it Jonah’s Hands. Jennifer doesn’t crochet but she lends a hand by managing her son’s Instagram and YouTube account. 

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After Jonah’s works were posted online, thousands of people began flocking to his posts. Followers and subscribers keep on increasing,resulting to an overwhelming amount of orders. 

He's only 11 years old,and still has to go to school and do household chores,apparently,a 6th grader can't possibly fulfill enormous orders from thousands of people, so Jennifer has to decline some of the orders.Alongside commercial orders,Jonah is using his crocheting skills to give back.

Despite his passion in crocheting, Jonah Larson makes sure he doesn’t neglect his school duties.He aims to encourage other kids to embrace the leisure of crocheting. This hobby has totally changed his life because he was able to help other children in need.

Now he's using his new-found fame to help out others,he regularly donates some of it to the Ethiopian orphanage where he came from. The crocheting community also showed its support to Jonah’s noble cause and some of them even sent him custom hooks.

And he hopes to help more people in the future by becoming a doctor someday.


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