
They are all launching missions to the Red Planet in 2020

CouponWorld 2020-02-19

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The deeper we look into space,the more places we come across that seem like maybe,just maybe could host life. 

From our neighboring planets to distant galaxies sending out weird signals,the list of spots in space worth checking out just continues to grow.

USA,Europe,Russia,China and the United Arab Emirates are all launching missions to the Red Planet in 2020 to search for ALIEN life.

There are four major missions bound for Mars this year, with the USA,Europe,China and the United Arab Emirates all preparing to depart in the summer.

Three of the four missions will see rovers landing on the planet in search of ancient signs of life,the other mission will see a UAE-built orbiter study the atmospher.

NASA is launching the Mars 2020 Rover and the Mars Helicopter Scout to gather rock samples for an eventual return to Earth.

The rover will leave for Mars in July or August 2020 from the Cape Canaveral Air Force Base and will travel aboard the two-stage Atlas V-541 rocket, provided by the United Launch Alliance.

The flurry of Martian launches are due to the fact that, in July 2020,Earth and Mars are ideally positioned relative to each other for spaceships to land.

By July all the talk will be of Mars,as rovers destined for the Red Planet are launched by by Europe, America and China.


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