喜报 | 全球第五人!我院K.C. Ting教授荣获2021年全球卓越贡献奖
7月16日(美国中部时间7月15日),浙江大学伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳香槟校区联合学院(以下简称“ZJUI”)教授,浙江大学国际联合学院(海宁国际校区)(以下简称“国际校区”)顾问、前副院长,UIUC农业和生物工程系教授、前系主任K.C. Ting在美国农业与生物工程学会(American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers,ASABE)年会上获颁“2021年全球卓越贡献奖(The 2021 Lalit and Aruna Verma Award for Excellence in Global Engagement)”,以表彰他为全球农业和生物工程科学研究、策略支持及国际工程教育作出的杰出贡献。Ting教授是自该奖项设立以来,全球第五位获此殊荣的学者。
▲ K.C. Ting教授与ZJUI本科生交流
Ting教授长期致力于工程科学、信息科学、农业科学及相关工程与技术等交叉学科的研究,以其在农业系统信息和分析方面的开创性研究工作而为威望素著。他领导的研究团队在研发并实施自动化-文化-环境导向系统、分析方法、并行科学、工程和技术决策支持计算平台以及智能驱动和赋权农业系统等方面都有突出贡献。他的相关研究工作具有高度创新性,为农业和生物工程学科发展起到良好作用。135 次任特邀嘉宾作学术报告,30 篇学术项目评论,还有不胜枚举的相关研究成果,都见证了他怀揣满腔热血与赤子之心,积极将其所学所悟分享到全世界各个角落的步履。不仅在农业和生物工程学科上有所建树,在工程教育及其相关研究方面,他也对美国、亚洲、欧洲和全球的工程教育作出了重要贡献,产生了较大影响力,得到了同行的广泛认可。他曾在长达22年的时间里,任美国三所大学农业和生物工程系系主任。2020 年初,他也为柬埔寨皇家农业大学的农业生物系统工程专业现代化提供了策略指导与建议。
▲ K.C. Ting教授在ZJUI分享全球化教育理念
他于2017年1月,加入国际校区任副院长(为期四年)、ZJUI教授。在国际校区,他毫无保留地将其多年在专业领域、高校治理及高等教育上的经验共享,从战略制定、总体规划和国际氛围营造等方面,为国际校区建设发展做出贡献,为ZJUI国际化工程交叉创新培养献计献策。在ZJUI,Ting教授更是亲自为本科生授课,参与了CEE201-Systems Engineering & Economics等多门课程的教学;指导三名博士生,为他们学术生涯领航;也为许多参加国际学术竞赛的学生提供了指导和帮助——他指导的其中一个团队曾获浙江省大学生“互联网+”创新创业大赛金奖和全国大学生“互联网+”创新创业大赛铜奖。
▲ K.C. Ting教授与ZJUI学生家长交流
美国农业与生物工程学会成立于1907年,是一个致力于推动农业、食品与生物系统领域工程科学技术创新和人才培养的教育和科学组织。它是该领域最具影响力的国际学术组织,也是最早成立的美国职业工程师学会之一,其会员遍布世界100多个国家。Lalit and Aruna Verma全球卓越贡献奖,每年在 ASABE 年度国际会议和ASABE全球活动中颁发,用以表彰获奖者在农业和生物工程领域全球参与、国际教育、外联合作、科学研究等方面的杰出贡献。
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Professor K.C. Ting received
the ASABE Lalit and Aruna Verma Award for Excellence in Global Engagement 2021
ZJUI Professor K.C. Ting, Consultant and Former Vice Dean of the International Campus, Zhejiang University, China, and Department Head Emeritus in the ABE Department, UIUC, received the 2021 Lalit and Aruna Verma Award for Excellence in Global Engagement from the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) on July 15 (Central Standard Time of U.S.) via the ASABE 2021 Annual International Meeting. Professor Ting was the fifth winner of the award since its first giving. The award recognizes Professor Ting’s contributions to the profession of agricultural and biological engineering, excellence in global engagement, and outstanding efforts in international engineering education.
Professor Ting is known for his agricultural systems informatics and analytics work. He has been leading research teams to develop and implement the pioneering Automation-Culture-Environment oriented Systems (ACESys) analysis methodology, Concurrent Science, Engineering, and Technology (ConSEnT) decision support computational platform, and Intelligence Driven and Empowered Agricultural Systems (IDEAS). His work has been highly innovative and at the forefront of agricultural and biological engineering discipline. He has been very active in sharing globally, his knowledge on intelligent agricultural systems and agricultural and biological engineering education and research programs, including over 135 invited presentations and 30 academic program reviews. His contribution to engineering education in the U.S., Asia, Europe, and globally is highly impactful and widely recognized by his peers. He served as department head/chair of agricultural and biological engineering related departments at three U.S. land-grant universities for a total of over 22 years before he was appointed vice dean of International Campus and professor of ZJUI, Zhejiang University, in January 2017 for four years, to provide his many years of technical and educational expertise to contribute in the development and establishment of a brand new university campus. He made major impacts in the strategy development, master planning, and international climate building of this first class international higher education institution in China, and contributed to the education and research progress of ZJUI. In ZJUI, professor Ting has given several courses, like the CEE201-Systems Engineering & Economics, to the undergraduates, being supervisor of three graduates, also provided guidance and help for some team when they participated in international competition - one of a team won a gold award from the Zhejiang College Students’ ‘Internet Plus’ Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition and bronze award from the National Competition. In early 2020, he provided advice in modernizing the agricultural biosystems engineering program at Royal University of Agriculture in Cambodia.
The American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, founded in 1907, is an educational and scientific organization dedicated to the advancement of engineering applicable to agricultural, food, and biological systems. ASABE comprises members in more than 100 countries. It is the most influential international academic organization in this field. The Lalit and Aruna Verma Award for Excellence in Global Engagement, presented each year at the ASABE Annual International Meeting and/or at an ASABE global engagement event, recognizes outstanding contributions to agricultural and biological engineering made towards global engagement, international education, outreach, and/or research.
1. https://www.asabe.org/Awards-and-Competitions/Major-Awards
本期编辑 | 张旖 责任编辑 | 张旖