

中国日报双语新闻 全球治理 2023-05-22





踔厉前行,开启中俄友好合作、共同发展新篇章Forging Ahead to Open a New Chapter of China-Russia Friendship, Cooperation and Common Development
中华人民共和国主席 习近平Xi JinpingPresident of the People's Republic of China
应普京总统邀请,我即将对俄罗斯联邦进行国事访问。10年前,我当选中国国家主席后,俄罗斯是我访问的首个国家。10年来,我8次到访俄罗斯,每次都乘兴而来,满载而归,同普京总统一道开启了中俄关系新篇章。At the invitation of President Vladimir Putin, I will soon pay a state visit to the Russian Federation. Russia was the first country I visited after I was elected President 10 years ago. Over the past decade, I have made eight visits to Russia. I came each time with high expectations and returned with fruitful results, opening a new chapter for China-Russia relations together with President Putin.
中俄两国互为最大邻国和全面战略协作伙伴,同为世界主要大国和联合国安理会常任理事国。两国都奉行独立自主的外交政策,都将中俄关系置于本国外交优先方向。China and Russia are each other's biggest neighbor and comprehensive strategic partner of coordination. We are both major countries in the world and permanent members of the UN Security Council. Both countries uphold an independent foreign policy and see our relationship as a high priority in our diplomacy.
中俄关系发展有着清晰的历史逻辑和强大的内生动力。10年来,双方各领域合作得到长足发展,阔步迈入新时代。There is a clear historical logic and strong internal driving force for the growth of China-Russia relations. Over the past 10 years, we have come a long way in our wide-ranging cooperation and made significant strides into the new era.
高层交往发挥重要战略引领作用。中俄两国建立了完备的高层交往和各领域合作机制,为两国关系发展提供了重要体制机制保障。这些年来,我同普京总统保持密切工作联系,在双边和国际场合先后40次会晤,为两国关系和各领域合作擘画蓝图,就共同关心的重大国际和地区问题及时沟通对表,为双边关系持续健康稳定发展牢牢定向把舵。High-level interactions have played a key strategic role in leading China-Russia relations. We have established a whole set of mechanisms for high-level interactions and multi-faceted cooperation which provide important systemic and institutional safeguards for the growth of the bilateral ties. Over the years, I have maintained a close working relationship with President Putin. We have met 40 times on bilateral and international occasions. Together we have drawn the blueprint for the bilateral relations and cooperation in various fields, and have had timely communication on major international and regional issues of mutual interest, providing firm stewardship for the sustained, sound and stable growth of China-Russia relations.
双方政治互信不断巩固,打造大国关系新范式。中俄双方秉持世代友好、合作共赢理念,坚持不结盟、不对抗、不针对第三方,坚定支持彼此走符合本国国情的发展道路,支持彼此发展振兴。两国关系在发展中愈加成熟、坚韧,不断焕发新的生机活力,树立起相互尊重、和平共处、合作共赢的新型大国关系典范。-- Our two sides have cemented political mutual trust and fostered a new model of major-country relations. Guided by a vision of lasting friendship and win-win cooperation, China and Russia are committed to no-alliance, no-confrontation and not targeting any third party in developing our ties. We firmly support each other in following a development path suited to our respective national realities and support each other's development and rejuvenation. The bilateral relationship has grown more mature and resilient. It is brimming with new dynamism and vitality, setting a fine example for developing a new model of major-country relations featuring mutual trust, peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation.

双方形成全方位、多层次合作格局。在双方共同努力下,去年中俄双边贸易额突破1900亿美元,比10年前增长了116%,中国连续13年成为俄罗斯第一大贸易伙伴国。两国双向投资规模持续增长,能源、航空航天、互联互通等领域大项目合作稳步推进,科技创新、跨境电商等新兴领域合作势头强劲,地方合作方兴未艾,为两国民众带来实实在在的好处,也为双方各自发展振兴提供了源源不断的动力。Our two sides have put in place an all-round and multi-tiered cooperation framework. Thanks to the joint efforts of both sides, China-Russia trade exceeded 190 billion U.S. dollars last year, up by 116 percent from ten years ago. China has been Russia's largest trading partner for 13 years running. We have seen steady increase in our two-way investment. Our cooperation on major projects in such fields as energy, aviation, space and connectivity is moving forward steadily. Our collaboration in scientific and technological innovation, cross-border e-commerce and other emerging areas is showing a strong momentum. Our cooperation at the sub-national level is also booming. All this has brought tangible benefits to both the Chinese and the Russian peoples and provided unceasing driving force for our respective development and rejuvenation.

双方践行世代友好理念,传统友谊历久弥坚。双方隆重纪念《中俄睦邻友好合作条约》签署20周年,我同普京总统宣布《条约》延期并赋予其新的时代内涵。双方先后举办8个国家级主题年,续写友好合作新篇章。两国人民在抗击新冠疫情斗争中彼此支持,相互鼓劲,又一次见证“患难见真情”。Our two sides have acted on the vision of lasting friendship and steadily strengthened our traditional friendship. On the occasion of commemorating the 20th anniversary of the China-Russia Treaty of Good-Neighborliness and Friendly Cooperation, President Putin and I announced the extension of the Treaty and added new dimensions to it. Our two sides have held eight "theme years" at the national level and continued to write new chapters for China-Russia friendship and cooperation. Our two peoples have stood by and rooted for each other in the fight against COVID, which once again proves that "a friend in need is a friend indeed."
双方在国际舞台密切协作,履行大国责任担当。中俄坚定维护以联合国为核心的国际体系、以国际法为基础的国际秩序、以联合国宪章宗旨和原则为基础的国际关系基本准则,在联合国、上海合作组织、金砖国家、二十国集团等国际多边机制内密切沟通和协作,共同致力于推进世界多极化和国际关系民主化,积极践行真正的多边主义,弘扬全人类共同价值,倡导构建新型国际关系和人类命运共同体。Our two sides have had close coordination on the international stage and fulfilled our responsibilities as major countries. China and Russia are firmly committed to safeguarding the UN-centered international system, the international order underpinned by international law, and the basic norms of international relations based on the purposes and principles of the UN Charter. We have stayed in close communication and coordination in the UN, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, BRICS, the G20 and other multilateral mechanisms, and worked together for a multi-polar world and greater democracy in international relations. We have been active in practicing true multilateralism, promoting the common values of humanity, and championing the building of a new type of international relations and a community with a shared future for mankind.
中俄关系已经走过70余年风风雨雨。抚今追昔,我们深深感受到,今天的中俄关系来之不易,中俄友谊历久弥新,必须倍加珍惜。历史和实践告诉我们,中俄关系之所以能够经受住国际风云变幻考验,关键在于找到了国与国正确相处之道。Looking back on the extraordinary journey of China-Russia relations over the past 70 years and more, we feel strongly that our relationship has not reached easily where it is today, and that our friendship is growing steadily and must be cherished by us all. China and Russia have found a right path of state-to-state interactions. This is essential for the relationship to stand the test of changing international circumstances, a lesson borne out by both history and reality.
我即将对俄罗斯的访问,是一次友谊之旅、合作之旅、和平之旅。我期待同普京总统一道,共同擘画未来一个时期中俄全面战略协作伙伴关系发展新愿景、新蓝图、新举措。My upcoming visit to Russia will be a journey of friendship, cooperation and peace. I look forward to working with President Putin to jointly adopt a new vision, a new blueprint and new measures for the growth of China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination in the years to come.
双方要加强统筹规划,聚焦两国各自发展振兴事业,开拓新思路,创造新机遇,增添新动力。要增进互信,激发潜能,始终保持中俄关系高水平运行。To this end, our two sides need to enhance coordination and planning. As we focus on our respective cause of development and rejuvenation, we should get creative in our thinking, create new opportunities and inject new impetus. It is important that we increase mutual trust and bring out the potential of bilateral cooperation to keep China-Russia relations at a high level.
要推动投资经贸合作量质齐升,加强政策协调,为两国投资合作高质量发展创造有利条件。扩大双边贸易规模,打造更多利益契合点和合作增长点,形成传统贸易和新兴合作互为补充、同步发展格局。持续推进共建“一带一路”同欧亚经济联盟对接合作,为双边和区域合作提供更多制度性安排。Our two sides need to raise both the quality and quantity of investment and economic cooperation and step up policy coordination to create favorable conditions for the high-quality development of our investment cooperation. We need to boost two-way trade, foster more convergence of interests and areas of cooperation, and promote the complementary and synchronized development of traditional trade and emerging areas of cooperation. We need to make sustained efforts to synergize the Belt and Road Initiative and the Eurasian Economic Union, so as to provide more institutional support for bilateral and regional cooperation.
密切人文交流,办好中俄体育交流年。用好地方合作机制,推动两国友好省州、友城积极开展对口交往,鼓励双方人员往来,积极恢复两国旅游合作。开展好夏令营、联合办学等活动,不断增进两国民众特别是青少年相互了解和友谊。Our two sides need to step up people-to-people and cultural exchanges and ensure the success of China-Russia Years of Sports Exchange. We should make good use of the sub-national cooperation mechanisms to facilitate more interactions between sister provinces/states and cities. We should encourage personnel exchanges and push for the resumption of tourism cooperation. We should make available better summer camps, jointly-run schools and other programs to steadily enhance the mutual understanding and friendship between our peoples, especially between the youth.
当今世界正处于百年未有之大变局。和平、发展、合作、共赢的历史潮流不可阻挡,世界多极化、经济全球化、国际关系民主化大势不可逆转。同时,传统与非传统安全挑战错综交织,霸权霸道霸凌行径危害深重,世界经济复苏道阻且长。国际社会忧心忡忡,亟盼驱散危机的合作良方。The world today is going through profound changes unseen in a century. The historical trend of peace, development and win-win cooperation is unstoppable. The prevailing trends of world multi-polarity, economic globalization and greater democracy in international relations are irreversible. On the other hand, our world is confronted with complex and intertwined traditional and non-traditional security challenges, damaging acts of hegemony, domination and bullying, and long and tortuous global economic recovery. Countries around the world are deeply concerned and eager to find a cooperative way out of the crisis.
2013年3月,我在莫斯科国际关系学院发表演讲,提出各国相互联系、相互依存的程度空前加深,人类生活在同一个地球村里,越来越成为你中有我、我中有你的命运共同体。此后,我又相继提出共建“一带一路”倡议、全球发展倡议、全球安全倡议、全球文明倡议,丰富了人类命运共同体理念的内涵和实践路径,为应对世界之变、时代之变、历史之变提供了中国方案。In March 2013, when speaking at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations, I observed that countries are linked with and dependent on one another at a level never seen before, and that mankind, living in the same global village, have increasingly emerged as a community with a shared future in which everyone's interests are closely entwined. Since then, I have proposed the Belt and Road Initiative, the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative, and the Global Civilization Initiative on different occasions. All these have enriched our vision for a community with a shared future for mankind and provided practical pathways toward it. They are part of China's response to the changes of the world, of our times, and of the historic trajectory.
10年来,和平、发展、公平、正义、民主、自由的全人类共同价值日益深入人心,建设持久和平、普遍安全、共同繁荣、开放包容、清洁美丽的世界,成为越来越多国家的共同追求。国际社会清楚地认识到,世界上不存在高人一等的国家,不存在放之四海而皆准的国家治理模式,不存在由某个国家说了算的国际秩序。一个团结而非分裂、和平而非动荡的世界符合全人类共同利益。Through these ten years, the common values of humanity -- peace, development, equity, justice, democracy and freedom -- have taken deeper roots in the heart of the people. An open, inclusive, clean and beautiful world with lasting peace, universal security and common prosperity has become the shared aspiration of more and more countries. The international community has recognized that no country is superior to others, no model of governance is universal, and no single country should dictate the international order. The common interest of all humankind is in a world that is united and peaceful, rather than divided and volatile.
去年以来,乌克兰危机全面升级。中方始终着眼事情本身的是非曲直,秉持客观公正立场,积极劝和促谈。我相继提出多项主张,包括应该遵守联合国宪章宗旨和原则,尊重各国合理安全关切,支持一切致力于和平解决乌克兰危机的努力,确保全球产业链供应链稳定等,成为中方处理乌克兰危机的根本遵循。Since last year, there has been an all-round escalation of the Ukraine crisis. China has all along upheld an objective and impartial position based on the merits of the issue, and actively promoted peace talks. I have put forth several proposals, i.e., observing the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, respect of the legitimate security concerns of all countries, supporting all efforts conducive to the peaceful settlement of the crisis, and ensuring the stability of global industrial and supply chains. They have become China's fundamental principles for addressing the Ukraine crisis.

前不久,中国发布《关于政治解决乌克兰危机的中国立场》文件,吸纳了各方合理关切,体现了国际社会在乌克兰危机问题上的最大公约数,为缓解危机外溢、推动政治解决发挥了建设性作用。复杂问题没有简单解决办法。我们相信,只要各方秉持共同、综合、合作、可持续的安全观,坚持平等、理性、务实对话协商,就一定能找到解决乌克兰危机的合理途径,找到实现世界持久和平、普遍安全的光明大道。Not long ago, we released China's Position on the Political Settlement of the Ukraine Crisis, which takes into account the legitimate concerns of all parties and reflects the broadest common understanding of the international community on the crisis. It has been constructive in mitigating the spillovers of the crisis and facilitating its political settlement. There is no simple solution to a complex issue. We believe that as long as all parties embrace the vision of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security, and pursue equal-footed, rational and results-oriented dialogue and consultation, they will find a reasonable way to resolve the crisis as well as a broad path toward a world of lasting peace and common security.

要办好世界上的事,首先要办好自己的事。中国人民正在中国共产党领导下团结奋斗,以中国式现代化全面推进中华民族伟大复兴。中国式现代化,概括起来说,就是人口规模巨大的现代化、全体人民共同富裕的现代化、物质文明和精神文明相协调的现代化、人与自然和谐共生的现代化、走和平发展道路的现代化。这些中国特色凝结着我们长期以来的实践探索,体现着我们对国际经验的深刻总结。未来,我们将坚定不移推进中国式现代化事业,努力实现高质量发展,扩大高水平对外开放,相信这将为包括俄罗斯在内的世界各国提供新的发展机遇。To run the world's affairs well, one must first and foremost run its own affairs well. The Chinese people, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, are striving in unity to advance the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation on all fronts through the Chinese path to modernization. Chinese modernization is characterized by the following features: it is the modernization of a huge population, the modernization of common prosperity for all, the modernization of material and cultural-ethical advancement, the modernization of harmony between humanity and nature, and the modernization of peaceful development. These distinctive Chinese features are the crystallization of our practices and explorations over the years, and reflect our profound understanding of international experience. Going forward, we will steadfastly advance the cause of Chinese modernization, strive to realize high-quality development, and expand high-standard opening up. I believe that this will bring new development opportunities to Russia and all countries in the world.

Just as every new year starts with spring, every success starts with actions. We have every reason to expect that China and Russia, as fellow travelers on the journey of development and rejuvenation, will make new and greater contributions to human advancement.




中国人民大学全球治理研究中心(Global Governance Research Center, RUC)成立于2017年3月9日,是北京巨丰金控科技有限公司董事长马琳女士向中国人民大学捐赠并由中国人民大学重阳金融研究院(人大重阳)负责运营管理的教育基金项目。中国人民大学全球治理研究中心由原外交部副部长何亚非领衔,前中国银行副行长张燕玲担任学术委员会主任,旨在构建高层次、高水准的全球治理思想交流平台,并向社会发布高质量的全球治理研究报告,努力践行咨政、启民、伐谋、孕才的智库使命。自2018年以来,中国人民大学全球治理研究中心连续四年入围由美国宾州大学“智库研究项目”(TTSCP)推出的、国际公认度最高的《全球智库报告》的“亚洲大国智库100强”。



