
【4.11精读】世界经济的过去式和将来时 World economy:Past and future tense

2017-04-11 秋之葵


World economy:Past and future tense

The world economy in 2015 will carry troubling echoes of the late 1990s

A FINANCIAL crash in Russia; falling oil prices and a strong dollar; a new goldrush in Silicon Valley and a resurgent American economy; weakness in Germanyand Japan; tumbling currencies in emerging markets from Brazil to Indonesia; an embattled Democrat in the White House. Is that aforecast of the world in 2015 or a portrait of the late 1990s?

Recent economic history has been so dominated by the credit crunch of 2008-09 that it is easy to forget what happened inthe decades before. But looking back 15 years or so is instructive有启发意义的—in terms of bothwhat to do and what to avoid.

Then, asnow, the United States was in the vanguard of a disruptive颠覆性的 digital revolution.The advent of the internet spawned a burst of innovation and euphoriaabout America’s prospects. By 1999 GDPwas rising by more than 4% a year, almost twice the rich-country average.Unemployment fell to 4%, a 30-year low. Foreign investors piled in, boosting both the dollarand share prices股价. The S&P 500 index rose to almost 30 times earnings; tech stocks went wild.

The optimism in America stood in stark contrast to gloom elsewhere, as itdoes today. Japan’s economy had slipped into deflation in 1997. Germanywas “the sick man of Europe”, its firms held back by rigid labor markets and other high costs.Emerging markets, having soared ahead曾高速领先发展, were in crisis: between1997 and 1999 countries from Thailand to Brazil saw their currencies crash asforeign capital fled and dollar-denominated debts proved unpayable.

Eventually,America ran into trouble too. The tech-stock bubble burst in early 2000,prompting a broader share price slump. Business investment, particularly intechnology, sank; and as share prices fell, consumers cut back. By early 2001 America, along with mostof the rich world, had slipped into recession, albeit(=although) a mild one.

America the powerful壮哉美国

Inevitablytheparallels比较 are not perfect. The biggest difference is China, a bit-part player in 1999 and now theworld’s second-biggest economy, contributing disproportionately to global growth. But there are three trends at work that destabilized the world economy thenand could do the same now.

The firstis the gap between America, where growth is accelerating, and almost everywhereelse, where it is slowing. In the late 1990s Larry Summers, then the US deputytreasury secretary, warned that the world economy was “flying on one engine”.For 2015 The Economist’s panel offorecasters expects 3% growth in America, compared with 1.1% in Japan and theeuro area. China’s growth rate may fall to around 7%.

Americanscan comfort themselves that, as in the late 1990s, the optimism gap is partially warranted得以保证的. Jobs are being created in their countryfaster than at any time since 1999, cheap petrol has buoyed consumer spendingand business investment has picked up回暖. But the news is not all good: cheaper oil could tip plenty of America’sshale producers intobankruptcy in 2015, while a stronger dollar and weakness abroad will hurtexporters—just as they did 15 years ago. Britain, the other Anglosphere champion, may also be clobbered by the euro zone’s woes.

The secondworrying parallel with……相似 the late 1990s is the dismal令人沮丧的 outlook for the rich world’s two otherbig economies. Germany’s growth rate has tumbled to around 1% and there is adeeper malaise痼疾 caused by years of under-investment, adisastrous energy policy and a government that is too obsessed by its fiscaltargets to spend money and too frightened of its voters to push through使被通过 the sort of structural reforms thatGerhard Schröder implemented in 2003. Meanwhile Japan has repeated the error itmade in 1997—thwarting阻挠 its escape from stagnation with apremature rise in consumption tax.

The thirdecho of the 1990s is the danger in emerging markets. Back then the problem wasfixed exchange rates and hefty巨大的 foreign debt. Now thedebts are lower, the exchange rates float and most governments have built up reserves建立储备. Still, there are growing signs oftrouble, especially in Russia. But other commodity exporters also lookvulnerable, especially in Africa. Oil accounts for 95% of Nigeria’s exports and75% of its government revenue. Ghana has already gone to the IMF for support.In other countries the danger lies in the corporate sector. ManyBrazilian firms are heavily indebted in dollars. A rash of corporate defaults may prove less spectacular than Asia’ssovereign-debt crises in the 1990s, but they will make investors nervous and pushup the dollar.

Fear the hangover遗留影响

Add allthis upand 2015 seems likely to be bumpy崎岖难行. Bears will bet that asurging dollar coupled with euro-zone torpor萎靡 and a few emerging-market crises will eventually prompt adownturn in America. On the plus side在利好的一面, stockmarkets do not lookas frothy泡沫 as they did in the 1990s: theprice/earnings ratio of the S&P 500 is 18, not far above its historicalaverage. Although many big tech firms are investing recklessly, most havedecent balance-sheets. And the global financial system is less leveraged andhence less vulnerable to contagion. In 1998 Russia’s default felled LTCM, a big American hedge fund对冲基金. Such knock-on effects are less likely today.

But if theworld economy does stumble, restoring stability will be harder this time roundbecause policymakers have so little room for maneuver. Back in 1999 the Federal Reserve’spolicy rate was around 5%, leaving plenty of scope for cutting when the economyslowed. Nowadays interest rates all over the rich world are close to zero.

Thepolitical scene is also different, and not in a good way. At the end of the1990s most people in the rich world had enjoyed the fruits of the boom: medianAmerican wages rose by 7.7% in real terms in 1995-2000. Since 2007, bycontrast, they have been flat in America, and have fallen in Britain and muchof the euro zone. All over the rich world voters are already grumpy烦躁不耐 with their governments, as pollingnumbers and their willingness to vote for protest parties show. If they aresqueezed next year discontent will turn to anger. The economics of 2015 maylook similar to the late 1990s, but the politics will probably be rather worse.




表示↑的词汇:surge,rise, go wild, soar, accelerate, grow, pick up

表示↓的词汇:fall,slip into, cut back, slow, tumble, stumble

表示使↑的词汇:boost,buoy, push up

表示使↓的词汇:holdback, be clobbered by, squeeze





carry troublingechoes of:重现……的情况

原句:Theworld economy in 2015 will carry troubling echoes of the late 1990s.



Embattled:被敌人围困的;Ifyou describe a person, group, or organization as embattled, you mean that theyare having a lot of problems or difficulties.

原句:an embattled Democrat in the White House.

造句练习:the embattled party leader


in the vanguard of:(革命或研究的)前沿,先驱;If someone is inthe vanguard of something such as a revolution or an area of research, they areinvolved in the most advanced part of it.

原句:Then,as now, the United States was in the vanguard of a disruptive digitalrevolution.

例句:therole of the party as the political vanguard.

造句练习:TheU.K. was in the vanguard of Industrial Revolution.


Spawn: ifsomething spawns something else, it causes it to happen or to be created.

原句:Theadvent of the internet spawned a burst of innovation and euphoria aboutAmerica’s prospects.

造句练习:Theimplementation of reform and opening-up policy since 1979 spawned a lot ofprivate businesses.


Pile in: toenter a place in large numbers, especially in a way that is not organized.

原句:Foreigninvestors piled in, boosting both the dollar and share prices.

例句:Theyopened the doors, and all the fifteen of us piled in.

造句练习:Themoment the door of the train opened, passengers piled in quickly.


Stand incontrast: to be very different from something else.

原句:Theoptimism in America stood in stark contrast to gloom elsewhere, as it doestoday.

例句:Herviews stand in stark contrast to those of her colleagues.

造句练习:Therealities stand in stark contrast to what we have expected.


Slip into: togradually start to be in a bad state or situation.

原句:Japan’seconomy had slipped into deflation in 1997.

例句:Shefelt herself fell into unconsciousness.

造句练习:Theworld economy is slipping into recession.


Be held back: 受到……掣肘

原句:itsfirms held back by rigid labor markets

例句:Stagnationin home sales is holding back economic recovery.



cut back:减少,削减,缩减

原句:asshare prices fell, consumers cut back.

例句:Thegovernment has cut back on defense spending.

造句练习:Weare considering cutting back some unnecessary expenditure.


Inevitably theparallels are not perfect:此处parallel为“比较”


a bit-partplayerbit-part为“电影、戏剧中的小角色”


be clobbered by:受到沉重打击;Ifa person or a company is clobbered by something, they are very badly affectedby it.

原句:Britain,the other Anglosphere champion, may also be clobbered by the euro zone’s woes.

例句:Theconstruction industry is clobbered by recession.

造句练习:Thetraditional manufacturing industry is clobbered by the new policy.


Fear the hangover:心有余悸。hangover此处意为遗留影响、遗留观念,也有宿醉的意思。




credit crunch信贷紧缩

tech stocks wentwild科技股疯狂飙升

pick up回暖


push through使被通过

build upreserves建立储备

On the plus side在利好的一面

stockmarkets donot look as frothy as they did in the 1990s股市表面的泡沫看似没有90年代的多

less vulnerableto contagion不那么易于传染

hedge fund对冲基金

knock-on effects连锁反应
































