
雪城大学 iSchool 科学学与计算发现实验室招全奖博士!

by 图情招聘

雪城大学 iSchool 科学学与计算发现实验室招全奖博士研究生,申请截止日期 2021年12月15日。

Seeking Ph.D. students in Science of Science at Syracuse University Applicant invitation to fully-funded Ph.D. program in the Science of Science and Computational Discovery Lab in the School of Information Studies at Syracuse University, one of the top iSchools (USNews) in the United States.

The Science of Science and Computational Discovery Laboratory (https://scienceofscience.org) in the School of Information Studies at Syracuse University is looking for enthusiastic Ph.D. students to join the lab. In particular, I am looking for Ph.D. students to work on multiple areas around AI, ML, and Computational Social Science (more info https://scienceofscience.org/about/). Dr. Acuna has multiple publications in prominent venues, including Nature, Nature Communications, NeurIPS, and Physics X. His lab has received more than $1.5 million (as part of $10 million grants) in funding from the National Science Foundation, the Alfred Sloan Foundation, DARPA, and the Department of Health and Human Services.

Some of our recent projects include running the Science of Science Summer School (S4, https://s4.scienceofscience.org) and the Computational Research Integrity conference (https://cri-conf.org). In addition, our laboratory enjoys developing tools such as the recommendation system https://eileen.io and the image analysis https://beta.drfigures.com.

If you are interested, send an email to Dr. Daniel Acuna at deacuna@syr.edu with your C.V. and a short description of why you would like to join.

About the program

Syracuse University’s iSchool is one of the top Information Schools in the US. We have a fully-funded Ph.D. program that covers all tuition costs and includes a stipend for summer work. The program also includes support for travel and publication. Applications are due December 15, 2021.More information at https://ischool.syr.edu/academics/ph-d-in-information-science-and-technology/


