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用 "我们相信上帝 "的国家格言来再次审视我们自己!

萧生客 萧参客 2020-10-26

作者:Stacey Yuan

"我叫Stacey Yuan。我从小在大陆长大,24年前,在我24岁时,以留学生的身份来到这个伟大的国家。我很感谢这个国家接纳了我,让我有机会在中西部的密苏里州、一个平和而安静的大学城完成了我的第二个硕士学位。1999年毕业后,圣路易斯一家小型科技公司为我提供了第一份IT工作,并赞助我获得了美国永久居留权,使得我能够在这个伟大的国家建立起家庭,并养育3个优秀的美国孩子! 对我而言,美国,是一个用我们的开国元勋们精心设计出的制度来运作的社会。几个世纪以来,这个制度和社会一直吸引着来自全世界各地的移民,他们通过努力工作和遵纪守法来实现他们的美国梦。我非常珍惜美国的价值观,如自由、机会平等、自力更生等等,而这些价值观植根于千千万万个普通的美国家庭中。能成为他们中的一员,是我的荣幸。 



我亲爱的美国同胞,让我们放下自大,保持谦虚。让我们用 "我们相信上帝 "的国家格言来再次审视我们自己。让我们团结在上帝之下。让我们为这个国家的团结和伟大而继续祈祷!"

英文:My name is Stacey Yuan. I grew up in Communist China but came to this great country 24 years ago at age of 24 as a foreign student. I appreciate that this country has accepted me and given me the opportunity to finish my another master's degree in a peaceful and amiable college town in midwest Missouri. After graduation, a small tech company in St. Louis provided me the first IT job and sponsored my US permanent residency, which allowed me to establish my family and raise 3 wonderful American kids in this great country! America, for me, is a society with a well-designed system by our founding fathers, which has been attracting immigrants around the world for centuries, to fulfill their American dreams through hard work and compliance with law and order. I greatly cherish American values like freedom, equality of opportunity, self-reliance, and more which are rooted in the millions of ordinary American families. It's my honor to become one of them. 

However, in the past decade, I have been witnessing this country’s gradual shifting to a society that rings a bell as I notice the increasingly unfree atmosphere I have experienced in my early life in CN. I am glad this past 4 years the current Trump administration is pulling us back on the right track, but sadly seeing, in this election year, mixing with pandemic and riots, the mainstream media and liberal Democrats are trying to throw this country to a socialist ship headed to a beautiful illusionary destination, where many authoritarian countries like CN, Cuba, Venezuela, Zimbabwe, and South Africa have failed to land.

Recalling many of my friends back in CN, exercising their basic human rights but leading to the punishments, prosecutions and even oppressions, by the socialist government, I feel like I have to remind the American people that the current left-leaning social movements are putting America in danger. Socialism and Marxism are never the saviors of the world. They will not bring prosperity to this country. Instead, it is our God who puts this country on the hills and makes this country the beacon of the world. Our greatness is also empowered by the founding principles expressed in the Declaration of Independence and the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution. That’s the reason I am here defending the greatness of this country. I love this country, give my utmost gratitude to this country, and am proud of being one of the naturalized US citizens. 

So my dear Americans, let’s put our egos away. Let’s stay humble. Let’s refresh ourselves with the National Motto “In God We Trust”. Let’s Unite Under God. Let’s continue the prayer for the greatness of this country!End

(you are more than welcome to share my testimony.)


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