

(2023年11月23日,布鲁塞尔Townhall Europe)



Keynote Speech by Ambassador Fu Cong at the 11th China-Europe Forum

(23 November 2023 at Townhall Europe)

Deputy Director-General Maria Martin-Prat,

Vice President Luo Linquan,

Ambassador Ma Keqing,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Dear Friends,

Good morning! It is my great pleasure to attend the 11th China-Europe Forum. Let me start by thanking Friends of Europe for organizing this annual event. Since its inception 12 years ago, the China-Europe Forum has been an important platform for in-depth discussions on China-EU relations. It has played an important role in enhancing mutual understanding and trust, as well as practical cooperation between the two sides. This year’s Forum is the first physical one after the pandemic. It also coincides with the 20th anniversary of China-EU comprehensive strategic partnership. Therefore, this Forum provides a timely opportunity to review the past, and more importantly, to look into the future, and discuss how to further develop a sound China-EU relationship.

From the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the European Economic Community in 1975 to the establishment of comprehensive strategic partnership in 2003, we spent nearly 30 years, 28 years to be more precise. As Chinese people often say, one should be able to establish oneself at the age of 30. So the elevation to the comprehensive strategic partnership was a clear sign of our mature relationship. Since then, China-EU relations have prospered, with close exchanges and dialogues, and enhanced levels of cooperation, which has brought tangible results to both sides.

Politically, we have institutionalized the annual China-EU Summit, five high-level dialogues, and more than 70 cooperation mechanisms. 

Economically, our trade has increased by tenfold in the last 20 years to USD 847.3 billion, which means that an average of nearly USD 2.3 billion of goods are being traded between the two sides every day. European exports to China have supported about 4 million jobs here in Europe. And China has set up over 2,800 companies through direct investment in Europe by the end of 2022, creating more than 270,000 jobs locally. 

On people-to-people contacts, the number of mutual visits was about 3 million in 2003, and it went up to nearly 8 million in 2019. And there were more than 600 regular flights between the two sides every week. We also demonstrated solidarity and offered each other tremendous support during difficult times, such as the 2008 devastating earthquake in Wenchuan, China, the European debt crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic. These are all vivid examples of China-EU friendship.

Ladies and Gentlemen,


Over the past two decades, our comprehensive strategic partnership has made great achievements. But these achievements have not come by easily and should not be taken for granted. Instead, they should be cherished and built upon.

Ever since the establishment of diplomatic relations, especially over the last 20 years, China has viewed our relations with the EU from a strategic and long-term perspective. We see the EU as a strategic force and a diplomatic priority. This globally strategic relationship is not targeted at any third party, nor should it be dependent on or dictated by any third party. Likewise, we hope that the EU and its member states should not develop their relations with other countries at the expense of China-EU relations or at the expense of China’s interests.

As two major forces, markets and civilizations in the world, China and the EU have a special responsibility for global peace and prosperity. In a world of turbulence and chaos, it is vital that we build on what we have achieved and further develop our strategic partnership. 

First, we should develop a right perception of each other. China follows the path of peaceful development and an independent foreign policy of peace. We are committed to building a community with a shared future for mankind. We see ourselves as a beneficiary of the current international order. And we will steadfastly safeguard the UN-centered international system underpinned by international law, and the basic norms of international relations based on the purposes and principles of the UN Charter. 

For China and the EU, there is no fundamental conflict of interests between us, either geopolitically or economically. We stand to gain from each other’s development. Our common interests far outweigh our differences. And there are more areas of cooperation than competition between us. China and Europe are, first and foremost, partners. Given the differences between China and Europe in history, culture, ideology and development stage, it is only natural that we see many things differently. But that does not make us rivals, systemic or otherwise. We must not allow our differences to affect our cooperation, still less allow them to dominate or define our relationship.

Second, we need to strengthen communication and dialogue. Since the end of last year, we have seen a good momentum of high-level exchanges. President Xi Jinping met with President Michel and President von der Leyen, as well as leaders of EU countries including Germany, France, Spain, Hungary, the Netherlands, Italy and Greece. In the past few months, eight Commissioners, some of whom are also Vice Presidents, of the European Commission visited China, while high-level officials from China also visited Europe, including Premier Li Qiang, Vice-Premier He Lifeng, Foreign Minister Wang Yi, and the Ministers of Commerce and Environment. We held high-level dialogues on environment and climate, digital, economy and trade, and strategic issues, producing wide-ranging agreement. Now we are preparing for the upcoming 24th China-EU Summit, which will provide strong political guidance for the relationship. This good momentum needs to be maintained, because they are essential to deepening our mutual trust and injecting strong impetus into our relationship.

Third, we need to stay open and inclusive. China and the EU share extensive common interests, and the cooperation between us shows strong resilience and potential. Since the beginning of this year, China’s economy has seen a robust rebound. The growth rate is one of the highest among major economies. According to IMF, China remains the largest contributor to global growth, accounting for one third of global growth in 2023. And it recently revised upward its forecast of China’s growth by 0.4 percentage points. Major financial institutions, including J.P. Morgan, UBS, and Deutsche Bank, also raised their projections of China’s economic growth. In addition, foreign businesses are actively participating in the China International Import Expo, China International Fair for Trade in Services, the Canton Fair and the China International Consumer Products Expo. All these demonstrate that China’s economy enjoys a promising prospect, and the world is highly confident about China’s future development.

Going forward, China is committed to reform and opening up, and promotes high-quality development. This means more opportunities for European companies. We welcome more high-quality EU products, technologies, and services. Likewise, we hope that the EU can provide an open, fair, non-discriminatory market environment for Chinese businesses. Both China and Europe are advocates for and beneficiaries of economic globalization. We must not simply equate mutual interdependence with insecurity, and we should refrain from abusing the concept of national security or politicizing economic and trade issues. China’s development presents opportunities, rather than risks, for Europe. Both at present and in the future, China is and will remain a trustworthy friend and partner of Europe. China stands ready to advance cooperation with the EU to a higher level. Together, we can nurture new growth drivers in digital economy, green development and environment protection, new energies, artificial intelligence and connectivity, while keeping industrial and supply chains secure, stable, and reliable.

Last but not least, we should address global challenges hand-in-hand. Conflicts in Gaza and Ukraine are still on-going, with spillover effects on global refugee, energy, and food safety situations. There is much space for the two sides to cooperate and coordinate our actions to de-escalate the situations and alleviate the suffering of the peoples. On climate and biodiversity issues, we need to jointly advance the multilateral process to achieve a successful COP28. We also need to implement the outcomes reached at COP15 to build a shared future for all life on earth. On global development, China’s Belt and Road Initiative and the EU’s Global Gateway strategy can complement each other to support developing countries and contribute to UN Sustainable Development Goals. The Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative and the Global Civilization Initiative proposed by President Xi Jinping offer Chinese perspectives on global development and security issues, and on the need to promote dialogue among different civilizations. We welcome EU’s support and participation.

Ladies and Gentlemen, 


The turbulent international situation will not change humanity’s pursuit for peace and development. The voices and aspirations for solidarity, cooperation and common development will only grow higher. I am confident that by enhancing our dialogue and cooperation while properly managing our differences, we will be able to usher in another 20 years of greater progress in our relations. 

Before concluding, please allow me to make an advertisement. To celebrate the 20th anniversary of China-EU comprehensive strategic partnership, the Chinese Mission has worked with the Diplomatic World magazine in publishing a special edition of the magazine. This special edition collects the views and suggestions of many people from various sectors both in China and Europe on the China-EU relationship. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Ms. Barbara Dietrich, President and CEO of the Diplomatic World, and her team, especially Mr. Alberto Turkstra, for their hard work. Hope you can find time to read it and find some inspiration from the views contained therein. 

Finally, I wish this year’s China-Europe Forum a great success. Thank you!









