
Admire the Beauties of CCNU

EPC CentralChinaNormalUniversity 2023-09-15

Editor's Note

How long has it been since last time you slowed down and appreciated the beauty on campus? We have chosen some spots in CCNU and let's explore together!


● The first stop is Boya Square. When it's sunny, many CCNUers have a picnic on the grass and enjoy the cosy sunshine. But have you ever noticed the cute graffiti on the bricks? So lifelike are they that your bad moods will be swept away when you encounter them.



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Next, follow me to the fountain opposite the libraryIt is open aperiodically and thus you must be very surprised if you happen to see the grand view. There is a rainbow amid water flows, which is unnoticed by many CCNUers. Even more surprising, the fountain features osmanthus flowers in shape when viewed from above.

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Plum Blossom

The plum blossom garden is considered a perfect place to admire the beauty of plum blossoms and take photos. However, it is not just a place to relax, but a great place for morning reading. With all the beautiful flowers around, I'm sure every CCNUer can have a good study time here.



Sunrises & Sunsets

● In daily life, our CCNUers are too concentrating on study and work life to notice the beauties on campus. There are beautiful sunrises and sunsets in CCNU every day, but CCNUers are too rushed to have a look. Next time, when you see a beautiful sunrise or sunset, can you slow down a little to admire it for a few minutes or take some photos? I think the beauty of natural world can heal you in the midst of a busy day.


The Youming Stadium, a convenient place for every CCNUer to have exercise or hang out with friends. Every night, there are groups of CCNUers running on the track, sitting on the playground or dancing to the music. Look up! What do you see? There are always a few clouds in the grey-purple sky, and on good days some stars could be seen. That’s the gift from Youming Stadium.



We know every CCNUer has a busy study and work life. But we really hope that everyone can slow down a little bit to see what is going on around the campus and try to appreciate beauties in life. Life not only includes study and work. Enjoying the beauty around you and doing things that you like are also important. Have you found any other beautiful spots in CCNU? Why not slow down to have your own exploration?

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Editors: Lucy(trainee),Sirry 


Photographers:Lucy(trainee),Yin Yujie,Zou Xinxin,Yang Yingying,Yang Xiaohui,Huang Jinlan,Yu yang


