防疫指引 | COVID-19 Interim Guidance for Students (Updated)
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Information for Students Coming Back to School after the Winter Vocation
According to the local government’s arrangement, students will come back to school after the winter vocation. This guidance is formulated to guide the COVID-19 prevention and control work in the schools. Along with the development of the epidemic, it will be updated accordingly.
Part I. Target population
The target population includes children in nursery schools and kindergartens, students in primary schools, high schools, universities and research institutes which offer Master's and doctoral graduate programs (hereinafter referred to as the students). The teaching and administrative staff may also refer to this guidance.
Part II. During the winter vacation
According to the local government’s requirement, students who live in or recently travel to the regions severely affected by COVID-19, e.g. Wuhan, are required to stay at home or ina designated place for 14 consecutive days for quarantine and medical observation after they leave the affected regions.
Students should stay at home as much as possible. Avoid visiting friends and relatives, gathering and dining together. Avoid crowed places, especially places with poor ventilation, e.g. public baths, hot springs, theatres, internet bars, KTV, shopping centers, bus stations, airports, wharfs, exhibition centers, etc.
Students are advised to monitor their own health every day and report to the person responsible for this matter in the community or school. Students with symptoms compatible with COVID-19 (fever, cough, sore throat, chest distress, breathing difficulties, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, conjunctivitis and muscleache, etc.) should go to seek medical care in time. Students or their guardiansare advised to report the illness to the school.
Students without suspicious symptoms of COVID-19 can go back to school when the winter vacation is over. Students with suspicious symptoms should go to seek medicalc are in time and should not return to school until they are cured. Students or their guardians should report the illness to the school.
Part III. On the way back to school
Students are advised to wear surgical masks or N95 masks throughout the travel on public transport.
Students should pay attention to hand hygiene. Avoid touching public objects and places during the travel. Wash hands with soap/liquid soap and running water or rinse-free alcohol-based sanitizer in the following situation:
👉After touching public objects👉After covering cough with hands👉Before eating and after toiletuse
Do not touch mouth, nose and eyes with unwashed hands. Cover mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing with flexed elbow.
旅途中做好健康监测,自觉发热时要主动测量体温。发现身边出现可疑症状人员,及时报告乘务人员。Students should monitor their own health during the travel and take temperature when feeling feverish. Students should notify the crew member if they find someone with suspicious symptoms nearby.
Students should pay attention to the health condition of nearby passengers. Avoid close contact with suspected cases of COVID-19.
Students should wear surgical masks or N95 masks, avoid contact with other people and seek medical care in time if relative symptoms develop during the travel.
Students should share with the doctor their recent travel and living history and information of close contacts they interact with after falling ill. Students should cooperate with further investigation.
Students should keep the traveling tickets properly to support the investigation and contact tracing when necessary.
Part IV. After coming back to school
Students who live in or recently travel to the regions severely affected by COVID-19, e.g. Wuhan, are advised to stay at home for 14 consecutive days for medical observation before coming back to school.
学生返校后应每日监测体温和健康状况,尽量减少不必要外出,避免接触其他人员。Students should monitor their own health and take temperature every day after coming back to school, avoid unnecessary travel outside and unnecessary contact with other people.
学生与其他师生发生近距离接触的环境中,要正确佩戴一次性医用口罩,尽量缩小活动范围。Students should wear single-use medical masks during close contact with other students and teachers and narrow the area of their activities.
学校密切监测学生的健康状态,每日两次测量体温,做好缺勤、早退、请假记录,如发现学生中出现可疑症状,应立刻向疫情管理人员报告,配合医疗卫生机构做好密切接触者管理和消毒等工作。Schools should closely monitor the students’ health condition, take the students’ temperature twice a day, and keep a record of students’ absences, early dismissal and leave. If students develop suspicious symptoms, schools should notify the person responsible for epidemic management and cooperate with the medical institute in the management of close contacts and disinfection.05
学校应尽量避免组织大型集体活动。教室、宿舍、图书馆、活动中心、食堂、礼堂、教师办公室、洗手间等活动区域,建议加强通风清洁,配备洗手液、手消毒剂等。Schools should avoid large-scale activities. Maintain proper ventilation in the classrooms, dormitories, libraries, activity centers, canteens, auditoriums, offices, restrooms, etc. Prepare liquid soap and alcohol-based sanitizer.06
校方对因病误课的学生开展网络教学、补课,对于因病耽误考试者,应安排补考,不应记入档案。Schools should provide on-line courses for students who are absent from classes because of illness. Students who are unable to attend the scheduled exams because of illness are entitled to a makeup exam, and no record should be made on the absence.
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编辑:洁妹 责编:邹向东
来源 | 广州疾控i健康