
他山之石| 如何评估选题报告




一、 整体科学质量
      Overall quality of science

1 不符合预期
Does Not Meet Expectations 

  1. 论证不正确、含混或有缺陷  Arguments are incorrect, incoherent, or flawed 

  2. 目标定义不明确  Objectives are poorly defined 

  3. 展示不成熟的批判性思维技能 Demonstrates rudimentary critical thinking skills 

  4. 反映出对主题和相关文献理解不足 Reflects poor understanding of subject matter and associated literature 

  5. 表现出对理论概念不理解 Demonstrates poor understanding of theoretical concepts 

  6. 展示的原创不足 Demonstrates limited originality 

  7. 显示创造力和洞察力不足 Displays limited creativity and insight 

  8. 研究成功的可能性很小 Little potential for success of research

2  符合预期
Meet Expectations 

  1. 论证符合逻辑、清楚  Arguments are coherent and clear

  2. 目标清楚  Objectives are  clear

  3. 展示平均水平的批判性思维技能 Demonstrates average critical thinking skills 

  4. 反映出理解主题和相关文献  Reflects  understanding of subject matter and associated literature 

  5. 表现出对理论概念能理解 Demonstrates understanding of theoretical concepts 

  6. 展示有原创 Demonstrates  originality 

  7. 显示有创造力和洞察力 Displays creativity and insight 

  8. 研究成功的可能性好 Good potential for success of research

3 超出预期
Exceeds  Expectations 

  1. 论证优越  Arguments are superior

  2. 目标定义很明确  Objectives are well defined 

  3. 展示成熟的、具有批判性的思维技能 Exhibits mature, critical thinking skills 

  4. 反映出掌握了主题和相关文献 Reflects mastery of subject matter and associated literature 

  5. 表现出掌握了理论概念 Demonstrates mastery of theoretical concepts 

  6. 展示有非凡的原创 Demonstrate exceptional  originality 

  7. 显示杰出的创造力和洞察力 Displays exceptional   creativity and insight 

  8. 研究成功的潜力巨大 Excellent   potential for success of research

Contribution to discipline

1 不符合预期
Does Not Meet Expectations 

  1. 发现潜力不足 Limited potential for discovery 

  2. 以前研究的有限扩展 Limited expansion upon previous research

  3. 理论或应用意义不足 Limited theoretical or applied significance 

  4. 发表潜力不足 Limited publication potential

2 符合预期
Meets Expectations

  1. 一些潜在的发现 Some potential for discovery 

  2. 基于以前的研究 Builds upon previous research 

  3. 合理的理论或应用意义 Reasonable theoretical or applied significance 

  4. 合理的发表潜力 Reasonable publication potential

3 超出预期
Exceeds Expectations

  1. 非凡的发现潜力 Exceptional potential for discovery 

  2. 极大地扩展了以前的研究 Greatly extends previous research 

  3. 非凡的理论或应用价值 Exceptional theoretical or applied significance 

  4. 非凡的发表潜力 Exceptional publication potential


Quality of writing

1 不符合预期
Does Not Meet Expectations

  1. 写作很弱 Writing is weak 

  2. 许多明显的语法和拼写错误 Numerous grammatical and spelling errors apparent 

  3. 内容组织很差 Organization is poor 

  4. 文档很差 Documentation is poor

2 符合预期
Meets Expectations

  1. 写作合适 Writing is adequate 

  2. 一些明显的语法和拼写错误 Some grammatical and spelling errors apparent 

  3. 内容组织是合乎逻辑的 Organization is logical 

  4. 文档合适 Documentation is adequate


3 超出预期
Exceeds Expectations

  1. 具有出版物的写作质量 Writing is publication quality 

  2. 没有明显的语法或拼写错误 No grammatical or spelling errors apparent 

  3. 内容组织非常出色 Organization is excellent 

  4. 文档非常好 Documentation is excellent


Overall Assessment

1 不符合预期 Does Not Meet Expectations 

2 符合预期 Meets Expectations

3 超出预期 Exceeds Expectations

Confidential Comments:

【    写下具体意见                     】

University of Minnesota Duluth, Ph.D. Dissertation Research Proposal Rubric Evaluation



