
CMF设计师必读书目推荐(二) | 英文版



Colour Hunting

How Colour Influences What We Buy, Make and Feel

Written by Jeanne Tan
Frame Publishers



Colour plays a vital role in our visual experiences and affects senses, while shaping our actions subconsciously.

For millennia, artists and designers have utilized colour to express ideas and emotions in everything from the frescoes and textiles of ancient civilizations to the haute couture and digitally created architecture of today. Colour plays a vital role in our visual experiences and affects senses such as feeling and taste, but it also shapes our actions subconsciously.

Colour Influences What We Buy, Make and Feel explores the very depths of the subject.

The book is categorized into three chapters. In the first chapter, ‘Commerce' (buying/ selling), experts cast a light on colour trends and dissect the use of colour in branding messages. The following chapter, ‘Aesthetics' (making), offers an insight into the conceptual use of colour, as well as the challenges and techniques entailed when applying colour to a wide range of materials. The relationship between body, mind and colour forms the focus of the 'Wellbeing' (feeling) chapter. Additionally, facts about colour interspersed throughout the book trace what colour has meant to people and cultures down through the ages in every part of the world.

This book takes us on a colourful journey, hunting out and broadening our horizons into the immense potential of colour. With an appreciation of every nuance, tone, tint and shade, the possibilities are truly infinite.


  • In-depth analyses of colour research and colour experimentation in design, architecture, fashion, and art.

  • Interviews with well-known professionals, including Leatrice Eiseman of the Pantone Color Institute, Louisa Hutton of Sauerbruch Hutton Architects, Hella Jongerius and Liz Griffiths of Missoni.

  • 300 stunning photos and illustrations.

About the Author

Architectural, design and travel journalist Jeanne Tan has written for publications such as Wallpaper*, Surface, Metropolis, I.D., Bright, Phaidon Atlas of 21st Century Architecture, Time Out Amsterdam, Holland Herald (KLM), Mark and Frame. She is currently an editor of the Dutch design news website Design.nl and is the Europe correspondent for Inside Australian Design Review.

Designer Hedwig van Onna develops colour concepts for interior design, the health care industry, and multisensory projects. A graduate from the Design Academy Einhoven, van Onna now lectures at several Dutch Design Academies. She also curates and compiles the work of young designers and graduates. Together with Hanneke Kamphuis she has written editorials for Frame magazine and compiled the book Atmosphere: the shape of things to come.

Hanneke Kamphuis is a designer and design consultant focusing on designing prints and developing colour and material concepts. She graduated from ArtEz, the Arnhem Academy of Art, the fashion department.


CMF Design

The Fundamental Principles of Colour, Material and Finish Design

Written by Liliana Becerra

Frame Publishers


In this first book about the rather young discipline, the author consolidated its key principles, so that they can be consulted, referenced and utilised by both design students and professionals.

Only when the perfect balance between visual beauty and functional performance is achieved, can a product provide a consistent and successful user experience. The discipline of CMF design focuses on designing and specifying colours, materials and finishes to support both functional and emotional attributes of products. The work of the CMF designer combines aesthetics and practical knowledge of materials and technologies with intangible human perceptions of value.

This area of design expertise is increasingly in demand. Consumer product manufacturers have an enhanced awareness of its great potential for diversifying product portfolios at relatively low costs, while still maintaining a similar or the same product shape, functionality or tooling. It can work as a key avenue to create a sense of novelty and higher value propositions. From a marketing perspective, CMF design is a valuable tool when it comes to positioning products, collections and categories according to market tiers and consumer segmentations. 

Introducing the CMF process and detailing the areas of colour, material and finish design, this book serves as a valuable source of information about this emerging professional discipline and its fundamental principles.


  • This is the first book that outlines the key principles of this emerging discipline.

  • Includes Q&As with CMF design experts.

  • Case studies of companies that successfully apply CMF design make this a thorough reference book.

  • Specialised source of information for both students as professionals.

About the Author

Liliana Becerra is an independent design strategist, professor, writer and curator based in Los Angeles, CA, United States. Through her studio, Becerra and her team of global experts advise Fortune 500 companies and brands on the recognition of global insights, trends and their articulation into strategic design opportunities. She is also faculty member of the Product Design Department at the Art Center College of Design in California, where she teaches design research, design insights and colour, material and finish design.










首本中文CMF设计书籍发布黄明富 SamyCMF
汽车行业中的内饰设计国际知名汽车品牌内饰总监 法国汽车
汽车行业中的外饰设计国际知名汽车品牌外饰总监  意大利汽车
多行业下的CMF设计融合与实践Grace Boicel 瑞典手机
2021~2022年设计趋势发布WGSN趋势专家  英国趋势
CMF设计在运动用品中的创新与应用Robbie Fuller  美国运动
CMF中的色彩设计与未来色彩趋势发布Timo Rieke 教授 德国色彩



未来加工制造新型技术与工艺Georg Fischer  瑞士技术 设备








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海尔、美的、格力、西门子、奥克斯、小天鹅、海信、康佳、TCL、松下、奥马、长虹、飞利浦、创维、莱克、科沃斯、苏泊尔、史密斯、美菱、九阳、海派、仁宝、罗技、华硕;Apple、华为、小米、三星、OPPO、联想、中兴、vivo、酷派、魅族、乐视、Motorola、传音、努比亚、奇酷360、一加、美图;微软、intel;宝马、大众、广汽、北汽、上汽、一汽、长安、长城、吉利、海马、江淮、比亚迪、奇瑞、现代、中车、陕汽、东风、潍柴、蔚来、泛亚、小鹏、宝沃、伊狄达、开云、同捷科技;佳普、老板、正大、模德、奥普、樱花、欧普、欧派、顾家、华帝;杜邦、库尔兹、巴斯夫、陶氏、PPG、苏威、阿克苏诺贝尔、3M、艾文德、LG;武汉大学、天津大学、东南大学、湖南大学、吉林大学、江南大学、东华大学、同济大学、中央美院、天津科技、天津工业、广州大学、南京艺术学院、浙江理工、浙江工业、中国地质、南京理工、南京航空航天、北京理工、西南交通、广东工业、华南理工、华南工业、华南农业、安徽农业、哈尔滨理工大学;北京服装学院色彩设计研究中心、中国流行色协会、中国色彩中心、爱色丽&潘通、丽华创新制造、江南大学&卡秀堡辉联合创新实验室、荣格、YANG DESIGN等诸多业界同仁,分别来自家电、3C、汽车、家居、资源方、学术界、第三方平台、设计企业等,共同探索CMF,助力行业发展。





