

编译:Diudi CMF设计军团号 2022-12-13


外文来源 | Canva官网

翻译编辑 | CMF设计军团,部分内容有改动

2020 is just around the corner, which means the world of design is about to see a host of new trends in the design space.


但是色彩的趋势是怎样的呢?两位设计专家:分别是来自北卡罗来纳州夏洛特市的品牌和图形设计工作室Charm Creative的Dora Blaskievich,以及创意机构Someoddpilot的资深设计师,芝加哥艺术学院视觉传达设计讲师Frederick Eschrich,正预测未来一年色彩世界中的重大变化。

But when it comes to color, what are those trends going to look like? Two design experts—Dora Blaskievich of Charm Creative, a branding and graphic design studio in Charlotte, North Carolina, and Frederick Eschrich, senior designer at creative agency Someoddpilot and lecturer in visual communication design at the School of the Art Institute in Chicago, to get their predictions on what’s going to be big in the world of color in the upcoming year.


When it comes to design, there’s no single element more impactful than color. The colors you incorporate into your design can completely change the look, feel, and perception of your work—which is why you need to choose your colors wisely.And that includes choosing colors that feel on-trend.


But the definition of “on-trend” is constantly changing, and if you want your color palettes to fit that definition, you need to keep your finger on the pulse of what’s going on in the world of design—and what color trends are emerging as the go-to standard for the upcoming year.


So, when it comes to color, what is “on-trend” going to mean in 2020? Let’s take a look at some of the biggest color trends predicted for the upcoming year—and how you can incorporate those trends into your designs:



图 这些给人凉爽感的绿色调来自自然灵感,让人内心平静,图片来源于PANTONE


We live in a tech-focused culture. We’re constantly bombarded by information, distractions, and a seemingly endless array of new technology that demands our attention.


But as we move into 2020, all that tech is making a lot of people feel overwhelmed and stressed out—which is why it makes sense that one of next year’s biggest color trends is all about finding calm within the chaos.


Three of the world’s largest paint companies (Behr, Sherwin Williams, and PPG) recently released their 2020 color palettes, and there’s a clear theme across the board—colors inspired by the great outdoors (mainly greens and blues) that act as an antithesis to our tech-centric culture and evoke a sense of peace, calm, and tranquility.


“The faster technology moves and the more convenience it offers, the more we seek activities, experiences and lifestyles that impart slowness and realness into our lives,” said Dee Schlotter, senior color manager, PPG paint brand, in a recent Forbes article. “The need for simplicity and escapism from technology is, in part, the reason that consumers are craving blues like Chinese Porcelain that bring us closer to natural elements such as the sea and sky—creating serenity in any space.”

And while these paint companies are focused on predicting color trends in the world of interior design, the nature-inspired color trend is already making waves in other design arenas—a trend that’s projected to extend well into the upcoming year.



When choosing color palettes for your designs, look for nature-inspired shades—like greens, blues, creams, and browns—that is going to have a calming, soothing effect on your viewer. People are in desperate need of tranquility—and the more tranquility your designs (and color palette) inspires, the more on-trend it will feel in the upcoming year.


Nature-inspired color palettes are going to be everywhere in the design world in 2020—and that includes logo design. Embrace the colors of nature (and design an on-trend logo) with one of Canva’s logo templates, like the Green Leaves Environment Logo or the Blue Waves Environment Logo.



As mentioned, neutral color palettes are set to be a big 2020 color trend.But, according to Blaskievich, in-your-face color palettes are going to be just as on-trend. “There is also an emergence of pairing colors that are traditionally considered clashing: Red with light pink, or neon pink paired with periwinkle,” says Blaskievich. “These pairings create a bold aesthetic, but one that is also whimsical and playful.”

图 粉色与红色结合在一起的高级圆领毛衣

图 长春花色



Don’t be afraid to go bold with your colors, but the key to using this trend successfully? Balance. Pairing bold, contrasting colors with neutrals can help tone done the intensity of the palette, making for a design that feels visually impactful—and not visually overwhelming. “Choose one or two vibrant/bold colors, and let neutrals do the rest,” says Blaskievich. “The neutral colors will allow the brighter colors to shine, as well as let the eye of the viewer have a break.”


Combining bold, contrasting colors is set to be one of the most fun color trends in 2020—and what better place to experiment with fun colors than social media? Embrace contrast (and have fun with it!) with one of Canva’s social graphic templates, like the Green and Pink Photo or the Blue, Violet, and Orange Shapes .

 三、PANTONE 2020色彩趋势 


You can’t talk about design and color trends without talking about Pantone. Pantone is the world’s leading authority on color—and every year, their go-to colors (including their famed Color of the Year) drive trends in every design arena, from fashion to beauty to interior and graphic design.Recently, Pantone released its Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2020 trend report and the go-to color palette with it.


据潘通色彩研究所的色彩专家指出,2020 春夏色彩表达了我们对熟悉感与亲密感的渴望,传递一种舒适轻松的氛围,友善愉悦而且能够感受到彼此联结,但与此同时,仍不忘呼应这是个强调表达个性化自我特质的时代,因此我们在熟悉喜爱的色彩故事中也加入了一些特殊的转折,包括幽默、现代、娱乐的元素。

According to Pantone, “Colors for Spring/Summer 2020 New York express our desire for a sense of the familiar. Friendly and relatable, a palette of colors that conveys a sense of ease. At the same time, in this era of personalized self- expression, this palette of recognized favorites uses the familiar to take some unique twists and turns highlighting elements of humor, modernity, and entertainment.”



Clearly, there are a number of color trends that are set to be big in 2020. But another trend that’s set to hit in the upcoming year goes beyond color—and, instead, is about pairing color and texture.

图 做成3D效果可以提供不同的色彩外观质感


When creating your designs, think outside the box and go beyond just choosing colors—and, instead, think about new and interesting ways to combine color and texture. Add a metallic polish to a blue for a more impactful finish. Infuse texture to neutral colors to add visual interest to an otherwise muted design. Get creative in the way you bring together different colors and textures—and what you’ll end up with? Designs that feel completely on-trend in 2020.


There are still a few months to go until 2020, but the color trends from the upcoming year are already starting to emerge. So all that’s left to do? Get out there, embrace the color trends of upcoming year, and use it to take your designs to the next (2020-inspired) level!






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