

The following article is from 设计HUB Author XYLun


Tesla was just named as the most valuable automaker as its shares surpassed $1000 mark. The electric car company overtook Toyota in the race and was valued at $190 billion (at the time this story was written) earning it the top spot on the coveted global list. The boost came after Elon Musk sent an email to his employees that said the company’s new semi-truck was ready for “volume production”. Tesla has climbed up the ladder of the automotive world rather quickly thanks to their ‘drive’ to constantly innovate. While they turned the tide on electric cars that people actually wanted to own, Tesla was also highly regarded for its modern, futuristic design by non-automotive designers and design enthusiasts all over the world. It inspired a whole genre of design aesthetic that spilled over to architecture, phones, bikes, shoes, and even surfboards! The California-based company is now an iconic global brand apart from spearheading the electric vehicle industry. The Tesla-inspired designs range from sleek to outrageous but you can’t look away from it and that shows its power. Elon musk be very happy!

特斯拉股价突破1000美元大关,被评为最有价值的汽车制造商。这家电动汽车公司在竞争中超过了丰田,市值达到1900亿美元(在撰写本文时),使其跻身于梦global以求的全球榜首。埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)向其员工发送电子邮件说,该公司的新型半卡车已准备好进行“批量生产”,从而提振了业绩。特斯拉凭借其“不断创新”的“动力”,已迅速爬上了汽车界的阶梯。当他们改变了人们真正想要拥有的电动汽车的潮流时,特斯拉还因其现代,未来派的设计而受到全世界非汽车设计师和设计爱好者的高度评价。它启发了整个设计美学流派,遍及建筑,电话,自行车,鞋子,甚至冲浪板!除了带动电动汽车行业外,这家总部位于加利福尼亚的公司现在是一个标志性的全球品牌。特斯拉(Tesla)启发的设计风格从时尚到令人发指,但您不能放过它,这表明了它的强大功能。埃隆·马斯克很高兴!


Named after the very man who pioneered the edgy, angular, low-poly aesthetic, the Brubaker Box by Samir Sadikhov is a minivan inspired by the designs of Curt Brubaker – whose work also directly influenced design of the Tesla Cybertruck. The Brubaker Box is essentially for families who want to adopt the Cybertruck aesthetic without necessarily buying a pickup. Made possibly for edgy soccer moms, the minivan comes with a slightly softer low-poly design that’s more approachable and friendly (after all, you want to look more like a family person and less like you’re Mad Max-ing your way through life).

萨米尔·萨迪霍夫(Samir Sadikhov)的Brubaker Box以开创前卫,棱角分明的美学的那个人的名字命名,是一款受柯特·布鲁贝克(Curt Brubaker)设计启发的小型货车-他的作品也直接影响了特斯拉Cybertruck的设计。Brubaker Box基本上是为那些想要采用Cybertruck美学而不必购买皮卡的家庭设计的。这款小型货车可能是为锋利的足球妈妈们准备的,它的轻薄且多边形设计更加平易近人和友好(毕竟,您希望看起来更像一个家庭成员,而不是像疯了似的麦克斯-迈向人生 )。

It’s a shame that this conceptual Tesla pickup is fan-made because it’s an absolute beauty! Designed with the sheer attention to detail, the pickup is envisioned as a part of Tesla’s Model P series, by Istanbul-based designer, Emre Husmen. The conceptual Model P 2019 (let’s just call it that for now) is a brilliant exercise in brand and form semantics… that’s a fancy-design-jargon way of saying that it looks exactly like something Tesla would launch.

可惜的是,这款概念性的Tesla皮卡是风扇制造的,因为它绝对是美!皮卡的设计注重细节,是伊斯坦布尔设计师Emre Husmen构想的特斯拉P型车系列的一部分。概念性的Model 2019(现在仅称为Model P)是品牌和形式语义学的绝妙练习……这是一种花哨的设计术语,表示它看起来就像特斯拉将要推出的东西。

The Tesla x SpaceX x BTTF combination comes from the mind of Charlie Nghiem, a maverick automotive designer who’s even made a Tesla x Rimowa concept collab. This holy-trinity mashup features both of Elon Musk’s current ventures, electric automobile company Tesla, and space exploration venture SpaceX, along with an unlikely third, the DeLorean from Back To The Future (Musk is a Rick and Morty fan, so maybe he loves BTTF too?) The car looks like a pimped out Tesla Roadster complete with all the trims and the massive afterburners from the BTTF automobile. The car’s even got a hoverboard casually resting against its side, and features a SpaceX logo at the base of the C pillar, because where they’re going, they don’t need roads.

Tesla x SpaceX x BTTF组合来自特立独行的汽车设计师Charlie Nghiem的想法,他甚至与Tesla x Rimowa概念合作。这个三位一体的混搭功能包括埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)当前的合资企业,电动汽车公司特斯拉(Tesla)和太空探索企业SpaceX以及不大可能的第三类-《回到未来》(DeLorean from Back To the Future)(马斯克是瑞克和莫蒂的粉丝,所以也许他喜欢 BTTF也是吗?)这辆车看起来像一辆特斯拉跑车,上面装有所有饰件和BTTF汽车上的大型加力燃烧室。这款汽车甚至还有一个气垫板,随意地靠在它的侧面,并在C柱的底部带有一个SpaceX徽标,因为它们要去的地方不需要道路。

Antonio Paglia sure seems to think the Tesla Helicopter is well on its way. Built in a time where Tesla’s batteries will be able to power large manned airborne vehicles, the Tesla Helicopter carries the company’s DNA, both physically and spiritually. Designed for efficiency and speed, the Helicopter would do well in departments like safety and patrol, allowing the administration to effectively patrol the skies and ground while even in some cases offer assistance in an emergency. Thoughts, Mr. Musk?


Meet the Tesla Model M by James Gawley… designed to make electric bikes more of the status quo, the Model M comes with a unique aesthetic that deliberately chooses to create a negative space in its design where the fuel-tank would be, almost poking fun at its fuel-guzzling ancestors. The bike’s curvy outer body harks to the curvilinear design-language of its sedans like the Model X and Model S, and a massive dashboard occupies a significant amount of space where you’d expect the fuel tank’s inlet – giving you a whole host of data from your speed and battery level to the bike’s performance and even a detailed map to help you navigate.

认识詹姆斯·高利(James Gawley)的特斯拉Model M…旨在使电动自行车更趋于现状,Model M具有独特的美感,在其设计中故意选择在油箱所在的位置创造一个负空间,这简直让人开心 在它耗油的祖先。自行车弯曲的外部车身采用了Model X和Model S等轿车的曲线设计语言,而庞大的仪表板则占据了您期望油箱进气口可观的空间,从而为您提供了大量数据 从速度和电池电量到自行车的性能,甚至还有详细的地图都可以帮助您导航。

The Rimac 2080 Hyper Cyber is a concept by 3Dmente Digital. Designed as a part of Rimac’s Design Challenge on Instagram, the Hyper Cyber is an edgy, retro-techno-punkish bike with a low-poly body in the signature metallic finish. The bike sports an unusual seat design that’s molded in a single piece, with negative spaces that give it a cushioning effect, and quite like the Cybertruck, it’s missing rearview mirrors too. That being said, it does come with a traditional-looking fuel tank, although that could just be a power inlet for charging… and there’s a distinct lack of cracked glass surfaces too, a detail whose absence I surely can appreciate!

Rimac 2080 Hyper Cyber是3Dmente Digital的概念。Hyper Cyber是Rimac在Instagram上的设计挑战赛的一部分,它是一款前卫,复古,高科技的朋克自行车,标志性金属饰面的车身。这款自行车采用独特的座椅设计,一体成型,负空间提供缓冲效果,就像Cybertruck一样,它也缺少后视镜。话虽如此,它确实配备了传统外观的燃油箱,尽管它可能只是用于充电的电源插座……而且也明显缺乏破裂的玻璃表面,我肯定会赞赏这个细节!

Designed really as more of a conceptual car rather than something that even dreams to be street-legal, the ARMORTRUCK by Milen Ivanov is a hulking 2000 horsepower beast that comes with an aggressive outer design featuring low-poly paneling that’s designed to make you shudder first and admire later. Given how incredibly broad the car is, gullwing doors open vertically allow you to enter and exit the vehicle, primarily because you’d possibly struggle for door-opening space in a parking lot. The car comes equipped with insane off-road tires and fog-lights, and sort of does a hat-tip to the Cybertruck with its linear tail-light.

Milen Ivanov设计的ARMORTRUCK实际上更像是概念车,而不是梦street以求的街头霸王,它是一款笨重的2000马力野兽,采用激进的外部设计,采用低聚镶板,让您首当其冲 以后再欣赏 鉴于汽车的宽度是如此之大,垂直打开的鸥翼形门使您可以进出车辆,这主要是因为您可能会在停车场争抢开门空间。该车配备了疯狂的越野轮胎和雾灯,并且其线性尾灯为Cybertruck带来了些许惊喜。

Meet the Cyberphone by Jonas Daehnert… an indestructible mobile with a 7-inch screen and nifty stainless steel finish. Flip the phone over and it begins really looking like its inspiration. The angled design with a windscreen-esque black glass on the upper half, and a slatted lower half resembling the truck’s vaulted bed. Under the ‘windshield’ lies a triple camera setup, but what really has my eye is the nifty strip-light on the top, modeled after the Cybertruck’s headlights, that I assume works either as a flash or a notification light. Plus, extra points to the designer for rendering out this beauty on a marble surface, paying a hat-tip to the Cybertruck’s marble interiors.

与乔纳斯·戴纳特(Jonas Daehnert)的Cyberphone见面……这是一款坚不可摧的手机,具有7英寸的屏幕和精美的不锈钢饰面。翻转手机,它开始看起来就像是它的灵感一样。倾斜的设计在上半部装有挡风玻璃状的黑色玻璃,下半部为板条状,类似卡车的拱形床。在“挡风玻璃”下是一个三重摄像头设置,但我真正的眼睛是顶部的漂亮的条形灯,以Cybertruck的前灯为蓝本,我认为它可以用作闪光灯或通知灯。另外,还需要设计师加分才能在大理石表面上展现出这种美感,并为Cybertruck的大理石内饰支付了一笔小费。

Designed for the Cybertruck patron, Tesla enthusiast, and lover of all-things-electric, the Cybunker by Lars Büro is literally styled on the polarizing polygonal design of the pickup truck which launched a month ago. Made to work off the grid, the bunker comes with a roof of solar panels that power its interiors, even providing juice to the two cars that can fit into its garage, accessible by the two folding gates that open just like the Cybertruck’s ‘vault’. The 1800 sq.ft. possesses the ability to double up as an apartment, shelter, storage, or space for commercial activities. Under it lies its infrastructural ‘motherboard’ which houses all of the unit’s utilities and computer systems, as well as the battery bank that stores all the energy generated by the roof.

Cysunker by LarsBüro专为Cybertruck的顾客,特斯拉发烧友和全电动爱好者而设计,其字面意思是一个月前推出的皮卡车的偏光多边形设计。地堡是为在电网上工作而设计的,带有屋顶的太阳能电池板,可为内部提供动力,甚至为可装入车库的两辆汽车提供果汁,可通过两个折叠门打开,就像Cybertruck的“金库”一样 。1800平方呎 可以兼作公寓,住所,仓库或商业活动场所。它的下方是其基础设施的“主板”,其中容纳了该部门的所有公用事业和计算机系统,以及存储屋顶产生的所有能量的电池组。

素材来源 | 设计HUB


CMF | 一文了解汽车内外饰用非金属材料:塑胶与玻璃


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