
淮海中路1209号红砖老洋房原是爱滋拉100多年前建造的“天赐大宅” (Erza Adeodata Hall) 正静等新生

本地老洋房 外滩以西 2020-11-02

在今天的淮海中路1209号对面的淮海中路1250号曾有一个小型的壳牌加油站,可能是专门给爱滋拉和索福家族配置的。链接点进去看看:《淮海中路繁华地段上藏着“都市里的村庄”  1980年代的美女演员殷亭如永远活在电影胶片里》。




爱滋拉坐在大班台后,是在刚建成的江西路新康大楼吗?看上去是不是很器宇轩昂?其实此时的爱滋拉一直处于超负荷的工作状态,亚健康。下图看到爱滋拉大腹便便,美国总领事将租地支票交给他,大地主一枚。请注意时间点,1916年,此照片刊登在英文版的《大陆报》(The China Press),而《大陆报》曾归属爱滋拉。而到了1917年,一本在伦敦出版的图册向全世界介绍了爱滋拉位于霞飞路上的豪宅,豪宅有个好听的名字。

超级大宅除了门牌号码外还有爱称,爱滋拉的大宅名叫Adeodata Hall。

这个好名字来自拉丁文“天赐大宅”。张霞写道:Adeodata Hall photographed some time before 1917。1917年前肯定是对的,目前我们看到的爱滋拉“天赐大宅”照片来自这本画册:《Present Day Impressions of the Far East and prominent and progressive Chinese at home and abroad. -The History, people, commerce, industries and resources of China, Hongkong, Indo-China, Malaya andNetherland India.》(远东新印象与国内外进步和突出的中国人 -中国,香港,越南,马来亚和印度尼西亚的历史,人民,商业,工业和资源)(1917年出版)

Edward Ezra's residence was built in 1912, before the magnate turned thirty. The name of the estate – Adeodata Hall – meant "god-given" in Latin. 能感叹的是爱滋拉英年早逝,王均瑶还有人记得吗?38岁去世的,爱滋拉也在38岁走掉的(3 January 1883 in Shanghai – 15 December 1921 in Shanghai),维基百科的感叹还要多:Edward Isaac Ezra was a wealthy Jewish businessman, who was the first member of the Shanghai Municipal Council who was actually born in China, and who was at one time "one of the wealthiest foreigners in Shanghai". According to one report, Ezra amassed a vast fortune estimated at from twenty to thirty million dollars primarily through the importation of opium, and successful real estate investment and management in early twentieth century Shanghai. Ezra was the largest stockholder and the managing director of Shanghai Hotels Ltd., and its major financier, and controlled such hotels as the Astor House Hotel in Shanghai.

有句话,人在天堂钱在银行。二十世纪初爱滋拉在上海通过鸦片进口贸易和房地产开发获得了2000万至3000万美元的财富。这里也插一句,维基的信息也不是很准的,第一个出生在上海并担任工部局公董的不是爱滋拉,在我们公号背后一直默默支持帮助的老法师Georges -- 覺凈考证应该是亨利·盖西克(Henry Keswick ),链接点进去看看:《致一位未谋面但通微信公号朋友 老法师的每一次指正纠错有根有据》。

张霞说爱滋拉三十岁之前建造了“天赐大宅”,通过张霞的转述,我们知道了这个大宅占地25英亩,没看错吧,152亩地,绝对超级大地主。天赐大宅落成以后,内部辟有可供150人跳舞的舞厅,80个座位的音乐室,全屋路易十五风格的家具。The palatial mansion "had Louis XV furniture throughout, a ballroom for 150 dancers, a music room to seat an audience of 80 in comfort, and elegantly designed French windows giving out on to 25 acres of garden" (Austin Coates, China Races (1983))。

张霞接着写道:In the garden, Mrs. Ezra grew orchids, begonias, poinsettias and sweet peas.花园里种着兰花、秋海棠、一品红和甜豌豆。


1947年上海电话号码簿上的林森中路1209号电话用户名字,中间名字E 还是爱滋拉吗?In 1907 Ezra married Mozelle Robinson Sopher (born 1890 in Shanghai; died August 1979 in Hong Kong), and they had two children, Cecil (born 1908) and Denzil (born 1914,应为1913年)。爱滋拉夫人长寿的,她来自另一个著名的犹太家族“索福(沙发)”,两个儿子,儿子继承了父亲的事业但超越不了老子,中央商场也转手了。爱滋拉的侄女名叫Cecilia Ezra,后来成为一位建筑师。Ezra's sister, his wife and their two sons continued to live in the Adeodata Hall. The sons Denzil and Cecil attempted to continue the real estate business, but failed to maintain the same level. The splendid Central Arcade, opened in 1929 on Nanking Road, did not stay in the clan's hands for long and was acquired by Chinese investors. Only Cecilia Ezra, the niece of the tycoon, could be said to have attained professional success, having become the first woman-architect in Shanghaiand joining the Minutti & Co. firm in 1934.



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