
Camp Curry龙焰主题营|脱掉秋裤享受春光,来一场chill的秘密聚会

chill的 六九集 2020-10-12

We Imagine We Create 






< 邀请大家来营地参加一场chill的秘密聚会 >

Fundraiser For Camp Curry!
March 30-31st (2 Days 1 Night)
In a Beautiful Village in Hangzhou


依然是在 塘 浙江音乐学院 旁边的灵山村里

联合打造“Camp Curry龙焰主题营”

TIME: 12:00-21:00, 30th - 31th May 2019 (Silent Disco: 21:00-Sunrise) 

活动时间:2019年3月30日 - 3月31日,12:00至21:00 (静音迪斯科: 21:00到日出)

ADD: QingFengShanFang, Spirit Mountain, XiHu district, Hangzhou

活动地点:杭州市西湖区灵山村 清风山房


Scan the QR code to buy the tickets!



AT DOOR: 69 Rmb/2 Days 1 Night

(Limit to 200 people)



Spirit Mountain Fundraiser for CampCurry for Dragon Burn | Ticket Benefits:

1. Collect a Beer Can (First 100) free of charge.

2. Will have Djs playing electronic music, street performance, Camping, swimming pool, BBQ(Bring your own food), etc.




Ticket includes:Entry to location (excluding accommodation, transportation, food,drinks and other expenses). On site there is a drink and food Vendor serving vegetarian food.


Forward this activity link and leave a message at the bottom of the page; you can get the chance to win 2 Days Ticket for the Fundraiser of Camp Curry

关注公众号,转发此活动链接并留言,就有机会获得Camp Curry主题营的双日连票一张。

What is Burning Man

The Burning man Festival originated in American back in the 80's, when a divorced husband, in order to bury his lost love, made a wooden man to symbolize himself, burning a torch on a San Francisco beach to show that he had been reborn.After being driven by the police, he moved to the Black Stone desert, once a lake bed in Nevada province, as a burning base. 

Now, every year at the end of August, tens of thousands of of people from all over the world who seek freedom pour into the black Stone desert, calling themselves Burners. During the 8 days, burners follow the 10 principles: Radical Inclusion, Gifting, Decommodification, Radial Self-reliance, Radical self expression, Communal Effort, Civic Resposibitlity, Leaving no trace, Participation and immediacy.

火人节(Burning Man Festival)起源于80年代的美国黑石城,相传一位离婚的丈夫为了埋葬逝去的爱情,做了个木头人以象征自己,在旧金山海滩上一把火把他烧掉,用来表示自己已脱胎换骨。后因警察驱赶,就迁移到了内华达省内曾是一片湖床的黑石沙漠,作为燃烧的基地。


What is Dragon Burn


Dragon Burn is the official branch of the Burining man festival in China.Held in a beautiful, secluded and inaccessible place in Anji, Zhejiang province. A large 5-day camping event; An adventure that combines art, music, interaction and burning fire.

龙焰是火人节Burining Man在中国的官方分支,在浙江安吉一个美丽幽静人迹罕至的地方,举办为期5天的大型露营活动,是集艺术、音乐、互动和燃烧的火的一次探险之旅。

What is / 什么是 Camp Curry?

Camp Curry is a collaboration between G9, *LLND and GoFuture: Spicy sensations for free style lovers . Expect the unexpectable live music blending electronics & acoustics, performing Arts, inspirational workshops and before all delicious curry food inspired by the beauty of our camp's cultural melting pot! Lets Burn together and prepare for the Big Burn in May!

六九集联手 *LLND GoFuture将在今年5月1-5日龙焰设置主题营地"Camp Curry”。所以我们此次3月30-31日在灵山村清风山房提前举办一场预热音乐party,两天一夜的秘密聚会让我们逃离喧嚣在大自然中先“火”起来!

This Year Dragon Burn



★ Electronic Music | 电子音乐

Dj's selecting the music for the mood, from ambient to pumping bass, expect a beautiful music journey.


 ★ Jam Session / 即兴表演聚会 ★ 

A mix of both Electronic and Acoustic musicians from around the world with various intrsuments joining to create and dance to the music!



★ Silent disco  / 静音迪斯科 ★ 

(At 9pm Silent Disco starts as the main stage closes)

Djs playing with no speakers but to multiple wireless headphones, creating a silent enviorment but  everyone dancing to the music. Silent Disco will start at 9pm until sunrise!

Silent disco并不是指在安静的环境下蹦迪,而是给蹦迪的每个人戴上一副无线耳机。让身体和灵魂在秘密共通的音乐空间中碰撞交流。

★ Camping 露营野餐

A tranquil village with a vast lawn, backed by a forest ;with a view of the universe!


Event Location/活动场地

# Tent/帐篷

Can bring your own tent or rent tents on site. 

Camping Rental costs/露营租赁费用:

¥80: 1 tent + 1 Sleeping Bag + 1 Mat

1 Tent/双人帐篷(2 Persons): 50Rmb
1 Sleeping bag/单人睡袋: 30Rmb
1 Mat/睡垫: 20Rmb 

Deposit/押金: ¥150

BBQ is allowed on site, please bring your own food/tools (Be Aware of safety).


Take a meal for two days and one night, climb a mountain with friends, dance to themusic (too lazy to bring your own food? We provide Vegetarian food on site).


Dance around the camp fire!




必备品 Bring Along:

The Camping Area has Washrooms,  Bar, Restaurant and a Charging Area...


Here is a list of the essentials all campers should have:


很大程度的好奇心 | A large measure of curiosity

相机 | Camera‘s

史诗级自拍姿势 | Epic selfie poses

保暖衣物(夜晚会比较凉爽)Warm clothes (in the night might be cold)

舒适的鞋子 Comfortable Footwear or none!

牙刷、牙膏 Toothbrush and toothpaste

毛巾 Towel

雨具(伞、雨衣、雨鞋等)Rain gear (you never know)

充电器 Phone charger

防蚊液 Mosquito repellent (important!)

手电筒 Flash light

帐篷及睡袋(如需购买露营设备,文章下方有二维码获取更多信息)Tent and sleeping bag (tents and sleeping bags can also be rented on site, scroll up for details)

睡垫/防潮垫  sleeping mat

卫生纸 toilet paper

环保水杯和餐盘(不提倡一次性的)  cup and plate (leave no trace!)

门票订单记录 screenshot of your ticket

禁止携带/NOT Allowed

*武器及其他非法物品 Weapons or other illegal items

*毒品 Narcotics

到达方式 Travel Information 

# 公车/自驾(Bus/self-driving)



◆Bus to LingShan Cave Station,walk 750m to the Site location

◆Take a taxi to "清风山房" (QingFengShanFang)

 粉丝福利 Fan's gift 

1、Scan the QR code to join Camp Curry "secret Gathering group", to meet more interesting people, but also to make friends with artists. (or add WeChat: 15724960069)


2、Leave a message at the bottom of the page and the person with the highest likes wins the gift!  (Before 9:00 p.m. on the 20th of January)

🎫 5 Lucky winners will have a chance to get a ticket worth 69RMB.





🎫  就有机会获得价值69元的门票一张


Qing Feng Shan Fang/清风山房

Qing Feng Shan Fang is located in Ling Shan village, it is only 3 kilometers from ZhuanTang. It is an outdoor leisure base that include sightseeing, leisure, sports and flying experience. The base has indoor leisure bar, book store, outdoor grass field, tree houses and an open air swimming pool.


       Read more / Buy the tickets!

