
莱镇活动早知道 - Lexington Happenings I 2023 October

莱镇活动早知道 莱镇华协 2023-10-04

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十月 I 愿生命,充满可能性

One of the mixed blessings of being twenty and twenty-one and even twenty-three is the conviction that nothing like this, all evidence to the contrary notwithstanding, has ever happened to anyone before.

 - Goodbye To All That, Essayist, Joan Didion



演奏家:Min Xiao-Fen & Lewis Porter 


地点:Scottish Rite Masonic Museum

 33 Marrett Rd. Lexington, MA 02421

Min Xiao-Fen是琵琶演奏家、歌手和作曲家。在纪念和重塑2000年琵琶艺术领域几乎无人能超越她。她接受过中国的传统训练,在南京音乐管弦乐团担任首席琵琶独奏家,在移居美国之前,她是传统音乐的专家。她与现代爵士乐、自由即兴创作、和当代古典音乐的许多领军人物一起,为她的音乐创作形式开辟了一条新道路。NPR称赞Min女士是“世界上最伟大的演奏家之一”,JazzTimes认为“她的风格是古老乐器与现代爵士乐和即兴音乐合成的杰做。”

作为一名钢琴家,Lewis Porter与Terri Lyne Carrington、John Patitucci、Tia Fuller、Dave Liebman、Mark Ribot、James Brandon Lewis等优秀的音乐家一起出现在37张专辑中。她是一位著名的研究人员和历史学家,也是爵士散文系列《Playback with Lewis Porter》的作者,Ted Gioia在其中写道:“Porter是真正的专家和值得信赖的权威人士。”

门票: $20/张



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October 4

The Raven in the Frog Pond


Edgar Allan Poe & Paul Lewis

日期:10月4日, 星期三, 7-8:30PM

地点:Lexington Depot

13 Depot Sq., Lexington, MA 02420

虽然Eliza Poe希望她的儿子长大后爱上波士顿,但在1809年1月19日出生的Poe,对他出生地的感情却是很复杂的。他写道: “波士顿人, 他们的酒店很糟糕。他们的南瓜派很好吃。他们作诗普通...但有了所有这些良好的品质,波士顿人就没有了灵魂..波士顿人很有教养 - 但显得他们非常迟钝。”

Paul Lewis是波士顿学院的英语名誉教授,Poe 研究协会的前任主席,波士顿文学展览的策展人,以及创造“Frankenfood”一词的神学家。作为Edgar Allan Poe基金会波士顿公司的BOD主席,Lewis与其他人一起在Poe出生的城市庆祝他的诞辰。2010年,在博伊斯顿街(Boylston Street)和查尔斯南街(Charles Street Sout)的交叉口设立了一个广场,专门纪念Poe,并于2014年在广场上安装了Poe的雕像.

注册费: $15



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October 5

Korean Cultural Society of Boston Presents



韩国韩纸艺术家 Jongkuk Lee

艺术家讲座:10 月 5 日星期四 7PM

           展览时间:10/7 - 10/22

         互动研讨会:10 月 6 日星期五1:30PM

            开幕会:10 月 7 日星期六 3-5PM


130 Waltham St, Lexington, MA

波士顿韩国文化协会 (KCSB) 将在 LexArt 展出著名自然艺术家李钟国 (Jongkuk Lee) 的作品,主题为 “造纸、播种、考虑环境”。他专门研究韩纸(韩国传统纸)的专家,他的材料源自大自然,甚至来自他自家种植的构树。他目前居住在韩国清州,担任 Mabuel Gallery 总监。






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October 6

Han-ji Fan Workshop with Jongkuk Lee

Jongkuk Lee - Han-ji 扇子工作坊


地点:Plummer Studio, LexArt

130 Waltham St., Lexington, MA 02421

受韩国传统竹扇子的启发,Jongkuk Lee使用Han-ji(由桑树皮制成的纸)开发了自己的作品风格。扇子设计的灵感来自韩国的月亮罐:这些罐子是表面光滑的圆形、白色并有轻微的不对称。在这个活动上,参加者将制作一个扇子和一个简单的竹刷用来装饰扇子。





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October 7

Stories in Stone Graveyard Tour



地点:Buckman Tavern

1 Bedford St., Lexington, MA 02420




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October 7

A Bicycle Ride Honoring Henry Ar Foon


纪念 Henry Ar Foon 骑行之旅


NECCD、新英格兰自行车联盟、Blue Hills Cycling、CAAL、NECAA 和 LexRide 邀请您免费参加第三届年度 Henry Ar Foon Ride.

欢迎加入我们的骑行之旅, 一起纪念华裔美国自行车手 Henry Ar Foon。据记载,他是波士顿地区第一个出生(1874 年)的中国孩子,并于 1897 年当选为切尔西温尼西梅特自行车俱乐部主席。我们会参观风景秀丽的 Wompatuck 州立公园,可爱的耶路撒冷沿着科哈塞特 (Cohasset) 的道路,骑行前往锡土特 (Scituate),前往他晚年的故乡和墓地。

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October 7

Sol Gittleman’s lecture


Sol Gittleman’s Lecture

The Improbable History of American Higher Education


Cary Hall

1605 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington, MA, 02420

索尔·吉特曼 (Sol Gittleman) 是塔夫茨大学名誉教授、前教务长,是一名多产的 6 本书的作者,其中包括Reynolds, Raschi and Lopat: New York’s Big Three and the Great Yankee Dynasty of 1949-1953 and From Shtetl to Suburbia: The Family in Jewish Literary Imagination。


October 8

The Sixties Show



地点:Cary Memorial Hall

1605 Mass Ave., Lexington, MA 02420

"The Sixties Show"是一场横跨多代人的观众喜爱的演出,这个表演在每个剧院和表演艺术中心演出时,门票都会被一抢而空。这支乐队以精确还原1960年代最伟大歌曲的热门曲目、B面曲和深度专辑曲目而广受赞誉。


门票:$39 - 69



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October 11

Bio-planning a Garden 

与Diana Beresford-Kroeger一起




植物学家、医学生物化学家和作家Diana Beresford-Kroeger将讲述马萨诸塞州莱克星顿及其周边地区需要种植的植物和树木,以促进本地居民的健康以及地球上生命的延续。无论您是否是园丁,每个人都可以在植树和保护环境方面发挥作用。

Diana Beresford-Kroeger是世界公认的作家、医学生物化学家、植物学家和气候变化学家。她对现代西方科学和古代知识有着独特的见解。Beresford-Kroeger幼年是爱尔兰的孤儿,她的爱尔兰长辈传授给她关于植物的知识,并且进一步激发了她对植物的兴趣。




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October 12

The Anxious Achiever

焦虑的成就者:将恐惧转化为领导超能力 (Morra Aarons-Mele)

日期:星期四,10月12日,晚上7点 - 8:30

地点:Lexington Depot

13 Depot Sq., Lexington, MA 02420

焦虑影响了超过三分之一的美国人。但是在工作中,特别是在领导层中,焦虑一直是一个被掩盖在明面上的禁忌话题。Morra Aarons-Mele将讨论她的新书《焦虑的成就者:将你最大的恐惧转化为领导超能力》(哈佛商业评论出版社,2023年4月11日)中的观点,并探讨将焦虑从被认为的弱点转化为强大的优势的方法。

Morra Aarons-Mele是《焦虑的成就者》的主持人,这是一档排名前十的管理播客,帮助人们重新思考他们的心理健康与领导力之间的关系。2010年,Morra成立了Women Online(一家屡获殊荣的数字咨询公司)和The Mission List(一家追求社会变革的影响营销公司)。她帮助希拉里·克林顿首次上网聊天,并为奥巴马总统、马拉拉·优素福扎伊、联合国、疾病预防控制中心等众多知名人物和组织推出数字营销活动。




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October 14

Spoons Out: A Buckman Tavern Murder Mystery

《Spoons Out:巴克曼酒馆的谋杀之谜》

时间:星期六,10月14日,晚上7点 - 9点

地点:Buckman Tavern

1 Bedford St., Lexington, MA 02420

《Spoons Out》是一部由Michael Duncan Smith制作的向阿加莎·克里斯蒂致敬的新革命作品。故事发生在1768年的莱克星顿,有一名谋杀犯在逃,但是是谁做的,为什么?嘉宾们将在享受美食和饮品的同时,听取嫌疑人的陈述,并收集线索以揭示凶手。加入调查,抓住罪犯——在他们再次行凶之前!





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October 14

All that Jazz! 




地点:Cary Hall

1605 Mass Ave, Lexington, MA 02420

体验独特的低音长号协奏曲,由Chris Brubeck进行演奏。然后,沿着美国爵士乐对古典音乐的影响之旅:从Stravinsky多彩的谐谑曲到Berkeley引人入胜的嬉游曲,再到Bernstein 和 Copland的清新爵士乐。



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October 16

Nature Photography with Dave Ewing

Dave Ewing的自然摄影讲座




加入Dave Ewing观看和评论精彩的自然摄影作品。注册参加此活动 - 您无需提交照片。注册时,请说明您是否要展示照片。



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October 18

Farm to Vine Dinner


特邀来自Schramsberg & Davies酒庄的Hugh Davies


地点:The Inn at Hastings Park

 2027 Mass Ave., Lexington, MA 02421

加入我们,与Schramsberg & Davies酒庄的总裁兼业主Hugh Davies一起享受一场华的葡萄酒晚宴。在厨师Alissa Tsukakoshi精心搭配的5道菜品的伴随下,沉浸在这些屡获殊荣的葡萄酒的美妙味道和香气中。嘉宾将能本镇的酒馆中,享受新英格兰当地农场丰富的时令特色美食。


门票: $171.76/位



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October 20

Juston McKinney Comes  to Lexington

喜剧演员 Juston McKinney 



地点:Cary Memorial Hall

1605 Mass Ave., Lexington, MA 02420


Juston出生在新罕布什尔州的朴次茅斯,成长在新罕布什尔州和缅因州的交界地带。在20世纪90年代末,他曾在缅因州农村担任七年副警长,后来搬到纽约市追求喜剧事业。Juston很快成为Comic Strip Live、Stand-Up New York、Dangerfield's、Gotham和Caroline's on Broadway的常客。《纽约时报》形容他为“注定要成名的演员”。

门票: $36/张



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October 21

Gala Cabaret and Auction 


时间:星期六,10月21日,晚上7:30 - 10点(歌舞会)


地点:First Parish Lexington, 7 Harrington Rd., Lexington, MA 02421

为了庆祝成立40周年,年度SANS 演出庆典即将回归,并将会比以往更精彩,庆典有音乐、舞蹈、食物、SANS歌手和朋友们的歌舞表演,以及一个精彩的在线拍卖和其他特别惊喜!

演出门票: $40/张



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Highlight of the Month

Pipa Meets Piano with Min Xiao-Fen and Lewis Porter

Date: Sunday, Oct 8, 3 - 4:30 pm

Location: Scottish Rite Masonic Museum and Library, 33 Marrett Rd. Lexington, MA 02421

Few artists have done more to both honor and reinvent the 2000-year history of the pipa than soloist, vocalist and composer Min Xiao-Fen. Classically trained in her native China, she served as a principal pipa soloist at Nanjing Traditional Music Orchestra and was an in- demand interpreter of traditional music before relocating to the United States and forging a new path for her instrument alongside many of the leading lights in modern jazz, free improvisation, experimental and contemporary classical music. NPR Weekend Edition lauded Ms. Min as “one of the world’s greatest virtuosos” and JazzTimes hailed her as “a pioneer in integrating her ancient instrument with modern jazz and improvised music.” 

As a pianist, Lewis Porter has appeared on 37 albums with Terri Lyne Carrington, John Patitucci, Tia Fuller, Dave Liebman, Mark Ribot, James Brandon Lewis, and many others. A renowned researcher and historian, he is the author of “Playback with Lewis Porter,” a jazz essay series, of which Ted Gioia writes “Porter is the real deal—a genuine expert & trusted authority.” 

The registration fee is $20 per person.

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October 1

Peter Yarrow & Noel Paul Stookey

Peter Yarrow & Noel Paul Stookey

Date: Sunday, Oct 1, 7 - 9pm

Location: Cary Memorial Hall

1605 Massachusetts Ave., Lexington, MA 02420

Peter Yarrow and Noel Paul Stookey carry on the tradition of the renowned folk music group Peter, Paul and Mary – a union that lasted 50 years. During their legendary career, the trio won five Grammys, produced 13 top 40 hits of which six ascended into the top 10, and earned eight gold and five platinum albums.

When Peter and Noel perform together, audiences comment that in many ways it feels as if Mary were still on the stage with them.  The energy and enthusiasm for the music has not diminished, in fact it seems ever more impassioned, and frequently the audience steps in to sing Mary’s part–their voices strong, their hearts full. It’s community at its best and what folk music is all about – carrying it on.

Ticket prices range from $49 to $99 per person.

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October 1

 LexFarm's annual Harvest Festival! 

Ride your bike to LexFarm's annual Harvest Festival! 

Date: Sunday, Oct 1, 2-5 pm

Location: LexFarm 

                52 Lowell Street, Lexington, MA 02420

Ride your bike to Lexington's own Community Farm -- LexFarm -- this coming Sunday afternoon for their annual Harvest Festival! Avoid Lowell Street by using easy trails from the Minuteman Bikeway past the Arlington Reservoir and directly to the farm. Get a $2 admission price discount for being on a bike, and park your bike(s) at the corral hosted by the Friends of Lexington Bikeways. Bluegrass band, beer garden, veggie tasting table, food vendors and more! 

See maps  for an easy ride to LexFarm or get full directions at https://lexfarm.org/visit- the-farm/!

The registration fee is: 

$15 Household ($13 for bikers!)

$10 Member Household ($8 for bikers!)

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October 4

The Raven in the Frog Pond

The Raven in the Frog Pond: Edgar Allan Poe and the City of Boston with Paul Lewis

Date: Wednesday, Oct 4, 7 - 8:30pm

Location: Lexington Depot, 13 Depot Sq., Lexington, MA 02420

Although Eliza Poe hoped that her son would grow up loving Boston, Poe’s feelings about the place where he was born on January 19, 1809 were more complex. “The Bostonians,” he wrote, “are very well in their way. Their hotels are bad. Their pumpkin pies are delicious. Their poetry is not so good ... But with all these good qualities the Bostonians have no soul … The Bostonians are well-bred—as very dull persons very generally are.”

Paul Lewis is a professor of English emeritus at Boston College, a past president of the Poe Studies Association, the curator of exhibitions on literary Boston, and the neologist who coined the word “Frankenfood.” As the BOD chair of the Edgar Allan Poe Foundation of Boston, Inc., Lewis worked with others to celebrate Poe in the city of his birth by having a square at the intersection of Boylston Street and Charles Street South dedicated to Poe in 2010 and then installing a statue of Poe in it in 2014. 

The registration fee is $15 per person.

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October 5

Korean Cultural Society of Boston Presents

Korean Cultural Society of Boston Presents

Making Paper, Sowing Seeds, Considering Environment

by Jongkuk Lee, Korean Hanji Artist

Date: Artist Talk: Thursday, October 5, at 7pm

Exhibit: Making Paper, Sowing Seeds, Considering Environment – Sat., 10/7 -        Sun., 10/22

Interactive Workshop: Friday, October 6, at 1:30pm

Opening Reception: Saturday, October 7, at 3-5pm

Location: LexArt

130 Waltham St, Lexington, MA

Korean Cultural Society of Boston (KCSB) will present Making Paper, Sowing Seeds, Considering Environment at LexArt. a special exhibit featuring the work of Jongkuk Lee, a renowned nature artist, who specializes in Hanji (Korean traditional paper). His materials are sourced from nature, even from his homegrown, paper mulberry trees. He is currently based in Cheongju, South Korea, where he serves as Director of Mabuel Gallery.

In the 1990s, Lee settled in Bulat Village near Cheongju, which was long famous for its tradition of making Hanji, but as the demand for Hanji declined due to urbanization and industrial development, few were left in the village to continue the tradition. Lee’s passion for making Hanji, as well as his perspectives on the creative process as part of nature’s symbiotic relationship with humans, has been a driving force for the revitalization of Hanji in the village.

Lee prompts us to reflect on how we can turn natural resources into artwork and commodities. He strives to create objects by examining the qualities and usability of different natural materials such as bamboo and silver grass (common reed). This approach to art is his way of responding to the current global ecological crisis.

This exhibit will showcase Hanji scrolls, screens, and handmade 3D works with various materials. There will also be an outdoor installation in collaboration with two other artists.

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October 6

Han-ji Fan Workshop with Jongkuk Lee

Han-ji Fan Workshop with Jongkuk Lee

Date: Friday, Oct 6, 1:30 - 4:30pm

Location: Plummer Studio, 130 Waltham St., Lexington, MA 02421

Inspired by the traditional bamboo fans of Korea, Jongkuk Lee has developed his own style of fans using Han-ji (paper made from the bark of mulberry trees). The fan design was inspired by Korean moon jars: they are characterized by their beautiful round shapes, smooth white surfaces and slight asymmetry. During this workshop, each attendee will make a fan and a simple bamboo brush to decorate the fan with. 

Class will be held in our large and well lit Plummer Studio.

The materials fee is $30 per person.

Scan QR Code to register: https://www.lexart.org/event-details/han-ji-fan-workshop-with-jongkuk-lee 

October 7

Stories in Stone Graveyard Tour

Stories in Stone Graveyard Tour

Date: Saturday, Oct 7, 11am - 12pm

Location: Buckman Tavern, 1 Bedford St., Lexington, MA 02420

Visit over three centuries of Lexington's past on a walking tour of the historic Old Burying Ground. Beautiful gravestone artwork - from skulls and crossbones to willow trees and urns - reveals how our ancestors grappled with the concept of death. Discover how mortuary art has changed over time, and meet some of Lexington's most famous inhabitants along the way. Leaves from Buckman Tavern; total walking distance is about one mile.

Tickets are $10 for members and $15 for non-members.

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October 7

A Bicycle Ride Honoring Henry Ar Foon

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion on a Bike

A Bicycle Ride Honoring Henry Ar Foon

Time: 9AM, Saturday, October 7th, 2023

NECCD, the New England Cycling Coalition for Diversity, Blue Hills Cycling, CAAL , NECAA, and LexRide invite you to join the free Third Annual Henry Ar Foon Ride

Come join us on a ride to honor Chinese American cyclist Henry Ar Foon, reportedly the first Chinese child born (1874) in the Boston area and elected president of the Winnisimmet Cycle Club of Chelsea in 1897. We visit scenic Wompatuck State Park, lovely Jerusalem Road in Cohasset, and ride to Scituate to his later-in-life home site and grave site.

Check website:

https://neccd.bike/henry-ar-foon-celebration-ride at 6 AM for


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October 8

The Sixties Show

The Sixties Show

Date: Sunday, Oct 8, 7 - 10pm

Location: Cary Memorial Hall

1605 Mass Ave., Lexington, MA 02420

The Sixties Show is a cross-generational crowd pleaser and has been selling out every theater and performing arts center that the show plays at. The band is widely celebrated for recreating note-for-note re-creations of the hits, B-sides and deep album cuts from the greatest songs of the 1960s.

The show itself is a multimedia Broadway-type production; it’s powerfully dramatized by a combination of special effects, narration, archival audio and more. This larger-than-life trip back in time reminds the audience how uniquely inspirational and historically significant the music and events of the 1960’s were and continue to be.

Ticket prices range from $39 to $69 per person.

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October 11

Bio-planning a Garden 

Bio-planning a Garden for Lexington with Diana Beresford-Kroeger

Date: Wed, Oct 11, 7:00 pm 


Botanist, medical-biochemist, and author Diana Beresford-Kroeger will talk about the plants and trees that need to go into the ground in Lexington, Massachusetts and the surrounding area for the health and well-being of its residents and for the long-term sustainability of life on Earth.  If you are a gardener or not, everyone can play a role in replanting the global forest.

Diana Beresford-Kroeger is a world recognized author, medical biochemist, botanist and climate change visionary. She possesses a unique understanding of modern western science and ancient Celtic knowledge.  Orphaned in Ireland in her youth, Beresford-Kroeger was educated by her Irish elders who instructed her in the Brehon knowledge of plants and nature.

In partnership with the Lexington Field and Garden Club.

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October 12

The Anxious Achiever

The Anxious Achiever: Turning Fears into Leadership Superpowers with Morra Aarons-Mele

Date: Thursday, Oct 12, 7 - 8:30 pm

Location: Lexington Depot, 13 Depot Sq., Lexington, MA 02420

Anxiety affects over one third of Americans. But anxiety at work, especially among leaders, has long been a taboo topic hidden in plain sight. Morra Aarons-Mele will discuss points from her new book The Anxious Achiever: Turn Your Biggest Fears into Your Leadership Superpower (Harvard Business Review Press, April 11, 2023), and explore ways to transform anxiety from a perceived weakness to a powerful strength.

Morra Aarons-Mele is the host of The Anxious Achiever, a top-10 management podcast that helps people rethink the relationship between their mental health and their leadership. In 2010, Morra founded Women Online (an award-winning digital-consulting firm) and The Mission List (an influencer marketing company pursuing social change). She helped Hillary Clinton log on for her first internet chat and has launched digital campaigns for President Obama, Malala Yousafzai, the United Nations, the CDC, and many other leading figures and organizations.

The registration fee is $15.

Scan QR Code to register: https://lexingtoncommunityed.org/class/the-anxious-achiever-turning-fears-into-leadership-superpowers-with-morra-aarons-mele/?utm_source=AllEvents.in&utm_medium=event-discovery-platform&utm_campaign=lexington-events 

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October 14

Spoons Out: A Buckman Tavern Murder Mystery

Spoons Out: A Buckman Tavern Murder Mystery

Date: Saturday, Oct 14, 7 - 9pm

Location: Buckman Tavern

1 Bedford St., Lexington, MA 02420

Spoons Out is a new Revolutionary homage to Agatha Christie in development by Michael Duncan Smith. It’s 1768 in Lexington and a murderer is afoot, but who did it, and why? Guests will enjoy an evening of food and drink while hearing from suspects and collecting clues to unveil the murderer. Join the investigation and catch the culprit — before they strike again!

Early bird tickets are $50 for members and $75 for non-members. Sales end on Oct 1.

Regular tickets are $75 for members and $100 for non-members.

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October 14

All that Jazz! 

All that Jazz! 

Date: Saturday, October 14, 7:30 pm

pre-concert conductor's talk 

at 6:30 pm

Location: Cary Hall

1605 Mass Avenue , Lexington, MA

Experience Chris Brubeck’s unique bass trombone concerto, featuring our own Chris Beaudry. Then journey through American jazz’s influence on classical music: from Stravinsky’s colorful Scherzo to Berkeley’s engaging Divertimento, to the clear jazz sensibilities of Bernstein and Copland.

Scan QR Code for tickets:


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October 16

Nature Photography with Dave Ewing

Nature Photography with Dave Ewing

Date: Monday, Oct 16, 7:00—8:00 pm


Join Dave Ewing to view and critique fantastic nature photography.

1. Register for this event - you do not have to present photos to attend. When registering, identify if you are presenting or spectating

2. If you are presenting, email caryprograms@minlib.net three nature images by two days before the meeting. 

3. Join us for a slideshow of all of the images and discussion of what's in your image and how you took it. Dave will be on hand to answer any of your questions. 

You can also simply join us as a spectator. No need to send in pictures. 

Note - please do not send images with children in them, we won't be able to use them without parental permission. 

Please register for this meeting and you'll receive the link both in the confirmation and reminder emails - please check your spam folder. Contact us at caryprograms@minlib.net with any questions. 

This program is not recorded. 

Scan QR Code for tickets:


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October 18

Farm to Vine Dinner

Farm to Vine Dinner: Featuring Hugh Davies from Schramsberg & Davies Vineyards

Date: Wednesday, Oct 18, 6pm

Location: The Inn at Hastings Park, 2027 Massachusetts Ave., Lexington, MA 02421

Join us for an intimate and indulgent wine dinner with Hugh Davies, President and Owner, of Schramsberg and Davies Vineyards. Immerse yourself in the beautiful notes and aromas of these award winning wines alongside an impeccably paired 5-course dinner by Chef Alissa Tsukakoshi.

Guests will be able to enjoy a private dining experience at Town Meeting Bistro known for its fresh, and seasonal cuisine that celebrates the bounty of local New England farms.

This is an adults over 21 only event. No substitutions will be available for this dinner, the menu will be exclusively executed as is.

Tickets are $171.76 per person.

Scan QR Code for tickets:


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October 20

Juston McKinney Comes  to Lexington

Comedian Juston McKinney Comes to Lexington

Date: Friday, Oct 20, 8pm

Location: Cary Memorial Hall, 1605 Mass Ave, Lexington, MA 02420

Juston was born in Portsmouth, NH and grew up living on the border of New Hampshire and Maine. In the late 1990’s after spending seven years as a Deputy Sheriff in rural Maine, he moved to NYC to pursue a career in comedy. Juston quickly became a regular at Comic Strip Live, Stand-Up New York, Dangerfield’s, Gotham, Caroline’s on Broadway. The New York Times described him as “destined for stardom”.

Tickets are $36 per person.

Scan QR Code for tickets: https://event.etix.com/ticket/online/performanceSale.do?method=switchSelectionMethod&selection_method=byBest 

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October 21

Gala Cabaret and Auction 

Sharing A New Song Choir’s Gala Cabaret and Auction

Date: Saturday, Oct 21, 7:30 - 10pm (Gala Cabaret)

      Saturday, Oct 21, until Thursday, Nov 2  (Auction)

Location: First Parish Lexington

7 Harrington Rd., Lexington, MA 02421

To celebrate their 40th year, the annual SANS Gala Cabaret is back and better than ever, with music, dancing, food, cabaret performances by SANS singers & friends, a fabulous online auction, and other special surprises!

Tickets for the Gala Cabaret are $40 per person. 

The SANS online auction will be chock-full of irresistible items, including one-of-a-kind treasures, goodies, gift certificates, artwork, tickets to music & museums, and some tempting adventures! You do not need to attend the SANS Gala to participate. 

If you have something to add to the auction, please do! If you have a business or creative endeavor, it’s a great way to be seen by hundreds of interested community members. 

Scan QR Code for tickets: https://www.sanschorus.org/events-container/gala-2023 

Scan QR Code for tickets

Scan QR Code to contribute to the auction: 


Scan QR Code for aduction


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莱镇活动早知道 · 十月

文稿整理和编辑:Lily Zeng & Laura Yang

中文翻译:Clove Tian & He Huang

翻译审核:Ziyun Wang

本期排版:Lisa Li



