

2017-10-17 iNature iNature

iNature:在植物学主流专刊中,主要有Plant Cell,Molecular Plant,Plant Journal,PLANT PHYSIOLOGY,NEW PHYTOLOGIST,Plant Biotech J,Plant Cell &Environ,Nature Plants等8种期刊。现在经过前期的测试,iNature决定每天遴选8大植物学主刊各1篇(福利版),共8篇文章,推送给大家,使大家能及时的了解植物学领域的动态。

Plant Cell:中国科大丁勇揭示H2A.Z与开花的关系;

Nature Plants:剑桥大学David  Baulcombe在绿藻中阐述miRNA调节基因表达新机制;

Molecular Plant:华中农业大学陈玲玲等人提供了水稻基因组学网络平台;

Plant Journal:遗传所韩方普等人阐述了在玉米中着丝粒与表观遗传的关系;

PLANT PHYSIOLOGY:中国农大ZaiFeng Fan等人揭示玉米抗病毒沉默新机制

NEW PHYTOLOGIST: Whipple发表综述阐述了草子叶的结构特征;

Plant Biotech J:华中农业大学张显龙揭示棉花纤维产生机制;

Plant Cell &Environ:安徽农大Wei Shu等人揭示茶树可变剪切作用。

1Plant Cell:中国科大丁勇揭示H2A.Z与开花的关系(点击查看)


Phosphorylation of histone H3 affects transcription, chromatin condensation, and chromosome segregation. However, the role of phosphorylation of histone H2A remains unclear. Here, we found that Arabidopsis thaliana MUT9P-LIKE-KINASE (MLK4) phosphorylates histone H2A on serine 95, a plant-specific modification in the histone core domain. Mutations in MLK4 caused late flowering under long-day conditions but no notable phenotype under short days. MLK4 interacts with CIRCADIAN CLOCK ASSOCIATED1 (CCA1), which allows MLK4 to bind to the GIGANTEA (GI) promoter. CCA1 interacts with YAF9a, a co-subunit of the Swi2/Snf2-related ATPase (SWR1) and NuA4 complexes, which are responsible for incorporating the histone variant H2A.Z into chromatin and histone H4 acetylase activity, respectively. Importantly, loss of MLK4 function led to delayed flowering by decreasing phosphorylation of H2A serine 95, along with attenuated accumulation of H2A.Z and the acetylation of H4 at GI, thus reducing GI expression. Together, our results provide insight into how phosphorylation of H2A serine 95 promotes flowering time and suggest that phosphorylation of H2A serine 95 modulated by MLK4 is required for the regulation of flowering time and is involved in deposition of the histone variant H2A.Z and H4 acetylation in Arabidopsis.



2Nature Plants:剑桥大学David  Baulcombe在绿藻中阐述miRNA调节基因表达新机制


MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are 21–24-nucleotide RNAs present in many eukaryotes that regulate gene expression as part of the RNA-induced silencing complex. The sequence identity of the miRNA provides the specificity to guide the silencing effector Argonaute (AGO) protein to target mRNAs via a base-pairing process. The AGO complex promotes translation repression and/or accelerated decay of this target mRNA. There is overwhelming evidence both in vivo and in vitro that translation repression plays a major role. However, there has been controversy about which of these three mechanisms is more significant in vivo, especially when effects of miRNA on endogenous genes cannot be faithfully represented by reporter systems in which, at least in metazoans, the observed repression vastly exceeds that typically observed for endogenous mRNAs. Here, we provide a comprehensive global analysis of the evolutionarily distant unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii to quantify the effects of miRNA on protein synthesis and RNA abundance. We show that, similar to metazoan steady-state systems, endogenous miRNAs in Chlamydomonas can regulate gene expression both by destabilization of the mRNA and by translational repression. However, unlike metazoan miRNA where target site utilization localizes mainly to 3′ UTRs, in Chlamydomonas utilized target sites lie predominantly within coding regions. These results demonstrate the evolutionarily conserved mode of action for miRNAs, but details of the mechanism diverge between the plant and metazoan kingdoms.



3Molecular Plant:华中农业大学陈玲玲提供了水稻基因组学网络平台


Oryza sativa subsp. indica and O. sativa subsp. japonica are two subspecies of

 Asian cultivated rice with the fact that indica rice is much more widely grown and genetically diverse. Over the past years, the Rice Annotation Project Database(RAP-DB) (Ohyanagi et al., 2006) and Michigan State University Rice Genome Annotation Project (MSU-RGAP) (Ouyang et al., 2007) are two popular databases that have been developed to manage rice genomic and transcriptomic data based on a unified reference genome of japonica cultivar Nipponbare . Beijing Genomics Institute Rice InformationSystem (BGI-RIS)  is an available resource for indica rice cultivar, however, its application was limited due to the lack of high-quality indica reference genomes. To fill the gap, we constructed an integrative and comprehensive platform, Rice Information GateWay (RIGW, http://rice.hzau.edu.cn/), to provide genomics, transcriptomics, protein-protein interactions (PPIs), metabolic network, metabolites and computational tools by using our newly obtained map-based

reference genomes of indica rice Zhenshan 97 (ZS97) and Minghui 63 (MH63)

. RIGW serves the rice community by making a wealth of  genomics and other omics data through an intuitive web-based interface.



4Plant Journal:遗传所韩方普-着丝粒与表观遗传的关系(点击查看)


Haspin-mediated histone H3-threonine 3 phosphorylation (H3T3ph) promotes proper deposition of Aurora B at the inner centromere to ensure faithful chromosome segregation in metazoans. However, the function of H3T3ph remains relatively unexplored in plants. Here, we show that in maize (Zea mays L.) mitotic cells, H3T3ph is concentrated at pericentromeric and centromeric regions. Additional weak H3T3ph signals occur between cohered sister chromatids at prometaphase. Immunostaining on dicentric chromosomes reveals that an inactive centromere cannot maintain H3T3ph at metaphase, indicating that a functional centromere is required for H3T3 phosphorylation. H3T3ph locates at a newly formed centromeric region that lacks detectable CentC sequences and strongly reduced CRM and ZmBs repeat sequences at metaphase II. These results suggests that centromeric localization of H3T3ph is not dependent on centromeric sequences. In maize meiocytes, H3T3 phosphorylation occurs at the late diakinesis and extends to the entire chromosome at metaphase I, but is exclusively limited to the centromere at metaphase II. The H3T3ph signals are absent in the afd1 (absence of first division) and sgo1 (shugoshin) mutants during meiosis II when the sister chromatids exhibit random distribution. Further, we showed that H3T3ph is mainly located at the pericentromere during meiotic prophase II, but is restricted to the inner centromere at metaphase II. We propose that this H3T3ph relocation depends on tension at centromere and is required to promote bi-orientation of sister chromatids.



5PLANT PHYSIOLOGY:中国农大ZaiFeng Fan揭示玉米抗病毒沉默新机制


RNA silencing plays a critical role against viral infection. To counteract this antiviral silencing, viruses have evolved various RNA silencing suppressors. Meanwhile, plants have evolved counter-counter defense strategies against RNA silencing suppression (RSS). In this study, the violaxanthin de-epoxidase protein of maize (Zea mays L.) (ZmVDE) was shown to interact specifically with the helper component-proteinase (HC-Pro, a viral RNA silencing suppressor) of Sugarcane mosaic virus (SCMV) via its mature protein region by yeast two-hybrid assay, which was confirmed by co-immunoprecipitation in Nicotiana benthamiana cells. It was demonstrated that amino acids 101-460 in HC-Pro and the amino acid Q292 in ZmVDE mature protein were essential for this interaction. The mRNA levels of ZmVDE were down-regulated 75%―65% at early stage of SCMV infection. Interestingly, ZmVDE that normally localized in the chloroplasts and cytoplasm could re-localize to HC-Pro-containing aggregate bodies in the presence of HC-Pro alone or SCMV infection. In addition, ZmVDE could attenuate the RSS activity of HC-Pro in a specific protein interaction-dependent manner. Subsequently, transient silencing of the ZmVDE gene facilitated SCMV RNA and coat protein accumulation. Taken together, our results suggest that ZmVDE interacts with SCMV HC-Pro and attenuates its RSS activity, contributing to decreased SCMV accumulation. This study demonstrates that a host factor can be involved in secondary defense responses against viral infection in monocot plants.



6NEW PHYTOLOGIST:Whipple发表综述阐述了草子叶的结构特征


A central goal of evo-devo is to understand how morphological diversity arises from existing developmental mechanisms, requiring a clear, predictive explanatory framework of the underlying developmental mechanisms. Despite an ever-increasing literature on genes regulating grass inflorescence development, an effective model of inflorescence patterning is lacking. I argue that the existing framework for grass inflorescence development, which invokes homeotic shifts in multiple distinct meristem identities, obscures a recurring theme emerging from developmental genetic studies in grass models, that is that inflorescence branching is regulated by novel localized signaling centers. Understanding the origin and function of these novel signaling centers will be key to future evo-devo work on the grass inflorescence.



7Plant Biotech J:华中农业大学张显龙揭示棉花纤维产生机制


Cotton fiber is an important natural fiber for the textile industry. The number of fiber initials determines the lint percentage, which is an important factor for cotton fiber yield. Although fiber development has been described by transcriptomic analysis, the mechanism by which the long non-coding RNA manipulate the initiation of lint and fuzz fibers remains unknown. In this study, three lines with different lint percentages were developed by crossing Xu142 with its fiberless mutant Xu142 fl. We collected the epidermal cells from the ovules with attached fibers at 0 and 5 days post-anthesis (DPA) from Xu142, the fiberless mutant Xu142 fland the three lint percent diversified lines for deep transcriptome sequencing. A total of 2,641 novel genes, 35,802 long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) and 2,262 circular RNAs (circRNAs) were identified, of which 645 lncRNAs were preferentially expressed in the fiberless mutant Xu142 fl and 651 lncRNAs were preferentially expressed in the fiber-attached lines. We demonstrated the functional roles of the three lncRNAs in fiber development via a virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) system. Our results showed that silencing XLOC_545639 and XLOC_039050 in Xu142 fl increased the number of fiber initials on the ovules, but silencing XLOC_079089 in Xu142 resulted in a short fiber phenotype. This study established the transcriptomic repertoires in cotton fiber initiation and provided evidence for the potential functions of lncRNAs in fiber development.



8Plant Cell &Environ:安徽农大Wei Shu 46 32854 46 15287 0 0 4112 0 0:00:07 0:00:03 0:00:04 4111人揭示茶树可变剪切作用


Volatile terpenoids produced in tea plants (Camellia sinensis) are airborne signals interacting against other ecosystem members, but also pleasant odorants of tea products. Transcription regulation (including transcript processing) is pivotal for plant volatile terpenoid production. In this study, a terpene synthase gene CsLIS/NES was recovered from tea plants (C. sinensis cv. ‘Long-Men Xiang’). CsLIS/NES transcription regulation resulted in two splicing forms: CsLIS/NES-1 and CsLIS/NES-2 lacking a 305 bp-fragment at N-terminus, both producing (E)-nerolidol and linalool in vitro. Transgenic tobacco studies and a gene-specific antisense oligo-deoxynucleotide (AsODN) suppression applied in tea leaves indicated that CsLIS/NES-1, localized in chloroplasts, acted as linalool synthase while CsLIS/NES-2 localized in cytosol, functioned as a potential nerolidol synthase, but not linalool synthase. Expression patterns of the two transcript isoforms in tea were distinctly different and responded differentially to the application of stress signal molecule methyl jasmonate (MeJA). Leaf expression of CsLIS/NES-1, but not CsLIS/NES-2, was significantly induced by MeJA. Our data indicated that distinct transcript splicing regulation patterns, together with subcellular compartmentation of CsLIS/NE-1 and CsLIS/NE-2 implemented the linalool biosynthesis regulation in tea plants in responding to endogenous and exogenous regulatory factors.






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