
#Sponsor A Girl | 用您的手,温暖她的梦想

Amiee Cai TheWondermelon 2020-11-09




曾经在网上看到这么一句话:“在这个全民拼爹的时代,寒门再难出贵子。” 有媒体采访了今年68个高考状元,发现他们大都是普通家庭出身的普通孩子。只是他们的身后,都站着摆渡人。而在中国西部最贫困的山区,有很多女学生拿到的人生剧本比寻常学生更加艰难。幸运的是,她们的背后,是EGRC多年以来的爱心资助。

A girl's education changes everything, I was very lucky to have supportive parents who tried their best to provide me with the best education they can. But there are girls from rural area in China who can't receive education due to poverty and gender inequality. 

At the beginning of July, EGRC reached out on Instagram and asked me if I'm interested in their social media campaign #sponoragirl. The purpose of the campaign is to help raise fund for 5 girls' one-year education.  I may not being able to sponsor a girl yet, but anything matters, even if it's just helping spread the message so more people can find out about EGRC.

写在开头 | Words From Amiee





"Educating women is like a powerful hammer that can smash the cycle of poverty, inequality and dependency. It doesn't happen overnight and it doesn't happen easily. It happens one girl at a time."

Grow up as a girl in China, my parents and I have received doubts from people around us, like why waste so much money and time on educating a girl since she will get married after college anyway. I am extremely grateful that my parents provide me with the best education they can with endless love and support. And big shout out to those teachers and friends from different communities who kindly gave me both academic and life advice. Without them, I can’t achieve and became who I am today. 

Our generation has the ability and the responsibility to make our ever-more connected world a more hopeful, stable and peaceful place. Hence, it is my great honor to be part of EGRC's #Sponsor A Girl campaign this summer!

关于EGRC | About EGRC

创办于2005年的中国乡村女学生教育协会(以下简称 ERGC ),是在加拿大注册的慈善机构。在过去的15年里,EGRC已经在甘肃、贵州和青海的贫困山区资助了近1280名女学生的高中和大学教育,接受资助的学生毕业率高达99%,就业率100%。致力于通过经济资助和在学生成长的过程中给予心理和精神上的鼓励和关怀,使收到资助的学生们不仅能够顺利完成学业,还能在毕业后立足于社会,进而顺利发展其事业。对于那些来自中国西部最贫困地区的女学生来说,EGRC 不仅让她们接受高中和大学教育,更是让她们打破极度贫困的无限循环,改变自己的命运。


图为EGRC创始人田青青女士和加拿大总理 Justin Trudeau

Educating girls of Rural China (EGRC) was founded in 2005 by Ms. Ching Tien in Vancouver Canada as a registered charity. Ching's life experience inspired her to found EGRC. She believes that educated women have educated children, and educating women is educating future generations, is the fundamental way to life people out of poverty and build better societies. 

EGRC have been sponsoring women education in Gansu and Guihzhou province since 2005. They have given more than 1300 girls from rural China to receive education in high school and university with an overall graduation rate of 99% and a stable employment rate of 100%. In fact, EGRC not only provides opportunities for those girls to study but also empowers them to determine the course of their lives and futures. 




"This summer there are 30 university students and 98 high school girls have graduated, and leave 436 girls in our programs who need the sponsorship funds to continue their studies in September. Over 50% of the families of our girls’ financial situation have been affected by COVID-19. Their parents are either lost their work or the incomes have been reduced. They need your help! 

It's only 6K RMB per year (less than 1,000 USD), over the course of 4-5 years of study. "



Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough, give the world the best you have anyway. Find out more about EGRC, you can follow @egrchina on Instagram or visit their website @egrc.ca ! And if you can, please spread the word! 

I walk, I look, I see
I stop, I photograph 📸

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