

大岭先生 大岭IP 2019-04-29







The difficulty which American courts . . . have had . . . goes back to the primitive thought that an “invention” upon which the patent gives protection is something tangible. The physical embodiment or disclosure, which, in itself is something tangible is confused with the definition or claim to the inventive novelty, and this definition or claim or monopoly, also sometimes called “invention” in one of that word’s meanings is not something tangible, but is an abstraction. Definitions are always abstractions. This primitive confusion of “invention” in the sense of physical embodiment with “invention” in the sense of definition of the patentable amount of novelty, survives to the present day, not only in the courts, but among some of the examiners in the Patent Office [emphasis added].

 ——Emerson Stringham, Double Patenting (Washington, D.C.: Pacot Publications, 1933)




美国专利US392046A,发明人为John Loud,授权日为1888年10月30日,是关于圆珠笔的一件专利。












这个任务不简单啊。但是,圆珠笔发明人John Loud的律师,William Dowss实际上完成了这个任务。 上述权利要求1只是我们撰写的一个反面示例。

如果John Loud的专利今天仍然有效,那么,William Dowss为他撰写的权利要求,可以让他对市场上销售的任何一支圆珠笔收取专利许可费。


1. A pen having a spheroidal marking-point, substantially as described.



2. A pen having a marking sphere capable of revolving in all directions, substantially as and for the purposes described.



这种撰写权利要求的方法,被一个美国人Ronald D. Slusky称为“问题—解决方案声明(The Problem-Solution Statement)”法。

实际上,我们上面举得例子,就来源于他的专著 Invention Analysis and Claiming:A Patent Lawyer’s Guide.


The patent attorney’s primary mission is to discover the inventive concept underlying the inventor’s embodiment, and then to capture the inventive concept in the patent claims. To fail in that mission is to open the door for a competitor to take advantage of the inventor’s contribution to the art while avoiding liability under the patent.

所谓“问题—解决方案声明(The Problem-Solution Statement)”法,简单说,就是通过下面的句式,来分析专利的真正概念是什么?

The problem(s) of                   is(are) solved by                     .  


The problem of  a pen being able to write on rough surface   is solved by  the pen having a spheroidal marking point  .  



所以,一定要理解发明是一种“概念”,而“问题—解决方案声明(The Problem-Solution Statement)”法就是让我们抽象出发明的概念的方法,可以让我们把握发明的实质,避免在权利要求只是描述了说明书中具体的有形的发明,而没有提炼出发明的概念。

其实,这个“问题—解决方案声明(The Problem-Solution Statement)”法,也并不是Invention Analysis and Claiming的作者原创的。正如本书介绍中所说:

The book's teachings are grounded in "old school" principles of patent practice that, before now, have been learned only on the job from supervisors and mentors. 


本书的作者Ronald D. Slusky在贝尔工作室工作了31年,并且有13年是作为内部专利律师的导师,此后,他又作为一个外部执业律师。他的这本专著就是他作为专利律师导师的经验总结。


Patent Engineering: A Guide to Building a Valuable Patent Portfolio and Controlling the Marketplace

专利工程简介 | 《专利工程》连载 001

这本书的作者Donald Rimai在柯达公司工作了30多年,在他工作后期,负责柯达公司数字印刷技术的知识产权管理。他把自己专利管理的核心经验总结为:特定问题或者“拥有问题” (Problem-Specific Filing or “Owning the Problem”) 的专利战略。其关键也是如何拥有解决某个问题的发明,从而真正保护发明。





Some general considerations 

- How infringement will be proven? You have to keep in mind how easy it will be to deliver proof for patent infringement. Can you later easily find proof for a complex mixture of polymers in the final product with regard to their identity and their weight percentages?

 - How can the claims be circumvented and avoided by competitors? Always have the infringer in mind when drafting patent claims. What would you tell an infringer how he could circumvent this patent claim? 

Now for the basic steps how to draft patent claims: 

1) What is the invention, what are the pieces and parts of the invention. Are there multiple versions of the invention? First you need to really understand the invention in great details and understand, how a particular example of the invention works from start to finish. 

2) Search for Prior Art: do a good search for prior art and identify as many differences to the invention per relevant document as possible. 

3) Two-Part-Claims: Preamble, Body: The most generic version of your invention is defined. There is at least some difference when compared with the prior art. Try to find one feature or an as broad as possible combination of features that distinguishes the claimed subject matter from the prior art. 

4) Are all features somehow connected? If the features are not physically or logically connected, the examiner may object to the claims for expressing several distinct inventions and you may have to divide the patent application.

5) Different claim types? Did you use different claim types? 

12 common mistakes:

- More than one sentence: only write one sentence per claim. Otherwise it is considered unclear and the features of the second sentence may not be seen as limiting the scope. 

- Word “and”: when claiming a list of things that are parts of an invention, use the word “and” only before the last part in a list. 

- Transitional phrases: characterized in that, Comprising, consisting of, having, composed of: “characterized in that” divides the preamble of a claim from the body and is the most common and general phrase to do so. “Comprising” is followed by an open list that may also comprise additional elements that are not listed in the claim. “consisting of” is followed by a closed list. No other elements are present in the invention 

- typically resulting in a very narrow scope. 

- Inconsistent terminology: always use the same word for the same concept in your patent application. Example: do not use car and automobile in your application to mean the exact same concept.

- Claiming a result: try to avoid claiming a result rather than the concepts achieve the result. Result oriented language is typically objected to as unclear.

- Too little detail: Don't leave anything out of a claim which is necessary to work the invention and necessary to distinguish the claim from the prior art. 

- Too much detail: try to leave out any feature that is not necessary to work the invention and distinguish the claimed invention from the prior art. This will make your claim too narrow. 

- Dependent claims that broaden or contradict the independent claims: 

- No trademarks in claims: avoid trademarks in claims 

- Avoid “means plus function”

- Antecendent basis: when you first introduce a new feature in the set of claims, use the indefinite article. From then on use the definite article “the” to refer this this particular feature previously mentioned in the claims. 

Now for my personal strategy to get a really strong set of claims and patent application: 

1) Identify the most relevant e.g. 5 prior art documents. 

2) Identify as many technical differences to each of these documents, e.g. at least 20 per document. 

3) Use the common differentiating feature that can least easily be circumvented by infringers as the body in the first claim. Include other such features in the dependent claims. Include all other such features in the description as preferred embodiments. 





本文提到的两本专著,Invention Analysis and Claiming:A Patent Lawyer’s Guide,以及,Patent Engineering: A Guide to Building a Valuable Patent Portfolio and Controlling the Marketplace,都是我创建的提升专利实务能力教学平台的指定教程,点击下面链接了解。



