

大岭先生 大岭IP 2019-04-29


2018年5月30日,EPO召开了一个人工智能(AI)专利保护研讨会,就人工智能对专利制度的影响展开讨论。 它吸引了350多位工业界,学术界,用户协会,专利律师事务所,司法机构,国家专利局和政府机构的代表。








II 保护人工智能发明的一般策略 - 专利是最佳选择






从创新的角度来看,为了社会的利益,创新者应该尽可能多地激励人工智能创新 - 例如算法和他们的培训方式 - 而不是选择商业秘密。





专利被视为鼓励人工智能领域创新的最佳知识产权方式,因为它们提供了额外的保护措施,并且是额外的贸易资产。然而,鉴于AI技术的发展速度,专利的20年寿命是值得怀疑的。 (注意:如果专利所有人未支付续展费用,专利保护失效,即他们不必在整个20年内保持专利保护,而在大多数技术领域,通常不会这样做。)同样, 18个月的保密期,直到申请的公布可以缩短,因为它可能经常导致不必要的平行研究和开发。

III  EPO如何应对专利申请中的AI挑战















IV 起草相关发明专利申请的当前和未来挑战 - 提出了一些大胆的建议



- “核心AI”,其挑战在于它通常与算法本身有关,因为数学方法不具有可专利性;

- 训练有素的模型/机器学习,声称变化和范围可能是一个问题;

- AI作为应用领域的工具,通过技术效果定义。












V.人工智能相关专利的授权后方面 - 仍然很少有判例法,但存在一些指导


对CII / AI发明的索赔必须以某种格式起草,以满足可专利性标准。在执法方面,找到并提供足够的证据是一项挑战,因为侵权产品或方法的运作方式并不一定可见。为此,法院可以发布“文件生产订单”以揭示基础系统。已经有一些确定的案例。




算法在AI中发挥了重要作用。由于它们类似于数学方法,因此被排除在专利性之外,其中声称“如此”。但是,如果索赔涉及涉及技术手段(例如计算机)或设备的方法,则其主题事项具有整体的技术特征,因此不排除可专利性 - 即通过了资格障碍。在执法方面,侵权证据是一项挑战。由于通常无法确定AI的工作原理,因此很难证明侵权产品使用相同的方法。化学中的情况有很多相似之处。




II. General strategies for protecting AI inventions – patents the best option 

A game changer leading to more collaboration? 

There was general agreement that AI was a game changer and that we were moving into new territory when it came to how the associated IP would be protected. As we were not inventing in silos any more, but collaboratively, IP practitioners had to take a new approach. Similarly, patent offices would need technically mixed examining divisions (which is already possible at the EPO). 

As had been mentioned in the opening keynotes, AI provided an opportunity for more collaborative innovation and more thoughtful patent protection strategies. Moreover, the technology was clearly global, and IP practitioners had to be aware of the different patent systems in different countries. 

Regarding ownership of the innovations, with the prospect of AI contributing to inventions or even “inventing”, a shift was conceivable from inventor based ownership to investment protection systems for the companies and organisations from which the inventions came. 

Types of IP protection for AI-related innovations 

From the perspective of innovation for the benefit of society, there should be as much incentive as possible for innovators to disclose AI innovations – such as the algorithms and how they were trained – and not to choose the option of trade secrets. 

Source code was protected by copyright and not linked as such to patents. A mixture of copyright and patent protection was thus seen as a possibility. That would provide a collaborative basis for producing code (“lowend stack of algorithm”); patent applications should be considered for the “highend stack”. There was also some movement towards open code. 

Another idea was that, if “fundamental” algorithms were to be protected, then there should be compulsory cross-licensing as in Section 24(2) of the German Patent Act to guarantee access to the algorithms, which would then be used in improvement patents. It should be possible for the creator of an algorithm to have a type of “reachthrough” claim for the basic idea, even if it has not been “tested” in a specific application. 

The patent filing statistics showed that, in AI-related technical areas, applications claimed a technical effect for algorithms, which was in line with the requirements laid down in the case law of the EPO boards of appeal for patenting mathematical methods. 

Patents the best option, but some changes suggested 

Patents were seen as the best IP way to encourage innovation in the area of AI, as they provided an extra measure of protection and were additional trade assets. However, patents’ 20-year lifetime was questionable in view of the speed of evolution of AI technology. (Note: if a patent proprietor fails to pay a renewal fee, patent protection lapses, i.e. they do not have to maintain the patent protection for the entire 20 years, and in most technical fields it is usual not do so.) Similarly, the 18 month secrecy period until publication of the application could be shortened, as it might often lead to unnecessary parallel research and development.

III. How the EPO deals with the challenges of AI in patent applications

The two-hurdle approach and the contribution to the technical character 

AI was more than just machine learning (ML) and covered advanced mathematics, which raised the question of mathematical models’ eligibility for patent protection. When assessing patentability, the EPO applied the two-hurdle approach for “mixed-type inventions” and asked the question “Do(es) the AI and ML method (steps) contribute to the technical character of the invention?”. 

The nature of the data was also considered, with a distinction made between functional and cognitive data. 

How to show a technical effect?

In reply to a question from the audience regarding the inclusion of tests to verify a technical effect, it was recommended to include in the specification as much information about the technical effect as possible. 

The applicant/attorney dialogue indicated that frequent interaction with the inventor to identify the technical features and the corresponding technical effect was sometimes necessary.


Examiners might raise objections of lack of clarity because of buzzwords and marketing terms in the claims. They were aware of the importance of carefully considering the scope of protection. 

The patent attorneys recommended defining artificial neural network features such as input/output data and data network architecture.

The skilled person under the European Patent Convention (EPC) 

The concept of the skilled person appears in Articles 56 and 83 EPC (inventive step and sufficiency of disclosure respectively). According to the Guidelines for Examination in the EPO, the skilled person might also be a team. The skilled person was aware of concepts and terminology used in the field of the application and had the means for routine work and experimentation, which could include AI tools if their use was common in the field in question.

Reference material: Guidelines for Examination and the case law 

The 2018 update of the Guidelines for Examination (available as of October 2018 and entering into force in November 2018) would feature examples relating to AI as well as detailed information on the technicality of CII based on decisions by the EPO’s boards of appeal. 

The patent attorneys emphasised that up-to-date knowledge of the case law was crucial, as were considerations relating to the different types of claim format available, as set out in the Guidelines for Examination (F-IV, 3.9).

IV. Current and future challenges in drafting patent applications for AIrelated inventions – some bold suggestions put forward

Identifying three types of AI patenting suggested 

For the purposes of the discussion, the panellists identified three possible types of AI patenting:

– “Core AI”, where the challenge was that it often related to algorithms as such, which as mathematical methods were not patentable; 

– Trained models/machine learning, where claiming variations and ranges might be an issue;

– AI as a tool in an applied field, defined via technical effects.

Patentability requirements in Europe and the US 

Under the EPC, AI as a mathematical method was excluded from patentability when claimed as such. However, if a claim was directed to a method involving technical means (e.g. a computer) or to a device, its subject matter had a technical character as a whole and for that reason was not excluded from patentability. In the US eligibility presented a challenge because abstract ideas were not patentable. However there was currently little guidance on how to define “abstract”. Furthermore, the mere use of a computer to implement an abstract idea was not sufficient to pass the eligibility hurdle in the US. Eligibility was therefore more of an issue for AI applications in the US than in Europe.

Patenting AI algorithms as such 

The panel was divided regarding the proposal to allow patents for AI algorithms as such. Currently they were not patentable, yet algorithms represented the core of AI. 

One solution (generally favoured by the US interlocutors due to the challenges faced there) would be to legislate to make AI algorithms as such patentable.

Claiming trained models/machine learning 

Comparative examples and parameter ranges might be needed and inventive step practices from other areas such as industrial chemistry might be relevant. It was suggested that the EPO could be more lenient regarding the technicality conferred by specific datasets and allow the “second use of a model” by analogy to second medical use claims in pharmaceutics. Uses should not be considered equivalent if arrived at by different means.

AI in an applied field, defined via technical effects 

In fields such as autonomous vehicles and healthcare AI might be claimed as a tool embedded in a larger claim, defined as a functional feature providing a pasolution. In such cases, the claim as a whole should be assessed for inventive step, and not just the functionally defined AI tool.

AI start-ups 

AI innovation increasingly came from start-ups with limited resources. There was a need for much faster searching and patenting and a more “accessible” patenting system so that companies could monetise their IP.

V. Post-grant aspects of AI-related patents – still little case law but some guidance exists


Claims for CII/AI inventions had to be drafted in a certain format to meet the patentability criteria. When it came to enforcement, it was a challenge to find and provide sufficient evidence, since it was not necessarily visible how the infringing product or method worked. For that purpose courts could issue “document production orders” to reveal the underlying systems. There were already some decided cases.


Uncertainty about the implementation of Section 101 of the US Patent Act, and thus the criteria for eligibility for patent protection posed a major problem for all applicants in the US. The new Commissioner for Patents at the US Patent and Trademark Office had announced that he would focus on finding a sustainable solution. The second issue was the patent validity decisions issued by the Patent Trial and Appeal Board. However, it was said that its decisions had become more patentee-friendly in the past three months.


Algorithms played a major role in AI. Since they were akin to mathematical methods, they were excluded from patentability where claimed “as such”. However, if a claim was directed to a method involving technical means (e.g. a computer) or to a device, its subject matter had a technical character as a whole and for that reason was not excluded from patentability – i.e. the eligibility hurdle was passed. When it came to enforcement, evidence of infringement was a challenge. Since it was often not possible to see how exactly the AI worked, it was very difficult to show that the infringing product used the same method. There were a lot of similarities to situations in chemistry.


Proving infringement was an additional difficulty because sometimes it was difficult to provide evidence. The availability of evidence and the ability to react suitably quickly were important when it came to enforcement, as was the predictability of the legal system. The audience suggested patent pools and reversing the burden of proof.

Each article is copyrighted to their original authors. The news is for informational purposes only and does not provide legal advice.

