
双语 | 为人工智能技术制定有效的知识产权战略

翻译:孟杰雄 大岭IP 2019-04-29



Buildingan effective IP strategy for AI


As with many emerging technologies, AI raisesinteresting and often deeply unsettling fundamental ethical, moral, social,political and privacy issues. However, some questions touch on more practical issuesrelating to patentability


Artificial intelligence (AI) is now encroaching onmany aspects of our lives and will be – according to Google’s CEO Sundar Pichai– more transformative than fire or electricity. Regardless of whether thischaracterisation will be borne out, AI is considered of such importance to bothMicrosoft and Google that both are reported to have undergone majorreorganisations to bring it to the forefront of their organisations in Marchand April of this year, respectively.

人工智能(AI)现在正在侵蚀我们生活的许多方面,并且——根据谷歌首席执行Sundar Pichai的说法——其将比火或电更具变革性。无论这种特性是否会得到证实,AI被认为对微软和谷歌都具有重要意义,据报道,两者都经历了重大的重组,分别在今年3月和4月将AI带到了各自组织的最前沿。

Figure 1.AI-related US patents and patent application filings


As shown in Figure 1, the number of AI-related USpatents and patent application filings has risen substantially since 2008 fromonly a few patents in the late 1970s, which included a sewing machine with alearning mode and an automated speech recognition system. Figure 2 shows the approximatenumber of US patents granted and patent applications filed during the last fiveyears assigned to each of the listed 10 companies, which are among the mostrecognisable and dominant in the AI field.


Although AI – particularly machine learning and itssub-field deep learning – is now being used for a broad spectrum ofapplications, a dilemma is beginning to emerge that is rooted in ourstill-limited understanding of how it works. One of the major technical issuesfacing deep learning has to do with its black-box character.

虽然AI ——特别是机器学习及其子领域的深度学习——现在被广泛应用,但是一种困境开始出现,这种困境源于我们对其工作方式仍然有限的理解。深度学习面临的主要技术问题之一与其黑箱特征有关。

Despite reassurances from several AI camps that we nowhave the tools necessary to decode the one or more mechanisms that underpin howAI does what it does, many organisations have recently voiced their concernsabout this black-box dilemma. In fact, some of the criticisms levelled at whatwe refer to here as ‘black-box AI’ have been quite pointed.


Figure 2. USpatents granted and patent applications filed during the last five years forthe 10 most prominent companies in AI

图2.  AI中最著名的10家公司在过去五年中提交的美国专利和专利申请

In an AI conference last December 2017, Ali Rahimi – aGoogle AI researcher and winner of the Test-of-Time Award at the 2017Conference on Neural Information Processing – asserted that machine-learningalgorithms have been transmuted into some kind of alchemy. 

在2017年12月举行的AI会议上,谷歌人工智能研究员,2017年神经信息处理会议的时间检验奖获得者Ali Rahimi断言,机器学习算法已被转化为某种炼金术。

Accordingly, AI researchers understand very little ofwhy certain algorithms work but others do not. In addition, the absence of areliable and rigorous standard for choosing one AI platform over another posesa serious concern. “There’s an anguish in the field,” Rahimi admitted. “Many ofus feel like we’re operating on an alien technology.” In view of theseconcerns, Rahimi and his cohorts presented several suggestions towardsaddressing the black-box issue in a paper presented at a subsequent AIconference in Canada, held in April 2018.


Yann LeCun –Facebook’s chief AI scientist in New York City – countered that spending timeto investigate how AI works sooner rather than later would detract from thedevelopment of cutting-edge AI techniques.

Yann LeCun——纽约的 Facebook的首席AI科学家——反驳说,花在探索AI如何工作的时间迟早会削弱尖端AI技术的发展。

However, releasing an extremely powerful tool foreveryone to use without understanding how it works or without implementingsafeguards would seem tantamount to courting disaster. We have seen this happenbefore in the case of the private and public sharing of hacking tools by both white(ethical) and black (malicious) hat hackers. The number of potentiallydetrimental AI capabilities could likewise increase without checks if we failto establish the knowledge and tools necessary to prevent or recover from anypotential harm that might be caused by black-box AI.


In addition to the argument that it is better to dosomething about a potentially disastrous situation while we still can, ratherthan pause to think about it only when irreversible damage has already beeninflicted, is the fact that many scientific advances would not have beenpossible without knowledge derived from both fundamental and applied research.Thus, allotting resources for both fundamental and applied AI research willlikely benefit everyone in the long run.


To pre-empt any potential damage relating to AI’sblack-box nature, an organisation called the AI Now Institute has recommendedthat the US government and other agencies that deal with criminal justice,healthcare, welfare and education desist from using AI-based technologies.Several organisations – including the US Department of Defence, HarvardUniversity, Bank of America Corp, Uber Technologies Inc and Capital OneFinancial Corp – are also trying to address the same issue, as well as theproblem of bias involving advanced AI algorithms.

为了预防任何与AI黑箱性质相关的潜在损害,一个名为AI Now Institute的组织建议美国政府和其他处理刑事司法、医疗保健、福利和教育的机构不要使用基于AI的技术。一些组织——包括美国国防部、哈佛大学、美国银行、优步科技公司和第一资本金融公司——也试图解决同样的问题,以及涉及高级AI算法的偏差问题。



As well as theblack-box conundrum, there is also the issue of reproducibility. This occurswhen researchers fail to replicate results generated by other researchers orresearch groups. While this problem can arise because of the lack of uniformityamong AI research protocols and publication practices, there are also fearsthat the two issues may be linked.


A failure tounderstand how AI arrives at its decisions during the intermediate and finalsteps of a learning process could well be the root cause of inconsistentresults generated by various AI researchers. In addition, there are othervariables that could contribute to this issue, including variations in thefollowing:


l algorithms used bydifferent researchers;

l the size, sourceand quality of training data used;

l the installedversion of the CPU/GPU/ASIC firmware; and

l the type orarchitecture of CPU/GPU/ASIC used to run an algorithm.

l *所用训练数据的大小、来源和质量;

l *已安装的CPU/GPU/ASIC固件版本;以及

l *用于运行算法的CPU/GPU/ASIC的类型或体系架构。

Bug or feature?


Some contend thatAI’s black-box character is not a real issue at all. Science as a whole hasbeen faced with exactly the same interpretability issue for as long as we canremember. Yet, science – despite its shortcomings and failures and despitebeing constantly hounded by reproducibility issues in many research fields –continues to thrive and is now advancing at a faster rate than ever before.


Physicians, forexample, have been providing diagnoses for millions of patients involving allsorts of diseases based on much more limited data than that fed to neuralnetworks. No one has ever presented any conclusive evidence to show that morepatients are dying from misdiagnosis compared to those whose health and liveshave been improved as a result of treatment based on their physician’s expertopinion. However, this is a very different matter to having swarms of complex,non-ethical and amoral systems spread across the globe that are capable ofsimultaneously and immediately inflicting potentially serious harm to hundredsof thousands if not millions of people.


For this reason AIresearchers should always question whether the AI systems that they are creatingwill at least solve more problems than they generate.


One possiblesolution might be to implement an equivalent of the drug approval processthrough clinical trials. Requiring AI systems to undergo initial testing usinga progressively increasing number of test systems or scenarios might be aneffective way to uncover lurking flaws that could cause an AI system to behaveunpredictably with potentially disastrous consequences.


Black-box AI and abstract ideas


If one is dealingwith a black-box AI, one can argue that it should not be considered patentable.According to one of the definitions provided by the *Merriam-WebsterDictionary*, ‘abstract’ means “difficult to understand.”


However, when adeep-learning algorithm is characterised as a black box, it usually means thatno one understands how it arrives at the decisions it uses during theprocessing of an input to generate an output. Based on these definitions of theterms ‘abstract’ and ‘black box’, a black-box AI would be considered anabstract thing. Yet according to US patent law, an abstract thing is notpatentable.


In fact, an AIwith inner workings that are not well understood, is much more conclusively anabstract thing compared to some business method patent claims that have beenadjudicated by the courts to be directed towards patent-ineligible abstractideas. The reason for this is that when AI researchers characterise adeep-learning algorithm as a black box, there is typically no disagreement thatthe AI’s black-box component is not well understood. In its present stage ofdevelopment, it is probably correct to say that an AI is either not wellunderstood or it is. All that is needed is for someone to provide conclusiveproof that there is no mystery at all as to how it works.


On the other hand,a compelling counter-argument to the non-patentability of a black-box AI isthat patents have been granted for many inventions whose inner workings areonly poorly understood, if at all. For example, many patented drugs’mechanisms-of-action are discovered only after the patents have issued. The factis, provided that a claimed invention satisfies the patentability criteriapertaining at least to utility, novelty, non-obviousness, written descriptionand enablement, the patent application claims stand a chance of being allowed.


Unfortunately, themeaning of the term ‘abstract idea’ as used in the patent field has itselfbecome something of a black box. The courts do not appear to have spent muchtime dwelling on its precise meaning nor have they provided a definition thatcould meaningfully guide patent practitioners. The more recent definition orinterpretation of the term appears to have been more a device of conveniencethat has merely forced any existing hints about its meaning deeper into arabbit hole – although it should be stated that trying to come up with a moreprecise and useful meaning of the term is no trivial task and could inadvertentlycreate more problems than it solves.




AI is now beingused to analyse vast amounts of information from scientific journals,newspapers, magazines, Twitter and Reddit posts, Facebook accounts, Snapchat,patents and other references in order to:


·       extract trends,patterns and connections;

·       test hypothesesbased on existing data;

·       calculate thestatistical probability that a technique will work for a certain applicationunder certain conditions;

·       provide a rankedlist of recommendations on how to proceed to the next step of a research ordevelopment process; and

·       determine whethera combination of certain components, techniques or steps will produce a productor process that is more reliable, accurate, stable or fast.






Not only has AIbeen used for many different applications, but it can carry them out at a scaleand speed impossible for humans.


However, the waysthat AI has been used for those various applications essentially describes thecritical steps in the inventive process (or discovery). In many cases, thehuman participants merely input the relevant questions, any required initialdata or information inputs, or else the preliminary instructions regarding whatthe AI should look for and analyse. Thus, one can argue that in those cases thesubstantive act of inventing originates mainly, if not exclusively, from the AIitself.


The question thenbecomes: should an entity (eg, an individual inventor or company) who reliesmostly on an AI to come up with an invention be entitled to any resultingpatent?




The legal standardused by the courts to determine whether a claimed invention is not patentablebased on obviousness is whether a hypothetical person of ordinary skill in theart would have considered the invention obvious as of the effective filing dateof the patent application.


If the courtsdecide that who or what did the inventing does not matter and the only thingthat counts is whether the owner was first to file a patent application, howthen do we deal with the obviousness criterion when it comes to an AI-inventedinvention?


When addressingthe issue of obviousness as it relates to an AI invention, we can no longerrefer to the hypothetical person of ordinary skill in the art as presentlydefined by patent law. One possibility is that the courts will decide to expandthe definition of the hypothetical ‘person’ of ordinary skill in the art toinclude an AI.


But in that case,we are faced with another dilemma: how do we determine if an invention wouldhave been considered obvious by an AI of ordinary skill in the art? Should aninvention by an AI be judged only according to whether a hypothetical AI,rather than a hypothetical human, of ordinary skill in the art would haveconsidered the claimed invention obvious? And what is ‘ordinary skill’ whenreferring to an AI?


One emerging areais focusing on how an AI arrives at a decision, given several possible optionsor scenarios. Because we do not yet know the limits of an AI’s capabilities, ifthey exist at all, and because the field itself will likely keep evolving formany years to come, we will probably have to wait before we can answer thequestion regarding what is obvious to a hypothetical AI of ordinary skill inthe art.


However, if acertain functionality or capability has already been developed to maturity,perhaps we could reasonably assert by then that the ability of an AI to, say,distinguish a coyote from a jackal would have been obvious to an AI of ordinaryskill in the art as of the effective filing date of a patent application. Inthat case, an examiner might be within the bounds of USPTO rules when rejectinga claim based on obviousness by asserting that it would have been no stretch ofthe AI’s “imagination” and would thus be a routine matter to apply an AI’swell-documented feline identification skills to other animal genus or species.


Utility and possession of theinvention


Let us assume thatthe algorithm described in the patent application is generally acknowledged bypractitioners in the field to be substantially a black-box AI, which generatesunpredictable or inconsistent outputs owing to its sensitivity to, for example,the quality or amount of certain input data types (eg, the labelled examplesused in image recognition through deep learning). In this case, one can arguethat a patent applicant would not have been in possession of the claimedinvention as of the effective filing date of the invention. Otherwise how canone say that a patent applicant is in possession of the claimed invention – orif there is any invention at all – if the output of the claimed inventioncannot be predicted with reasonable certainty?


Further, would apatent application be enabling if the claimed AI algorithms are known toproduce only unpredictable outcomes? A rationale behind a patent application’senablement requirement is that any member of the public should be able topractice the invention when the patent term ends. However, if the most thepublic can expect to get from the patented invention are unpredictable outcomesis that a fair bargain? Also, since algorithms are not necessarily described ina detailed way in patent applications, who is to say that the members of thepublic who attempt to reproduce the invention would not end up with mostlyuseless results from the invention as described?


Also, would an AIalgorithm that produces only unpredictable or inconsistent outputs satisfy theutility requirement, even if some of the outputs it generates are genuinelyuseful, although most of the times they are not? One possible, although perhapssnarky, answer is as follows: patent applications directed to gambling machineshave been previously granted. AI algorithms that yield unpredictable resultsare not that much different from slot machines. Therefore, AI algorithms thatproduce unpredictable results only should also be patentable.


On the other hand,if some of the generated outputs of the claimed invention can be potentiallydangerous for certain applications under certain conditions because of theirunderlying unpredictability, it would seem unwise to reward these by issuingpatents for them.


AI and availability of data


The other side ofthe equation that people do not talk about as much is data. The fact is,algorithms such as those used in neural networks require lots of training databefore they can become useful for accomplishing certain types of narrowlydefined tasks. For real-world applications (eg, drug discovery) one needs lotsof data much more sophisticated than the highest resolution images of all theknown cat species in the world.


Thus, one might bein possession of the most advanced deep-learning algorithms in the world, butwithout access to large amounts of high-quality data needed for drug discoverytraining (eg, data relating to structure-function relationships, results fromanimal models, x-ray diffraction data and human clinical trials), the output ofthe neural network algorithm would most likely be unreliable, if not unusable.Garbage in, garbage out.


The problem iswhile there are huge amounts of chemical, biological and physical data frompublished scientific journals, the most important data is that which is mostrelevant to the specific drug or class of drugs covered by the drug discoverystudy. Unfortunately, this critical data is not usually publicly accessible.According to IBM’s CEO Ginny Rommety, only 20% of the world’s data issearchable, while the rest is in the hands of established businesses.

问题是虽然已发表的科学期刊有大量的化学、生物和物理数据,但最重要的数据是与药物发现研究所涵盖的特定药物或药物类别最相关的数据。不幸的是,这些关键数据通常不能公开获得。根据IBM首席执行官Ginny Rommety的说法,世界上只有20%的数据是可搜索的,而其余数据则掌握在已建立的企业中。

So, AI-basedinventions that require huge amounts of data to be useful will likely matteronly in terms of real-world utility and reliability to those who are already inpossession of the required data. Given this, there will probably be very fewpotential licensees for those patented inventions and these will likely belarge companies. In this case, the public, or even the companies themselves whofile the patent applications, would probably not benefit much from patentsgranted for those types of inventions. 


Patent AI or keep as tradesecret?


One importantquestion is when would it make sense to protect AI-based inventions as tradesecrets, rather than via patents? If a company has been developing, forexample, its own neural network algorithms for its drug-discovery studies, it mightbe better off protecting any inventions or discoveries it generates relating tothe drug-discovery studies as trade secrets, including the neural networkalgorithms that otherwise might be patentable.


A potentialdownside to having an invention published through patents or published patentapplications is that the disclosure in the patent could help a patentee’scompetitors progress more quickly with their own drug-discovery efforts for acompeting drug or class of drugs. Also, if a patentee grants a licence to itscompetitors for the use of its patented neural network algorithms, thecompetitor could use the patented invention as a basis for creating andperfecting its own neural network algorithms, which could end up being far moresophisticated than those covered by the patent.


Keeping a neuralnetwork algorithm a trade secret has its benefits. For one thing it can be usedexclusively for far longer than would be possible if it was patented. Also, itmay be relatively easy to keep it a trade secret because many of theimprovements on the algorithm could be highly dependent on the type, source,amount and quality of data, all of which are exclusively available to thecompany that developed the patentable algorithm.


Action plan


In developing anAI IP protection strategy there are some key points to bear in mind:


·       Weigh the pros andcons of filing patent applications versus protecting AI-related inventions astrade secrets.

·       Consider otheroptions such as cross-licensing if it would take too much time and resources todevelop certain AI-based technology in-house.

·       Test your AIlearning algorithms for potential reproducibility and bias issues.

·       Ensure as much aspossible that you are using reliable data as inputs for your AI learningalgorithms, especially for critical applications.

·       *权衡提交专利申请与将AI相关发明作为商业秘密进行保护的利弊。

·       *如果在内部开发某些基于AI的技术需要花费太多时间和资源,请考虑其他选项,例如交叉许可。

·       *测试您的AI学习算法是否存在潜在的重复性和偏差问题。

·       *尽可能确保使用可靠的数据作为AI学习算法的输入,特别是对于关键应用。 



Each article is copyrighted to their original authors. The news is for informational purposes only and does not provide legal advice.




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