

大岭先生 大岭IP 2019-04-29

2019年1月4日,USPTO公布了新修订的专利适格性指南(2019 Revised Patent Subject Matter Eligibility Guidance),该指南将于2019年1月7日生效,后附指南链接。

35 U.S.C. §101规定了美国专利客体的适格性要求。根据35 U.S.C. §101,不属于可以授予专利权的法定客体的“司法例外”主要包括抽象思想,自然规律和自然现象。而判断权利要求是否”指向了“司法例外的方法就是美国最高法院在Mayo / Alice案中确立的Mayo / Alice测试方法。

大岭注:Mayo / Alice案分别指2012年和2014年两个具有里程碑意义的美国最高法院的判例:Mayo Collaborative Services v. Prometheus Laboratories, Inc. 和 Alice Corporation Pty. Ltd. v. CLS Bank International。在Mayo一案中,最高法院裁定,诊断方法不满足专利适格性。在Alice一案中,使用计算机来实现一个抽象思想,并不能将其转化为满足专利适格性的发明。

Mayo / Alice案后,美国有大量的专利被认定为不属于可授权的客体,因而,引发了很大的争议,也导致美国专利适格性的判断标准的混乱。


Mayo / Alice测试分为两步。第一步,判断权利要求是否属于“司法例外“;第二步,如果属于司法例外,则再判断,权利要求是否包含“显著更多”元素,使它们超出司法例外的范畴。

本次修订的专利适格性指南,主要针对Alice / Mayo测试的第一步进行了两项主要修改。



a) Mathematical concepts – mathematical relationships, mathematical formulas or equations, mathematical calculations;

b) Certain methods of organizing human activity – fundamental economic principles or practices (including hedging, insurance, mitigating risk); commercial or legal interactions (including agreements in the form of contracts; legal obligations; advertising, marketing or sales activities or behaviors; business relations); managing personal behavior or relationships or interactions between people (including social activities, teaching, and following rules or instructions); and

c) Mental processes – concepts performed in the human mind14 (including an observation, evaluation, judgment, opinion).


其次,修订后的指导意见包括对权利要求是否“针对”司法例外进行包括两个分支的审查。在第一个分支中,审查员将评估权利要求是否包含司法例外,如果是,则进入第二个分支。在第二部分中,审查员评估该权利要求是否包含将上述确定的司法例外纳入实际应用的其他要素。如果一项权利要求包含了司法例外,但没有将该司法例外纳入实际应用,那么该权利要求就是“指向”司法例外。在这种情况下,需要根据Alice / Mayo测试的第二步进行进一步分析。


an additional element reflects an improvement in the functioning of a computer, or an improvement to other technology or technical field;

an additional element that applies or uses a judicial exception to effect a particular treatment or prophylaxis for a disease or medical condition; 

an additional element implements a judicial exception with, or uses a judicial exception in conjunction with, a particular machine or manufacture that is integral to the claim;

an additional element effects a transformation or reduction of a particular article to a different state or thing;

an additional element applies or uses the judicial exception in some other meaningful way beyond generally linking the use of the judicial exception to a particular technological environment, such that the claim as a whole is more than a drafting effort designed to monopolize the exception.




