
China Travel

Kyle 宝安外语协会 2020-02-12


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Whether you’re a tourist coming from outside of the country or are actually somebody who works in China and needs to find a way to enjoy their time off; China offers a lot of good options for those that want to travel around. 

In this article, I will discuss why China is such a great country to travel around.

If you need some help persuading your friends or family to make the long trip to visit you out in China, you cannot go too far wrong with this list.

Visa Free Policies

Compared to some countries, China has very strict immigration regulations and it was the case for many years that only those citizens from a handful of countries such as Japan and Singapore did not need to secure a visa in advance before travelling. 

Now various cities in China allow those from selected countries that are transferring to other destinations the possibility to stay in a city for a period of between 24-144 hours without a visa (Please remember to confirm exact details before travelling, terms may vary).

Longer tourism visas

If you are required to get a visa before travelling, don’t worry too much. Those who are lucky enough to hail from either the USA and Canada can currently get 10 year multi-entry tourist visas. Others such as the UK can get 2 year multi-entry visas. 

If you wish to visit China more than once over a prolonged period of time; things are now better than ever; especially when you consider how large the country really is!

Great public transportation

China is really making a lot of effort to build great public transportation systems across its larger cities. 

Whereas elsewhere you may find yourself reliant on taxis or even motorbikes; it is very easy to get public buses or subway trains straight out of many a Chinese airport. Some cities such as Shenzhen are in the process of converting the entirety of their taxi and bus fleets to electric.

Compared to many other major cities across the world, China’s public transportation systems are relatively modern, very cheap to use and easy to access. You will most likely be left feeling pleasantly surprised when you get there.

Like multiple vacations in one

We’ve already said that China is a HUGE country; believed to be the 3rd largest in the world by area, sitting behind Russia and Canada in the rankings. 

What’s even more significant is that the country is a very diverse one in both a ethnic and cultural sense. Although all of China’s provinces and autonomous regions share a singular, combined national identity; people maintain pride in their local traditions and customs. 

This makes travelling across China interesting not only for foreigners, but also for domestic travellers who are curious about such regional differences.

Variation also expands not only to culture, but also the food, terrain and weather conditions. Those wanting to hike up a snowy mountain may wish to head to Changbaishan, bordering North Korea. 

Those wishing to expanding a tropical paradise may wish to visit Hainan island. Those wishing to experience modern metropolishes may prefer the likes of Shenzhen and Shanghai.

History buffs may want to take a trip to Beijing, Nanjing and Hangzhou. Those who like spicy food and Pandas will be drawn towards Chengdu. Maybe after experiencing a small taste of what China can offer, you’ll need more than one trip!

History in abundance

Ask a Chinese person to talk to you about their country’s history and culture and they’ll probably have you sitting down over a few cups of tea for quite a while to discuss many a fascinating tale of what happened over various periods of the nation’s history. 

The tangible reminders of such history are often preserved well for all to see and one can pay a visit to many attractions such as parks or museums at a very reasonable cost.

In Beijing, you have The Great Wall of China and Tiananmen Square; the Terracotta warriors can be found only a quick high speed train ride away in Xi’an. Maybe the beautiful scenic surroundings of the West Lake in Hangzhou will excite you. 

Then you may fancy taking a cruise up the Yangtze river to Chongqing, known for the Dazu rock carvings dating back to the 7th century and more recently, it was known as the provisional wartime capital of China and thus became known as ‘the city of heroes.’ 

Just remember to plan your trip well or seek the services of a great tour guide!

East meets West

Many of us may know that China is said to have over 5000 years of history; the contributions that the nation has made towards global human development are everlasting. 

However, the country also went through times when various parts of it were invaded by Western colonial powers. Although China is now a stronger and more independent nation, the lasting legacy of colonial influence can be found in many a city. 

The former Portuguese and British colonies of Macau and Hong Kong have of course preserved elements of their former colonial heritage after being handed back to China. 

Those were the obvious examples; but do you know about the Russian influence that can still be noted within the cities of Dalian and Haerbin? If the Germans had never landed in Qingdao, maybe that nice cold Tsingtao beer wouldn’t taste quite the same. 

Then there’s cities such as Shanghai and Tianjin that have also managed to preserve a lot of their colonial architecture, while the historic landmarks of the future continue to go up.

Old complemented by the new

China is not just an old, ancient country; it simultaneously holds the title of being a new and rapidly developing one where one may struggle to keep track of all the new skyscrapers going up from day to day. Some of the world’s most striking examples of modern architecture can be found all across China.

People take pride in their cultural heritage, but the young will continue to ensure that Chinese culture will be something that never remains static.

Walking through the hutongs of Beijing or the French Concession in Shanghai, one can see the flashing lights of the tall buildings that represent the newer side of China looking down upon them, shining brightly. 

The soothing sounds of the guzheng can be heard on occasion, but don’t be too shocked if you also see older ladies dancing in the public squares to lively upbeat pop music in the evening.

One might have a dream to witness a traditional Chinese tea ceremony, but others might prefer their tea to be topped with cream cheese, just like many a trendy young Chinese person would now prefer to enjoy it. There’s many a great contrast to be found.


You may just go looking for souvenirs. Haggling for bargains at clothing markets such as the Silk Market in Beijing may excite you. What about the latest gadgets offered at Huaqiangbei in Shenzhen? There’s something for everybody here. Don’t leave empty handed!

Local cuisine

In my humble opinion, Chinese food may be the best in the world. While other tourist destinations and major cities can boast of offering food from all over the world; the food from each and every corner of China will never cease to delight you.

Try the well-known famous classic dishes. Be brave and try whatever the locals may recommend to you. Then try that other fantastic sounding dish that you’ve never seen before. Your tastebuds won’t regret it. Every province and city has a delicacy just waiting to be sampled.

In conclusion

Those that have already been in China for a few years may agree with the viewpoint presented; that China is one of the best places that one could ever wish to visit and those that take the chance to come here are going to be left with memories of their trip to treasure for years to come.

For the rest of the people who may be reading from afar, I can tell you the following. Some of us enjoyed our time in China so much, that we eventually ended up living and working here.

Whether you are visiting for just a few days or trekking around the country for a few weeks, China welcomes you to visit and experience what the country has to offer.



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