
Full-time English Teachers Needed in Qingyuan City 清远招聘全职外教

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Qualified English teachers needed in Qingyuan City of Guangdong Province.

Recruitment requirements


1. Having a bachelor degree or above, and the original certificate needs to have the certification documents issued by the Chinese embassy in the local area.具备本科学历和学士学位以上学历,相关证明原件需要有中国驻当地大使馆出具的认证文件。2. Having a certificate of non criminal record, the original certificate needs to have the certification documents issued by the Chinese embassy in the local area.具备无犯罪记录证明,相关证明需要有中国驻当地大使馆出具的认证文件。3. Having a medical certificate. 具备体检证明。4. Having two years of experience in related work in China, and need to have a working permit for two years. 具备在中国从事相关工作两年经历,需有办理工作许可证两年的证明文件。5. Teachers in non-native English speaking countries must have international English teacher qualification certificate, such as TEFL or TESOL. 母语非英语国家需有国际英语教师资格证明,如TEFL或TESOL

Work content and treatment


1. Teaching kindergarten children aged 3 to 6 years old, about 40 working hours per week from Monday to Friday. The salary is 12,000 yuan up plus housing subsidy. 教学幼儿园3~6岁孩子,周一至周五,每周约40小时工作时间。工资12000+元,提供住房补贴。2. Teaching high school students, working from Monday to Friday, about 40 working hours per week. Relevant work experience and teaching level required. The salary is 14,000 yuan up plus housing subsidy. 教学高中学生,周一至周五,每周约40小时工作时间。需有相关工作经验与教学水平,工资14000元,提供住房补贴。

Please send your CV attached with a self-introduction video / recent photos to FLA_SZ@163.com, and add to wechat SZFLA2018 or BAFLA2 if interested.


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