
The Making of Silicon Valley II | 硅谷的诞生(下)

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The Making of Silicon Valley I | 硅谷的诞生(上)

1957: Sherman Fairchild 希尔曼·费而柴尔德


In August 1957, the Traitorous Eight, as they became known, formed Fairchild Semiconductor under Fairchild Camera and Instruments. The newly founded Fairchild Semiconductor soon grew into a leader of the semiconductor industry. In 1960, it became an incubator of Silicon Valley and was directly or indirectly involved in the creation of dozens of corporations, including Intel and AMD. These many spin-off companies came to be known as "Fairchildren".



1958 to 1961, The Birth of Integrated Circuits 集成电路的诞生



Transistors were very popular at the time, used in everything from radios to phones, and computers. But the manufacturers needed something better, something smaller. Transistors required to be connected by wires and this made the devices bulky. Why not make a whole circuit i.e. transistors, wires, and everything else in one single chip? 


Jack Kilby, working at Texas Instruments figured that nobody was making capacitors or resistors out of semiconductors. He thought if he could use silicon to build all parts of a circuit, not just transistor, then the entire circuit could be built out of a single crystal. On February 6, 1958, Texas Instruments filed a patent and their first "Solid Circuit" the size of a pencil point, was shown off for the first time in March.



In January 1959, Robert Noyce working at Fairchild Semiconductor had similar ideas. While the idea had already been implemented by Kilby, Noyce thought of a much better way to connect the parts. That spring, Fairchild began building what they called "unitary circuits" and also applied for a patent. On April 25, 1961, Noyce was awarded the first patent for integrated circuit while Kilby's application was still being analyzed. Both men are acknowledged as having independently conceived the idea.



1971, Intel creates the world's first microprocessor: The Intel 4004 英特尔创造了世界上第一个微处理器:英特尔4004



Gordon Moore and Robert Noyce left Fairchild Semiconductor and started their own company, Intel, in 1968. Intel went on to create the world's first microprocessor, the Intel 4004 and that year, the term "Silicon Valley" was used for the first time by the media.



Venture Capital Firms 风险投资公司


Venture capitals were attracted in part by Stanford University and its engineering faculty, which encouraged graduates to translate their tech ideas into marketable products. Graduates provided a product while venture capitals provided…you guessed it, capital. Since they wanted a return of their investments, the venture capitals were forcing the graduates to work harder and faster developing new products. Venture capitals had driven Silicon Valley's technological boom.



The New Gold Rush 新淘金热



As venture capitals and the government through various institutions such as NASA, were investing heavily and buying innovative products from Silicon Valley-based startups, the companies and individuals operating in the area became very rich. The freedom of employment also created nuclear growth. For example, the "Traitorous Eight" over the course of 20 years gave forth 65 new enterprises, which also did the same. 


And the process is still going on until now. All these enterprises generate trillions of dollars every year. In comparison, the California Gold Rush generated only about 350 million dollars. Computers were seen as the next Gold since it had the potential to become the swiss knife version of the technology. Anyone who could create personal computers would strike gold. Many computer clubs were set up around the region to discuss and share innovative ideas.



Microsoft 微软公司



In 1975, Bill Gates and Paul Allen developed a version of BASIC for the Altair personal computer and found Microsoft company.



First Personal Computer 第一台个人电脑


Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak were introduced by a friend, Bill Fernandez who attended the Homestead High School with Steve Wozniak. Steve Wozniak was working for HP at the time. Both of them shared a deep interest in Computers and Steve Wozniak started building homemade machines since the age of 12. Steve Jobs encouraged Steve Wozniak to design a commercial computer, but before he did, the first kit of a personal computer came to life in 1975, the Altair 8800 and became very popular. 

史蒂夫·乔布斯和史蒂夫·沃兹尼亚克是由一位朋友比尔·费尔南德斯介绍认识的,他和史蒂夫·沃兹尼亚克一起在宅基地高中上学。沃兹尼亚克当时在惠普工作。他们俩都对电脑有着浓厚的兴趣,沃兹尼亚克从12岁开始捣鼓自制机器。乔布斯鼓励沃兹尼亚克设计一台商用电脑。但他还没完成,世界第一台个人电脑在1975年问世,即Altair 8800,并迅速流行起来。

Motivated by the difficulty of acquiring this device, Steve Wozniak decided to work on his own prototype. The two worked on the first model in Job's garage and named it Apple 1. Jobs was responsible for marketing it while Wozniak was responsible for technical improvements. After testing it for months, they launched it to the public as one of the first personal computers.




After the success of Apple 1, Wozniak quit his job at HP to be the Vice president of the rising company called Apple Computer Company founded on April 1, 1976. Apple Computer Company went on to build several products such as Apple II, Apple II Plus, Apple IIe etc. In a short time, Apple was one of the best and most recognized companies in the world. In1980, Apple went public for a record $1.3 billion.

苹果1号成功后,沃兹尼亚克辞去了在惠普的工作,成为1976年4月1日成立的苹果电脑公司的副总裁。苹果电脑公司接着推出了苹果II、苹果II Plus、苹果IIe等产品,在很短的时间内,苹果成为世界上最好、最受认可的公司之一。1980年,苹果公司上市,融资13亿美元创下纪录


Steve Wozniak had an accident in 1981 and his recovery took two years. When he recovered, he decided to leave Apple and found a new company dedicated to building wireless devices.


In 1977, three personal computers were introduced, Apple II, the Tandy Radio Shack TRS 80, and the Commodore Business Machines Personal Electronic Transactor (PET). Of these, the TRS 80 dominated the market, it came with 4 kilobytes of memory, a Z80 microprocessor, a BASIC programming language, and cassettes for data storage, and in order to cut production costs, the machine was built without the ability to type lowercase letters! It’s worth mentioning that, in that year, more than 27,000 people were employed in the Semiconductor industry of Silicon Valley.

1977年出品了三款个人电脑,苹果II,坦迪无线电小屋TRS80,和Commodore商务机个人电子交易(PET)。其中,TRS 80占据了市场的主导地位,它配备了4千字节的内存、一个Z80微处理器、BASIC编程语言和用于数据存储的磁带。为了降低生产成本,这台机器的开发者没设计键入小写字母!值得一提的是,当年硅谷半导体行业从业人员超过2.7万人。




IBM entered personal computer market later in 1981, when it introduced the IBM Personal Computer. It became the world's most popular personal computer and it used operating system developed by Microsoft Corporation, MS DOS.



GUI 图形用户界面


With competition from IBM, Apple had to innovate more and create better products to win back the market. In 1983, Apple came up with Lisa, the first personal computer with a graphical user interface (GUI), GUI is a display format that allows the user to select commands, open files, start programs, and other tasks by using a device called a mouse to point to icons or lists on the screen. 


The format became the basis of Apple's Macintosh personal Computer introduced in 1984 and was very successful. The GUI was adopted by many other companies and in 1985, Microsoft Corporation introduced Microsoft Windows, Windows would become the dominating operating system for personal computers.

这种格式成为苹果公司1984年推出的Macintosh个人电脑的基础,而这次使得苹果公司非常成功。图形用户界面后来被许多其他公司采用,1985年,微软公司推出了微软Windows,Windows 后来成为个人电脑的主流操作系统。


The Internet 万维网


All the technologies discussed above made the beginning of the new technological revolution that we see today. On October 29, 1969, a student programmer at UCLA, Charley Kline, sent two letters, "l" and "o" electronically to Stanford Research Institute computer in Menlo Park, California. This message was the first of its kind and it was the beginning of the Internet, known as ARPANET at the time. In 1972, Ray Tomlinson created email and used the @ sign to separate the name of the sender and computer.


In 1995, the Internet opened up to the world of commerce. In a few short years, it transformed the entire economy, as well as the culture of the world. Names like AOL, Amazon, Craigslist and eBay entered the public's vocabulary. Startups grew like mushrooms after a rainstorm. Everybody wanted a piece of the action. And the best place to get it was Silicon Valley. The new gold rush involves bottomless gold reserves of information Technology. 92 public companies that can be traced back to Fairchild, are now worth a combined amount of $2.1 trillion!




The wealth that Silicon Valley generates is astonishing. By the end of the 1980s, as the computer revolution got into full swing, the average income in Silicon Valley was about 50% higher than the average income for the entire country. In addition, the NASDAQ Exchange, which was founded in 1971 and was closely identified with tech companies, grew into what would eventually become the second-largest stock exchange in the world.



IoT 物联网

As of now, the device you are using to read this article is thousands of times more powerful than the computers used in the Apollo Lunar Mission. That is the computers that helped to put the first human on the moon's surface. At the time, a lot of world's firsts were established, e.g. the world's first smallest, fastest computer, the world's first high-speed data networks, etc. Although these were designed at MIT, much kudos goes to Silicon Valley for the technology. For example, the Apollo computer was the first computer of any significance to use integrated circuits developed in Silicon Valley. 


The Apollo guidance computer had just 73 kilobytes of memory! Now I think thousands of times is very generous on my estimate because if you are using an eight Gigabytes phone, then it is more than 100, 000 times more powerful than the Apollo guidance computer. Your microwave alone is more powerful than the Apollo guidance computer. But the microwave is not just a computer you are using, that smartwatch on your wrist, your smart lock, smart TV, etc. They are all computers connected to the world wide web in order to help us solve real-world problems.




In the end, it all started in Silicon Valley, and this is the making of Silicon Valley.



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