
More Cities Announce the Start of Summer Vacation

The Shanghai Municipal Education Commission has

announced the start of summer vacation for elementary and middle schools


2019/2020 School Year, Second term

Summer vacation start dates:

Primary school 

School year ends on June 30, 2020

Summer vacation will start from July 1st

Junior high school

School year ends on July 7, 2020

Summer vacation will start from July 8th

Senior High school

School year ends on July 14, 2020

Summer vacation will start July 15th

Arrangements for summer vacation in other places


Screenshot source: People's Daily Weibo, translations by Muzee


Summer vacations will start no later than August 1



Summer vacation will start no later than August 1


According to the Shandong Business Daily, Wang Pinmu, director of the Jinan Municipal Education Bureau, said in an interview with reporters that after the college entrance examinations were postponed, senior high school entrance examination was pushed to mid-July, classes for other grades will also continue until mid-July. The summer vacation will begin before the end of July. 

Source: People's Daily

Translated By: Muzee


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