
Idioms 英语习语 3 | Idioms from numbers 带数字的习语

Milada, Duo 宝安外语协会 2020-09-20

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let's start with a fishing story!

 ▲ Audio contributed by Engslish Teacher James

To Go Fishing, or Not to Go Fishing

For some people, fishing is so enjoyable that it puts them in seventh heaven. For others, fishing is a good time to relax and catch forty winks. I'm of two minds about it. At first sight fishing seems like fun. But, on second thought, I just don't like to handle a fish when I catch it. To many people who like fishing, it's second nature to look at a river or a lake and know where the fish are. They have a sixth sense that helps them do this. Soon they re catching fish, while I'm still trying to put the worm on the hook.





Definitions 习语注解和例句

1. in seventh heaven

-in a state of ecstasy,extremely happy 兴奋至极,欣喜若狂

Maxwell was in seventh heaven when he learned he had gotten the job.

2. forty winks

-a short sleep or nap, especially during the day. 打个盹儿

I sometimes take forty winks on Saturday afternoon, so that I can continue working around the house afterward.

3. of two minds

-to be unable to decide about something. 犹豫不决

Betty was of two minds about her future: Should she study to be a teacher or an actress?

4. at first sight

-on first seeing or meeting someone. 乍一看,初看之下

I don't know what to think about the new boss. At first sight, she seems okay, but I may change my mind later.

5. on second thought

-used when you want to change a decision you have made. 转念一想

You know that large-screen TV I was going to buy? On second thought, I decided to keep my old TV for a while.

6. second nature

-If something is second nature to you, you are so familiar with it that you can do it easily without needing to think very much about it 与生俱来的

Learning to golf is second nature to some people. They can hit the ball well with no problem the very first time.

7. sixth sense

-an ability that some people believe they have that seems to give them information without using the five senses of sight, hearing, touch, smell, or taste 第六感,直觉

Lisa has a sixth sense for directions. She always knows which road to take to get where she wants to go.

More to know 拓展习语表达

1. on cloud nine

-to be extremely happy and excited 高兴极了

Juanita was on cloud nine when she graduated from college at the top of her class.

2. to put two and two together

-to guess the truth about a situation from what you have seen or heard. 根据所看到的,听到的进行推断

We saw our neighbors putting suitcases into their car. So we put two and two together and concluded that they were going away on a trip.

3. second to none

-as good as or better than all others 首屈一指,最好的

The food in that restaurant is second to none. You really get the best meals there.

4. six of one, half a dozen of the other

-said when you think that neither of two choices is better than the other. 都差不多,半斤八两

We can either stay home or go to the movie. I don't care. For me, it s six of one, half a dozen of the other.

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