
Monkey steals a phone and take selfies

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A mischievous long-tailed macaque monkey stole a Malaysian man’s phone and captured numerous selfies in Johor, Malaysia, on September 12. 

Muhammad Zackrydz bin Mohd Rodzi owns the phone that was stolen, and originally posted the photos and videos to Twitter. The video features footage of the inside of the monkey’s mouth as it bites the phone and some upside-down “selfie” footage as the macaque stares at the phone. 

Rodzi said he went to sleep and when he woke up he realized his phone was missing. He searched under his bed and saw what he thought was his phone, but when he grabbed it, only the phone case remained. He asked his family if they had seen it, but had no luck. 

He was starting to get suspicious and thought someone had stolen his phone. 

“There’s no sign of robbery or something because everything is fine and my family have seen nothing, the only thing in my mind was maybe it’s some kind of sorcery or something,” he said. 

He added that his father said there had been a monkey playing around their compound, and said there could be a chance it was the culprit. 

“But what are the odds, right? I was sleeping at the second floor of my house, and my house was entirely locked that time,” Rodzi said. 

He decided to search his backyard and when his brother called his phone he heard it ringing near the jungle his home abuts. He said the screen protector was peeled and his phone was muddy, but overall it was fine. He added that his uncle had joked, “sekali monyet tu tinggalkan selfie,” which means “the monkey left a selfie,” he said. 

“Then I open my gallery and boom! A gallery full of monkey photos, There are photos, slow-mos, timelapse, portrait, and everything.”

Source: Storyful

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