
Japan Series 日本系列 17 | A Brief History of Japan 日本简史

Muzee 宝安外语协会 2021-07-15

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Artist’s Depiction of the Japan’s Jomon Period


According to historical findings, the northwestern tip of Hokkaido was once connected to the eastern extremities of Russia. It was here that the first known human migration from the mainland to the island nation now known as Japan began. Evidence of the early migration to Japan includes pottery and other foundations of a basic society tracing back to 35,000 BCE. This is known by historians as the Jomon period. The Jomon people were largely hunter-gatherers. Around 500 BCE, the Yayoi sailed from the Korean peninsula and dominated the regions from the south of Japan up to northern Honshu. The Japanese today are the result of interbreeding between these two early inhabitants.

根据历史学家的发现,北海道西北端曾与俄罗斯东端相连。已知的第一次人类从大陆迁徙到现在的日本岛是从这里开始的。早期迁徙到日本的人类的证据包括陶器和可追溯到公元前35,000年的基本社会的其他建社基础。历史学家将其称为日本新石器时代《Jomon Period》。新石器时代的人主要是狩猎采集者。大约在公元前500年,弥生人《Yayoi》从朝鲜半岛起航到日本并且统治了从日本南部到本州北部的各个地区。目前的日本人是这两个早期居民之间融合的结果。

There are no written records of Japanese society during this period of time, in fact, the only written records of Japan before the eighth century come from Chinese texts which refer to a country called Wa in the east.


By 250 CE, a ruling state was formed and ruled from the modern-day Nara Prefecture. During this time, Shinto (“way of the gods”) developed, the followers of Shinto worship multiple Kami (gods or spirits) who reside in natural objects such as mountains, trees, and rocks, or manifest themselves in natural phenomenon such as wind and thunder. It is believed that the title of emperor evolved from the position of Shinto chief priest, although folklore holds that the first emperor descended from the sun goddess Amaterasu.


In the middle of the 6th century, Buddhism arrived in Japan and was accepted at first but was later rejected by the people after a plague. The plague was believed to have been brought unto them by a native sun goddess who was offended that her subjects would pray before a foreign deity. The Soga clan embraced Buddhism and rose to power helping in establishing Buddhism as one of the major religions in the region. The teachings of Confucius also crossed over from the mainland and along with it brought the first writing system, which provided the framework for an administrative and legal system.

公元6世纪中叶,佛教传入日本,最初被接受,但后来因瘟疫而被人们拒绝。据信这场瘟疫是由一位当地的太阳女神带来的,她这样做是因为她的臣民会开始信从国外来的神。索加宗族《Soga clan》信奉佛教,并上台后将佛教确立为该地区的主要宗教之一。孔子的教诲也从大陆传来,并随之带来了第一个文字系统,为行政和法律制度建立了基础。

Clothes during the Heian Period


The Heian period (794 to 1185) brought further unification of Japan by the subjugation of the northern Emishi people. Emishi people were the descendants of the early Jomon who had remained outside the sphere of influence of the government in the south. During this period, the capital relocated from Nara to Heian city which the present-day Kyoto, and it will remain so until 1868. This period was also when art and culture flourished in Japan, for example, the Tales of Genji was written during this period.


The emperor in Kyoto was not very powerful and he had to rely on warlords who had their own armies and dominated the regions outside Kyoto. In the mid 7th century, the government declared the ownership of all land and tax was to be levied to support the administration. To have a tax-free land, one will need to pledge allegiance to the emperor and by 12th century around half of Japan’s arable land was classified as Shoen (tax-free). 


A succession dispute for emperor in 1155 set off a 40 yearlong chain of violent events that ended with Minamoto no Yoritomo establishing the Kamakura bafuku and gaining the title of seii-taishogun (“The Conqueror of Barbarians”).

1155年,天皇的继承权纠纷引发了长达40年的一连串暴徒事件,最终由南本一世(Minamoto no Yoritomo)建立了镰仓八夫寺(Kamakura bafuku),并获得了“蛮族征服者”(seii taishogun)的称号。

Samurai Battle with the Mongolians

In 1274 and 1281 Mongol forces attempted invasions to the islands and helped in diluting the power of the rulers, the Shoguns. By the end of the 15th century, the country was going through a period of civil war known as the Sengoku-jidai. The power of the emperor was further reduced and the powerful clans would form their own code of conduct and sometimes issue their own currency. Many of the Japan’s most famous castles were constructed during these centuries of civil war, some of them are Himeiji, 1333; Odawara Castle, 1447; Matsumoto Castle, 1504.

在1274年和1281年,蒙古部队企图入侵这些岛屿,这样助于削弱了统治者幕府将军的实力。到15世纪末,该国经历了内战时期,称为“战国时代”。皇帝的权力进一步降低,不久后,强大的氏族将开始组织自己的行为准则,有时还会发行自己的货币。日本许多最著名的城堡都是在内战时期建造的,其中一些是1333年建的Himeiji;小田原城堡,1447年; 松本城堡,1504年。

The Statue of Oda Nobunaga


It took three men to end the civil war and unify the country, they are Oda Nobunaga, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, and Tokugawa Leyasu. Nobunaga was a fierce leader and fought for the expansion of territory, watching his territory grow, the Shogun offered him a position of “vice Shogun.” He later betrayed the Shogun and burned the capital, Kyoto, in 1573 forcing the Shogun to flee into exile. Nine years later he committed seppuku (ritual suicide) after being betrayed and put under siege by one of his own vassals. At the time of his death, he had already made enough territorial gains that were to form the base for further unification by his successors.

有三个人负责结束内战并统一国家,分别是织田信长,丰臣秀吉和德川家康。信长是一个凶猛的领袖,为扩大领土而战,看着他的领土不断扩大,幕府将军给他一个“副幕府将军”的职位。后来他出卖幕府并烧毁了京都首都,1573年迫使幕府逃亡到 流亡。九年后,他被出卖并被自己的一位宗藩围困,自杀了。在他去世时,他已经取得了足够的领土,从而为继任者进一步统一奠定了基础。

The Statue of Toyotomi Hideyoshi


Toyotomi Hideyoshi was born in 1537 to one of Nobunaga’s foot soldiers. He grew up to become one of Nobunaga’s most trusted aides and a brilliant strategist. Upon Nobunaga’s death he became his successor and Leyasu served under him. Leyasu did not support Hideyoshi and after serving him for two years, he decided to support one of Nobunaga’s sons, Oda Nobukatsu, to be the rightful successor to Nobunaga, and consequently they fought a few battles. They reached an agreement and stopped war but Hideyoshi wanted to expand his territory. He conquered Shikoku in 1585 and Kyushu in 1587 before turning his attention abroad to Korea, sending 160,000 troops in 1592 and another 140,000 in 1597 but failed. Upon Hideyoshi’s death in 1598, Leyasu battled and won victories in many regions gaining the title of Shogun and ushering into the era known as the Edo period.

丰臣秀吉于1537年出生于信长的一名步兵。他长大后成为信长最可信赖的助手之一和出色的战略家。信长之死后,他成为他的继任者,利雅苏(Leyasu)在他的带领下任职。Leyasu不支持秀吉,在服役两年后,他决定支持信长的一个儿子织田信胜(Oda Nobukatsu),作为信长的合法继承人,因此他们进行了几场战斗。他们达成协议并停止了战争,但秀吉想扩大自己的领土。他在1585年征服了四国,并在1587年征服了九州,然后将注意力转移到韩国,在1592,1597年分别年派出了16万名士兵和14万名士兵到韩国但是最后失败了。在秀吉死后的1598年,利雅苏战役并赢得了许多地区的胜利,获得了幕府将军的头衔并将日本引入 江户时代。

Unified Japan was not enough to keep the country in harmony. The construction of the “Five Routes” which are five highways leading out from Nihombashi began. These will help to reduce the time needed to travel across the country and allow better control over the far-away provinces. More public infrastructures were built during this era and by the end of the 17th century, Edo was one of the most populous cities in the world with over one million inhabitants. Social divisions were developed at this period based on Shinokosho (“Four Divisions”) which defined a person’s status by occupation.


At the top were the samurai (shi), next were the farmers (no), farmers were highly valued because of their necessity to society as food producers, after the farmers were the artisans (ko), because their goods were non-essential; and, finally, the merchants (sho), the lowest on the ladder because they, as middleman, did not produce anything. The problem with this system was that it was not ideal, for example, the lower-ranking Samurai often lived on poverty while some of the successful merchants, especially in Tokyo and Osaka, saw their fortunes accumulate rapidly. Samurai did not accept this situation as they saw themselves as warriors and they should be thought of as a moral beacon for the rest of the society, rather than living in poverty.


The Great Wave off Kanagawa, Katsushika Hokusai


The stability during the Edo period provided a base to which culture could flourish. One of the best examples is Ukiyoe woodblock prints that developed during this time. The country rejected any interactions from the outside world, and the Edo period is famous for Sakoku (“locked country”), an isolationist policy which lasted for about 250 year. During this time, foreign traders were relegated to an artificial island called Dejima in the bay of Nagasaki, and warlords were given orders to fire at any foreign vessel on sight. The Harris Treaty of 1858 between the U.S. and Japan forced the country to open several of its ports to foreign trade. Japan subsequently signed treaties on similar terms with Russia, France, Great Britain, and the Netherlands. But the Harris Treaty didn’t just forcibly end 250 years of isolationism—it also sowed the seed of resentment in the Japanese, who realized that they were not seen as equals in the eyes of the Western powers. This would go on to have significant ramifications as Japan set off on a course of industrialization.

江户时代的稳定为文化的繁荣奠定了基础。最好的例子之一就是在这段时间开发的浮世绘木版画。该国拒绝与外界进行任何接触,而江户时代以Sakoku(“锁定国家”)而闻名,Sakoku是一项持续了大约250年的孤立主义政策。在此期间,外国商人被拒而指到长崎湾的一个人工岛Dejima,在这里军阀被命令向任何可见的外国船只开火。1858年美日之间的《哈里斯条约》(Harris Treaty)迫使该国向对外贸易开放了多个港口。日本随后与俄罗斯,法国,英国和荷兰以类似条款签署了条约。但是,《哈里斯条约》不仅强行结束了250年的孤立主义,而且还播下了日本人的怨恨种子,日本人意识到在西方列强的眼中,它们并不被视为平等。随着日本开始走上工业化进程,这一点将继续产生重大影响。

The Battle of Sekigahara


After 700 years of samurai rule, the Battle of Sekigahara in 1600, finally brought an end to Tokugawa rule during the brief Boshin War (1868-1869) and installed the emperor back as the ruling authority, an event known as the Meiji Restoration. The emperor moved from Kyoto to Edo in 1868 and the city became the official capital (and subsequently renamed Tokyo, “Eastern City”).


The new emperor established five new policies considered to be the country’s first modern constitution, among the most important of all were:


·Evil customs of the past shall be broken off and everything based upon the just laws of Nature.


·Knowledge shall be sought throughout the world so as to strengthen the foundation of imperial rule.


These paved ways for Japan to embrace superior technological and industrial knowledge held by the Western powers. It was catching up on all aspects of governance through numerous reforms. In addition, many highly-paid foreign advisors were brought to Japan to instruct on subjects ranging from agriculture and medicine to engineering and education. Mining, steel production, shipbuilding, cotton spinning, textiles, silk—all witnessed rapid expansion during the Meiji era. Annual coal production, for instance, stood at 210,000 tons in 1874, but within ten years would reach 4 million tons and continue to more than double each decade such that by the end of World War I it would stand at over 30 million tons.


The leaders of the Iwakura Mission photographed in London in 1872. Iwakura Tomomi, the head of the mission, sits in the middle


Realizing that it could not continue to rely on foreign advisers for sustained development, Japan implemented a program of sending statesmen and promising (or privileged) students abroad to study in the hope that they would come back and transfer their knowledge to others. The most famous of these is the Iwakura Mission between 1871-1873 which saw leading statesmen, scholars, and students travel to the United States, the United Kingdom, as well as a host of mainland European countries, before making their way back to Japan via Egypt, Ceylon, and Singapore, among other places.

日本意识到它无法继续依靠外国顾问来实现持续发展,因此实施了一项计划,将政治家和有希望的(或有特权的)学生派往国外学习,以期他们能够回来并将自己所学的知识传给其他国民。其中最著名的是在1871-1873年间的岩仓宣教所,当时著名的政治家,学者和学生前往美国,英国以及许多欧洲大陆国家,然后通过 埃及,锡兰和新加坡等地回日本。

The Japan-Korea Treaty of 1876 marked the beginning of Japan’s imperial ambitions. It also served to undermine Korea’s status as China’s tributary by re-affirming the country as an independent state with sovereign rights. After a broken Sino-Japanese agreement, Japan and China were at war which ended with Japan occupying Korea and much of Manchuria. In 1904, Japan made a surprise attack on Russia’s ships at Port Arthur (Dalian, China) before destroying the rest of the Russian fleet in the area between southern Japan and Korea. This was the first time a Western power was defeated by an Asian nation in modern history. Japan now treated as one of the emerging powers, was invited by Great Britain to join World War 1 in 1914, occupying German territories in China (Shanghai and Tsingtao among them). Its role earned it a seat on the Council of the League of Nations.


At this point, as one of the Global Powers, Japan was seeking equality and recognition. Japan proposed the following wording to be included on the Treaty of Versailles:


“The equality of nations being a basic principle of the League of Nations, the High Contracting Parties agree to accord as soon as possible to all alien nationals of states, members of the League, equal and just treatment in every respect making no distinction, either in law or in fact, on account of their race or nationality.”


Japanese aggression brought condemnation from the international community. In August 1941, following a series of increasingly harsh sanctions, Woodrow Wilson froze Japanese assets and placed a complete oil embargo on the country (about 80% of Japan’s oil was imported from the U.S.). The response of Japan’s prime minister, Tojo Hideki, was to launch a surprise attack on the U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor on the morning of 7 December 1941, with the aim of eliminating the possibility of U.S. interference in Japan’s imperial ambitions in Asia. The U.S. declared war on Japan the following day.

日本的侵略经传播引起了国际社会的谴责。1941年8月,在一系列日益严厉的制裁措施之后,伍德罗·威尔逊(Woodrow Wilson)冻结了日本资产,并对日本实施了全面的石油禁运(当时日本约80%的石油是从美国进口的)。日本首相东条秀树(Tojo Hideki)的反应是于1941年12月7日对珍珠港的美国海军基地发动突袭,目的是消除美国干涉日本在亚洲的雄心壮志的可能性。美国第二天向日本宣战。

Victims of air raids in Tokyo


With the threat from the U.S. seemingly dealt with, and the other Western powers waging war in Europe, Japan had a free hand in Asia. Within months, Hong Kong, Manila, and Singapore had fallen to the Japanese Imperial Army as it continued to push its way throughout the region. By mid-1942, however, everything changed. Japan’s navy suffered the loss of four aircraft carriers and one heavy cruiser at the Battle of Midway, and with the capture of Saipan by U.S. forces in 1944, the island was within the range of the U.S. air force’s B-29 bombers. The air raids of Tokyo that ensued were among the most destructive in world history (Operation Meetinghouse conducted over two days in February 1945, saw 300 B-29s drop almost 2,000 tons of napalm on the city, killing more than 100,000 people and leaving another one million homeless).


Then, on the morning of 6 August 1945, the Enola Gay, a B-29 Superfortress, dropped “Little Boy” on Hiroshima. The atomic bomb exploded 2,000 feet above the ground, killing thousands instantly and leaving many thousands more with horrific burns. Three days later another atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki with similarly devastating effects (Kokura in northern Kyushu had been the original target but cloud and smoke cover over the town meant that the flight crew changed course to Nagasaki, the reserve target, after three fly overs).

然后,1945年8月6日上午,B-29超级堡垒Enola Gay在广岛投下了“小男孩” 原子弹。原子弹在地面2,000英尺高空爆炸,立即杀死数千人,并产生数以千计的可怕灼伤。三天后,另一枚原子弹投掷在长崎上空,造成了同样的破坏性后果(九州北部的小仓原定为目标,但镇上云雾笼罩,烟雾覆盖,飞行人员经过三次飞越后将航线改为了长崎这一后备目标 )。

Following a failed coup d’etat by some members of the government and military, a recording of a speech by Emperor Hirohito—in classical language difficult to understand for many Japanese—was broadcast to the populace on the noon of 15 August. He explained that the government would unconditionally surrender and beseeched them to “endure the unendurable and suffer what is not sufferable”. It was the first time the Japanese people had heard his voice.


On 30 August 1945, General Douglas MacArthur, commander of the United States Army Forces in the Far East, landed at Atsugi in Kanagawa Prefecture to take command of Japan and signed the Instrument of Surrender on 2 September the same year aboard the USS Missouri. MacArthur ordered the arrest of suspected war criminals such as Japan’s wartime prime minister and former general of the Imperial Japanese Army, Tojo Hideki (he shot himself in an attempt to commit suicide but was rescued by the doctors). Although many people called for the emperor to be arrested too, he was not.

1945年8月30日,远东美国陆军司令道格拉斯·麦克阿瑟(Douglas MacArthur)将军登陆神奈川县厚木市,接管日本,并于同年9月2日在密苏里号航空母舰上签署了日本投降书。麦克阿瑟下令逮捕可疑的战争罪犯,例如日本战时首相,日本帝国军前将军东条英树(他开枪自杀未遂,但被医生救出)。尽管许多人也呼吁皇帝被捕,但他没有被捕。

As we have seen, the notion that the emperor was a direct descendant of the sun goddess Amaterasu is one that has roots in very early Japanese history, and much of the wartime propaganda rested on the notion of divine racial purity. In an imperial rescript issued in a New Year’s statement on 1 January, 1946, the Imperial Family declared that the “ties between Us and Our People… are not predicated on the false conception that the Emperor is divine…”.  The new constitution enacted in 1947—perhaps the most remarkable achievement of the occupation—went further in delimiting his role, stating the emperor to be “the symbol of the State and of the unity of the People, deriving his position from the will of the people with whom resides sovereign power”.


1947 constitution also outlawed the use of war to settle international disputes in Article 9. By 1952 when the American occupation came to an end, Japan had seen reforms to its political structure, new land and labor acts, changes to its education system, and the enfranchisement of women. The country was ready to chart its recovery.


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