Quarantine Measures When Traveling to or Leaving Guangdong
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Chinese New Year is approaching and many cities have issued a travel advisory encouraging people to spend the holiday at the city of their employment. That is to say there is no need to travel back home for this new year 's holiday. Still, though, many people want to go visit their families and spend the holiday with them. So we asked the authority in Shenzhen about travelling during the holiday and below we answer some of the questions that you might have.
Do I Need NAT Certificate to Leave?
As of now, you do not need a nucleic acid test certification when entering the station, you only need to show a green health code. This doesn't mean the destination won't ask for a NAT though, so it is recommended that you consult the local government of your destination in advance. In addition, you should also consult the local stations in advance to be sure, this is because some requirements can change at anytime.
Entering Through Airport
Currently, airports in Shenzhen requires that arriving passengers have normal body temperatures and present a green health code which is obtained through "Guangdong Shenshi" mini program. From 8th this month, all passengers in flights(including stopover flights) from middle and high risk areas will be required to take a nucleic acid testing upon arrival. Passenger s will then be given health codes, for those with normal body temperature and obtain a green health code, they can leave airport normally.
Those whose health code turned red will be put in quarantine. Note that risk level is determined at city levels and areas with high risk affects the whole city's level. Say there is a certain area in your city that is marked as high risk but your area is not, upon arriving Shenzhen, you will be treated as someone from a high risk area.
Returning to Guangdong from High-risk Areas
If you are returning to Guangdong from a high-risk area or you had been to a high-risk area within 14 days prior to your arrival, then you will be subjected to a 14 days centralized isolation.
Returning to Guangdong from Mid-risk Areas
For those who are arriving in Guangdong from mid-risk area or had been to a mid-risk area within 14 days prior to arrival, they will need to provide a valid negative nucleic acid test certificate taken 7 days before entering Guangdong. If they didn't take the test, they must do so upon arrival in Guangdong. If you are holding a negative nucleic acid test or your nucleic acid test taken upon arrival is negative, then you will need to isolate yourself at home for seven days.
Returning to Guangdong from Low-risk Areas
For those arriving in Guangdong from low-risk areas with normal body temperatures, they only need to present a health certificate (e.g. green health code), a mutual recognition system will be created to recognize health codes issued throughout the country. No barriers shall be set up, and no measures shall be taken against people.
Before entering Shenzhen, you must register on iShenzhen platform. After verification, you will be notified whether you need or don't need to be quarantined.
Covid-19 virusthrives in cold weather and considering crowds returning home during CNY then it get riskier to travel during the time, especially using public transportation. If it is not necessary, do not leave Shenzhen.
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