
Idioms and phrases that contain "rain"

Sarah 宝安外语协会 2021-09-18

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While words like sun, rain and cloud are associated with weather, when used in idioms and phrases, they may or may not actually be used to represent weather. Let's see some idioms and phrases that contains "rain". 

While Poles use "save money for a black hour," written in Polish as “oszczędzać na czarną godzinę”, in English we say "keep/save for a rainy day," which means:

Keep/save something in case you end up urgently needing it in the future.

And here's an interesting phrase that contains "rain", i.e. rain check.

Rain check is used to politely decline an invitation but hinting that you are willing to accept it at a later date.

Example: Hi Peter, will you join us for a dinner evening today?

Peter: Sorry pal, I'd love to, but I have a date tonight so I'll take a rain check.

1.It's raining men

This is used to imply that there are many men. 

Example: Tara, are you still single? You should go to the beach today, it's raining men there.

2.When it rains it pours

It means when something bad or good happens, likely there will be more bad/good things to follow.

Example: This week has been great for you, you got promoted and you won a lottery!

"Yes, I guess when it rains it pours."

3.Right as rain

Absolutely correct.

Example: Hey, yesterday was a great day.

"Yeah man, you are as right as rain."

4.Rain-off (British English)

This phrase is used when an event is canceled due to rain.

Example: Our Saturday picnic is a rain-off.

5.Come in out of the rain

To wake up to a reality or to acknwledge that something has actually happened.

Example: Hey man, you need to come in out of the rain and accept that Sarah has left you for a richer dude.

6.Raining cats and dogs

Raining heavily

Example: I don't know how I can make it to work today, it is raining cats and dogs.

Which one did you find interesting? Do you have some to add? Let us know in the comment section.

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