
Woman finds that her husband is a woman

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Mr. Liu and Mdm. Ding have been married for six years. Both of them have a job and all this time, during four years of their marriage, they did not really consider having a child despite pressure from their parents. 

But after seeing that most of their peers are having the second child already, they too decided to procreate. Lucky wasn't on their side bacause they tried hard for two years without success and so they turned to doctors. The trip to the hospital revealed something that none of them had prepared for:

That the husband is biologically a 'she'

How comes?

Sun Zixue, director of the reproductive medicine department said that Mr. Liu is of medium height, has a soft voice and he is gentle with a very soft, delicate white skin. In fact, his skin is better than that of his wife. 

The doctor also observed that Mr. Liu has a penis and through consultation with both husband and wife, he noted that they have a normal husband and wife relations without any problems. 

But he noted that Mr. Liu's testicles were actually very small, about the size of soybeans. So he decided to conduct a seminal fluid analysis procedure.

The doctor, through seminal fluid analysis results, found that even though Mr. Liu could ejaculate, but his seminal fluid did not contain spermatozoa. At this point the doctor decided to carry out a karyotype analysis along with other gene detection tests. 

Knowing that her husband's sperm did not contain spermatozoa was shocking enough, but karyotype analysis results left Ding speechless:

Her husband's karyotype was 46, XX (female karyotype), while the normal male's karyotype should be 46, XY.

Normal male karyotype 

"I didn't expect that the husband, who I've been sleeping with for so many years, is actually a woman." Ding said.

"Can we still have children? What should we do in the future? " Ding asked while sobbing.

Dr. Sun Zixue said: "As the male infertility is caused by chromosomal abnormality and accompanied by a complete absence of Y chromosome, Mr. Liu can not produce sperm and so he can not have a baby of his own. Their only hope of getting pregnant is through sperm donated by someone else."

Source: Henan TV

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