Review of the 19th Artist-in-Residence Programme -Cross the Boundary of Arts and Technologies
科技与艺术,听起来似乎是两个距离相当遥远的领域,但Fabio Cavallucci告诉我们,它们其实是密不可分的。
Arts and technologies may sound like two separated fields but Fabio Cavallucci shows us that they are closely related.
Lecture: Interaction Between Technologies, Arts and Culture
11月7日晚的首场讲座中,Fabio Cavallucci为大家详细解析了多幅具有代表性的画作,向大家揭示画家们运用透视法在平面上描绘出富有空间感的景象。如达芬奇的《蒙娜丽莎》、拉斐尔的《雅典学院》等。在Fabio生动而深刻的讲述下,大家在理性思维与美感体验的不断融合中,初探艺术形成的自然法则。
At the first lecture in the evening of November 7th, Fabio Cavallucci fully analyzed several representative paintings to show us how these artists applied the method of perspective to create an impression of space, for example, Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa and Raffaello’s Scuola di Atene. Fabio’s vivid and profound explanation led us to remix our rational thoughts and aesthetic feelings. It was the first time that we looked into the law of nature lying behind liberal arts.
Outdoor Evening Talk: Contemporary Technologies and Arts
“The most crucial feature about art is that, it has been changing our ways of thinking about the world.”
During the outdoor evening talk on November 9th, Fabio argued that arts delivered us a new insight on life and he tried to explain it further by analyzing the development of modern arts. Arts were not only exhibition of beauty and expression of inner emotion, but also observation on nature and description of reality. Technologies helped arts improve and innovate, and therefore, humans can sense how the world related to them more deeply.
Reading & Sharing: Appreciation of Contemporary Arts and Exhibitions
11月11日晚,在大学图书馆二楼展览厅,Fabio与大家现场解析了他策划的当代艺术展览——“世界末日”,并分享了众多当代艺术家的展览作品。展示了包括蔡国强、Jimmie Durham等艺术家的作品,让大家直观感受到展览想表达的空间感与时间线。
In the evening of November 11th, at the University Library Second Floor Exhibition Hall, Fabio analyzed a contemporary arts exhibition he curated and organized - The End of the World. Works of famous artists such as Jimmie Durham and Guoqiang Cai were also shown to express Fabio’s idea on space and timeline in a more vivid manner.
A Dialogue Between Arts and Technologies
Fabio and Professor Kurt SUN from SSE held a dialogue on “Arts and Technologies” in the evening of November 18th at the Artist-in-Residence Studio. Professor Kurt SUN shared with us many pictures and videos on art innovations that were done through modern technology, including calligraphy works and paintings made through new technology. He also presented us many examples of works created by AI.
Fabio also expressed his thoughts on arts and technologies, and he discussed more about the relationship between human, technologies and arts in the future world. It pushed us to consider how to identify arts and whether arts will exist in future society. What’s more, Fabio showed us some works about the future cities, selected from the works which are exhibited in Shenzhen's 2019 Bi-city Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism.
Artist-in-Residence Programme
为营造大学艺术氛围,培养同学审美情操,从2016年开始,大学推出驻校艺术家项目,定期从全球各地及各艺术领域遴选邀请国际化水准的专业艺术家进驻校园,从事创作并与同学交流。 驻校艺术家创作周期分为两种:短期5-10天,长期1-2个月。驻校期间,艺术家会与同学们共同创作,或以讲座、工作坊的形式指导学生创作与审美。艺术家的创造也会结合校园周边资源,为校园的发展提供创新的尝试。 In 2016, the University initiated the Artist-in-Residence Programme to create an artistic atmosphere on campus and to elevate student's aesthetic taste. We regularly invite top artists from various fields to reside on campus, create artworks and hold workshops with students. The programme may last 5-10 days or 1-2 months. Artists will work with or guide students to create or appreciate artworks through workshop or lectures. Artists will also take into account resources available off campus to contribute towards our development.University Arts Centre
To bring students closer to culture and art
To make the "DREAM" come true
出品人丨Dorothy Wong (UAC)
策划丨Cici Tang (UAC)
协调丨 Christine Wang (UAC)
文案 翻译 | Christine Wang(UAC)
但子一 2016级思廷书院 经管学院
叶杏霞2019级人文社科学院 祥波书院
吴博言 2018级人文社科学院 祥波书院
英文校对 | Christine Wang (UAC)
编辑 | Effie Huang (UAC)