“时空胶囊”放映会 | 《最后探戈》
Time Space Capsule Screening Seminar
活动时间/ Time
2021.9.17 (Fri.)19:30-21:30
活动地点 / Venue
Time Space Capsule Black Box Theatre
(Zhi Ren Building First Floor)
活动内容/ Content
影片放映90分钟 + 映后谈20分钟
90 minutes of film screening +
20 minutes of post-film discussion
报名二维码 / Registration
活动影片/ Film
Argentina documentary Our Last Tango
(Un Tango Más)
《最后的探戈》由杰门·克拉尔执导,讲述了阿根廷最著名的探戈舞者玛利亚(Maria Nieves Rego)和胡安(Juan Carlos Copes)的生平和爱情故事。他们在少年时代相遇并一起跳舞了近五十年,直到痛苦的分离将他们撕裂。他们的故事传递给一群来自布宜诺斯艾利斯的年轻探戈舞者和编舞者,二人之间的激情、憎恶、背叛、隐瞒、共情,最终化为令人难忘的探戈编舞。
纪录片/歌舞 85分钟
Directed by German Kral, Un Tango Más tells the life and love story of Argentina's famous tango dancers Maria Nieves Rego and Juan Carlos Copes, who met each other as teenagers and danced together for nearly fifty years until they were separated. Their story was relayed to a group of young tango dancers and choreographers from Buenos Aires, and the passion, hatred, betrayal, concealment, empathy between Maria Nieves Rego and Juan Carlos Copes were eventually turned into unforgettable tango choreography.
85 minutes
映后谈嘉宾/ Guests
Pablo & 吕秋莹 Cheryl
Pablo 老师是在阿根廷首都布宜诺斯艾利斯土生土长的阿根廷探戈导师。来自阿根廷国立艺术大学(UNA),由布宜诺斯艾利斯本地开始他的探戈教学生涯,是 SanTelmo 区广为人知的舞会 Milonga La Gardelita 的组织者。现在他也将这一舞会的精彩原汁原味延续到了中国。他曾受聘常驻于美国沃顿商学院,在美国费城宾夕法尼亚洲大学定期教授探戈短期集中课程。
Pablo is an Argentine tango instructor born and raised in Buenos Aires, Argentina. With UNA education background, he started his tango teaching career in Buenos Aires. He is also the organizer of Milonga La Gardelita which is well known in SanTelmo District. Now he also brings the wonderful tango party to China. He was employed and resident in Wharton Business School in the United States and regularly taught short intensive tango courses at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, USA.
吕秋莹 Cheryl
吕秋莹 Cheryl 老师曾任职于世界舞蹈协会,舞龄 24 年,丰富的授课与舞台表演经验使她在教学中尤其擅长在有针对性的组合练习中引导来自不同专业背景的舞者理解和利用身体运动逻辑,快速提高舞者的身体把控能力和灵活度,实际应用于沙龙风格与 Milonguero 风格的探戈中。2016 年起,他们一同创办深圳阿根廷探戈 TangoArgentino Shenzhen, LA ESCUELA DE TANGO(TASZ)。
Lv Qiuying, Cheryl, once worked for the World Dance Association and has been dancing for 24 years. With rich experience in teaching and stage performance, she is especially good at guiding dancers from different professional backgrounds to understand and use the logic of body movement in targeted combination exercises to quickly improve body control ability and flexibility which could be applied to the style of salon and Milonguero tango. Since 2016, they have jointly founded Tango Argentino Shenzhen, LA ESCUELA DE TANGO(TASZ).
冯玥迎 Aria
冯玥迎 Aria
冯玥迎 Aria,独立纪录片导演、制作人。毕业于北京电影学院,后取得美国雪城大学 MFA 学位。创作及研究重点为个人及家庭私影像的叙事。作品曾在纽约、莫斯科、布加勒斯特展映。现居深圳。
Aria Feng, is an independent documentary director and producer. She graduated from Beijing Film Academy and received her MFA degree from Syracuse University. Her research focuses on the narration of personal and family images. Her works have been displayed in New York, Moscow and Bucharest. She now lives in Shenzhen.
本次活动合作伙伴 / Partner of this event
影片版权合作 / Film Copyright Cooperation
University Arts Centre
To bring students closer to culture and art
To make the"DREAM" come true
出品人丨Dorothy Wong (UAC)
策划丨Cici Tang (UAC)
Effie Huang (UAC)
统筹丨Ding Long (UAC)
协调丨Gao Le (UAC)
排版 | 葛立雅 2018级数据科学学院 祥波书院
翻译 | 李佳林 2020级经管学院 祥波书院
英文校对 | Christine Wang(UAC)
编辑 | Sylvia Lin (UAC)