
从航海时代到商业时代 Business in Portugal

精彩不断的 浙大ZIBS 2023-12-16

5月12日,ZIBS iMBA项目邀请葡萄牙阿威罗大学(Aveiro University)访问学者Cristina Miguens教授,为同学们进行了主题为Business in Portugal的讲座分享。讲座由ZIBS助理教授Jia Jia Lim主持。活动中,Cristina Miguens教授对葡萄牙历史发展及商业特色展开了详细介绍,同学们不但了解了葡萄牙历史文化及经济的发展,更对葡萄牙的商业发展特色与前景有了更新的认识。  

On May 12, ZIBS invited Professor Cristina Miguens from Aveiro University to share about business in Portugal. Jia Jia Lim, ZIBS Assistant Professor, hosted the event. Professor Cristina Miguens gave a detailed introduction on the history and business development of Portugal. Not only did iMBAers learn about the history and economic development of Portugal, but they also gained a new understanding of business in Portugal.


Miguens教授着重向同学们介绍了食品行业、时尚产业、及林业等支柱产业的发展,并指出这些行业具有竞争力的关键在于“High-Tech、Innovators 、Startups 、 Rapid growth”等四大因素。此外,Miguens教授还强调了品质驱动产业发展的力量。




iMBA 2022级 曹海龙


iMBA 2022级 卢成强

Attending the lecture on the Portuguese economy and culture delivered by the professor was truly enlightening. I gained valuable insights into Portugal's economic development and cultural heritage.

Firstly, I was amazed by Portugal's economic potential. The professor provided a detailed overview of how Portugal, as a European periphery country, has achieved sustained growth through proactive economic policies and an open market environment. I learned that Portugal's unique geographical location and abundant natural resources have made it an attractive destination for foreign investments. This has instilled in me confidence that Portugal's future economic prospects will continue to flourish.

Secondly, I was captivated by Portugal's cultural heritage. The professor vividly described Portugal's rich history, architecture, and cultural traditions. I developed a keen interest in Portuguese art, music, and literature, and I hope to delve deeper into these fields. Additionally, I learned about Portugal's advancements and innovations in the cultural industry, which has inspired me in my personal pursuit of learning and career development in related areas.

In conclusion, attending the lecture was a rewarding experience. It has made me more optimistic about Portugal's economic prospects and sparked a genuine interest in its unique cultural traditions. I look forward to further exploring Portugal's economy and culture and hope for an opportunity to personally experience the charm of this beautiful country.


iMBA2022级 李浏洋

从未有过对一个国家如此的向往——这是听完Cristina Miguens教授讲座后最大的感受。她带领我们快速建立了对葡萄牙的认知:这是一个古老又美丽的国家,旅游业的兴起使得葡萄牙连续四年成为欧洲旅游的最佳目的地。在葡萄牙本土,绝大多数企业都是微型企业,但也有许多独角兽企业——这里充满了创新精神。环保的瓶塞、设计感的鞋子、彩色的纸巾都令人惊喜!Miguens教授也让我感受到葡萄牙人的热情和温暖,在有限的时间内分享了许多精彩的故事,希望有机会可以聆听教授的更多分享!

视频|iMBA 2022 苏爱真


编辑|李嵩皎 钱霖仪

责编|陈槭丽莎 陈雪梅


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