
ZIBS动态丨五周年院庆周边先睹为快!(含福利) Share Your Wishes & Big Giveaway

浙大ZIBS 浙大ZIBS 2023-12-20


As we approach our 5th Anniversary, we're not just celebrating five years. We're celebrating five years of dreams nurtured, knowledge shared, and success achieved. This journey has been nothing short of magical, and we're thrilled to have you by our side.



A Glimpse of Our Goodies


To mark this milestone, we've selected exclusive goodies that hold a piece of our shared journey. These are not just items; they are symbols of the dreams, hopes, and aspirations that have flourished within our community:

✨ 纪念款徽章:闪耀的徽章,镌刻着你与ZIBS的独家故事,陪伴你不断追逐新的理想。

Stylish Pin: Wear it to showcase your association with ZIBS. Let it be a reminder of your achievements and the network you've built.

🖊 纪念款笔:以此为新的起点,让我们共同记录精彩过往,书写新的华章。

Classy Pen: This pen is more than a writing instrument; it's a symbol of the knowledge you've acquired and the impact you'll make.

📖 纪念款笔记本:捕捉灵感和思维的火花,为通往理想的每一步留下生动的注解。

Notebook: Capture your thoughts, ideas, and dreams in this exquisite notebook. It is more than paper and ink; it's a canvas for your aspirations.

🔖 纪念款书签:陪伴你徜徉书海茫茫,尽情遨游知识的殿堂。

Unique Bookmark: Every book holds a world of knowledge, and this bookmark is your ticket to exploring that world, marking your academic journey.

🛍 纪念款帆布包:一起带走的,不仅是书籍和笔记,更有知识和理想。

Tote Bag: Carry your ambition with you wherever you go. This tote bag is both fashionable and practical, perfect for the books, notes, and ideas.

🍷 除此之外,为致敬五载繁花似锦,我们还专门设计了ZIBS五周年限量定制款红酒,让这一刻的欢乐随着红酒的芬芳留存回忆。

Customized Exclusive Bottle of Wine: Raise a toast to our journey with a bottle of fine wine, specially selected to mark this milestone.


The real heart of this celebration is you, our incredible community. We invite you to be an active part of ZIBS anniversary celebration, sharing and spreading the joy. And we've set up a giveaway for you.

参与方式 How to Participate




1)Leave your wishes or sharing your experience at ZIBS in the comments below;

2)Share this article in your WeChat Moments and encourage your family and friends to like;

3)Send the screenshot of your shared post to us via our WeChat official account before November 10The top 5 users with the most likes on their shared post will receive the entire package of these amazing goodies.


Stay tuned for more activities and events of the anniversary series. This celebration is just beginning!

与此同时,ZIBS五周年院庆捐赠通道已经正式启动,点击此处了解详情 。有意捐赠者可联系任何一位ZIBS同事,详情欢迎咨询:姜老师

ZIBS 5th Anniversary Donation has been officially launched! Click here to learn more. Please contact any of our colleagues for donations. For more information: Mr. JIANG

0571-87572786,18657718696 (WeChat Account)


浙江大学海宁国际校区ZIBS商学院大楼 437室  Room 437, ZIBS Building, Zhejiang University International Campus


编辑|李嵩皎 吴宇庭



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