
动态 | 星美术馆SSSSTART将于11月25日呈现孙逸飞个人项目「十日谈」


Ten Sniglets

孙逸飞 个人项目
Sun Yifei's Project

展期 | Exhibition Period
2022.11.25 - 2023.01.15

星美术馆筹备组 SSSSTART 
Start Museum Preparatory Team SSSSTART 
Building 15 No.2555 Longteng Ave.

可以画廊艺术家孙逸飞即将参展星美术馆SSSSTART“艺术家谱系研究”项目,带来个人项目“十日谈”,这是孙逸飞的首个美术馆个展。该展于2022年11月25日在星美术馆SSSSTART 开幕。

“十日谈” 将以展览的形式呈现十个“孙式故事”。展览中的“故事”均无法简单地用语言描述和表达,图像会在同一时间将故事的结构与剧情、开始与结局同时呈现于观众面前。而此展的英文“Ten Sniglets”正回应了这一复杂观感——sniglet这一造词意在强调那些无法被精准的词汇表达的事物,是文化与文化、个体与个体在沟通交流中不时存在的“语言的间隙”,是一个只有图像可以去完善的思维想象——此亦为孙逸飞的绘画所展示出的独特个性。

人类最终还是厌倦了像猴子那样咿咿呀呀乱喊乱叫 / Humans Eventually Get Tired of Babbling and Shouting Like Monkeys
布面丙烯 / acrylic on canvas
150 x 100 cm

Sun Yifei, the artist of KeYi Gallery, will soon participate in the “Genealogy Study of Artists” project at the Star Museum SSSSTART . This is Sun Yifei’s first personal solo exhibition in the museum, with the personal project “Ten Sniglets”. The exhibition will open on Nov 25, 2022, at Star Art Museum SSSSTART .

“Ten Sniglets” will present ten "Sun’s stories" in the form of an exhibition.The “stories" in the exhibition cannot be simply described or expressed in words, while the images present the structure and the plot, the beginning and the end of the story at the same time. Just as the exhibition's English title "Ten Sniglets” emphasises - things that cannot be articulated in precise terms, the “linguistic gap” that exists from time to time in the communication among various cultures and different individuals. It is an imagination that can only be perfected by images and non-linear logic — the unique character of Sun Yifei's paintings.

展览内容来源于:星美术馆 SSSSTART


孙逸飞,1995 年生于四川,2014 年毕业于中央美术学院附中,2018 年学士毕业于中央美术学院油画系, 2022 年硕士毕业于中央美术学院油画系。

Sun Yifei, born in Sichuan in 1995, graduated from the High School Affiliated to the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 2014, graduated from the Oil Painting Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 2018 with a bachelor's degree, and graduated from the Oil Painting Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts with a master's degree in 2022.


可以画廊 KeYi Gallery 是一间成立于2019年的当代新星空间,旨在为艺术家打造一个开放性的具有学术实验性的平台,致力推广多元独特的展览项目和艺术家作品,挖掘和培育年轻艺术家。可以画廊前身以私人收藏为主,20年间不断收藏那些具有一定学术价值的当代作品,并始终关注艺术当下及未来的发展趋势。

KeYi Gallery is a young contemporary art space established in 2019. It aims to create an open and experimental platform for artists and dedicates to promoting diverse unique art programs and works of art, exploring and developing young artists. KeYi Gallery gave priority to private collections previously and has been insisting on collecting contemporary artworks with high academic value while concentrating on art trends in the art world.


