
动态|可以画廊携艺术家邢万里即将参展油罐玩家艺术节 |展位号 A53

可以画廊 可以画廊

Tank Shanghai Player Art Festival

展位 |  BOOTH 

参展艺术家 |  ARTIST
邢万里 Xing Wanli

展期 | Exhibition Period


可以画廊荣幸宣布即将参展2023年油罐玩家艺术节!本次展会可以画廊将携艺术家邢万里带来最新展览「蛹,防风林,铁皮怪物」,展览中将呈现艺术家近期的绘画和雕塑作品。展会将于10月2日至10月5日连续举办4日,可以画廊展位号 A53,欢迎关注!

蛹,防风林,铁皮怪物 / Chrysalis,windbreak,iron sheet
三联画 / Triptych
160×65cm 189×133cm 160×65cm 
布面油画 / Oil on canvas


事犹未了 /  There Are More Things
木板,油画,油漆 /  Wood panels, oil paintings, paint

KeYi Gallery be pleased to announce its upcoming participation in the 2023 Tank Player Festival! This exhibition will bring artist Xing Wanli's latest exhibition, "Chrysalis, Windbreak, Lron Monster", which will present the artist's recent paintings and sculptures. The exhibition will be held for 4 consecutive days from October 2nd to October 5th, you can visit the gallery booth number A53. Welcome to the exhibition!

The works that Xing brings to the exhibition explore the non-linear narrative structure in literature and edit images with the concept of semiotics. He sees signifier as a broader image element, while signifier points to private concepts such as emotion and memory. Through the reinterpretation of this relationship, the image can be fabricated, combined or reorganised to reflect the mental image. Finally, a series of open schemata from reality to presupposition to record the transformation process is constructed.

关于艺术家 / About Artist

邢万里,1992 出生于河北承德,曾就读于四川美术学院、西安美术学院,现工作生活于成都。他的作品指向文学作品中的非线性叙事结构,并引用符号学中对能指的物质性和所指的心理表象之间的关系进行图像处理。他借由现实生活中的体验将这些文字重组转换成以“记忆”为母题的场景。其画面注重对文字的呼应与感性的体验,碎片化的元素和生活中的灵感一一对应,构建出一系列从现实到预设再记录转化过程的开放性图式。他的作品曾 被X美术馆等机构收藏,作品《刺杀骑士团长》入选“Cultural City of East Asia 2019 Toshima Award”。

他的个展包括:“遥远的绿洲”,可以画廊,(合肥 ,2021);“故事的形状”,MOMO 艺术中心,(西安, 2019),主要群展包括:“作为意志和表象的世界”,可以画廊,(北京,2023);“多少次呵,我离开了我日常的生活”,69 Art Campus,(北京,2022);“斯普特尼克恋人”青矜计划,(北京, 2020)等。

Xing Wanli, born in Chengde, Hebei in 1992, studied at Sichuan Fine Arts Institute and Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts, and now lives and works in Chengdu.His works point to the non-linear narrative structure of literary works and invoke the semiotic image processing of the relationship between the materiality of the referent and the mental representation of the referent. He uses real-life experiences to reorganize and transform these words into scenes with "memory" as the main theme. His images emphasize the echoing of words and sensual experience, and the fragmented elements correspond to the inspirations in life, constructing a series of open-ended schemas that transform from reality to preconception and then record the transformation process. His works have been collected by X Museum and other institutions,his work "Assassinating the Chief of the Knights" was selected into the "Cultural City of East Asia 2019 Toshima Award".

His solo exhibitions include:" Far Oasis", Keyi Gallery,(Hefei, 2021);"The Shape of Story", MoMo Art center, (Xi'an, 2019),and major group exhibitions include:“The World as Will and Representation”,Keyi  Gallery(Beijing,2023);“How many times,I have left my everday life”,69 Art Campus,(Beijing,2022);Qingjin Plan of "Sputnik Lovers", (Beijing, 2020),etc.

关于可以画廊 / About KeYi Gallery

可以画廊 KeYi Gallery 是一间成立于2019年的当代新星空间,旨在为艺术家打造一个开放性的具有学术实验性的平台,致力推广多元独特的展览项目和艺术家作品,挖掘和培育年轻艺术家。可以画廊前身以私人收藏为主,20年间不断收藏那些具有一定学术价值的当代作品,并始终关注艺术当下及未来的发展趋势。

KeYi Gallery is a young contemporary art space established in 2019. It aims to create an open and experimental platform for artists and dedicates to promoting diverse unique art programs and works of art, exploring and developing young artists. KeYi Gallery gave priority to private collections previously and has been insisting on collecting contemporary artworks with high academic value while concentrating on art trends in the art world.


