
他山之石 | 写诗的十个提示

这是光 是光诗歌 2020-01-18

这是 是光诗歌 第 292 次 与你的动人分享


这篇文章来自Dennis G. Jerz 的博客。文章简洁明了,生动形象地介绍了诗歌创作中的一些心得。其中的一些观点,比如如何避免陈词滥调,用具体的形象代替抽象概念等等不仅对于多种文体的写作,甚至对日常的交流形式都很有启发。

If you are writing a poem because you want to capture a feeling that you experienced, then you don’t need these tips. Just write whatever feels right. Only you experienced the feeling that you want to express, so only you will know whether your poem succeeds. If, however, your goal is to communicate with a reader— drawing on the established conventions of a literary genre (conventions that will be familiar to the experienced reader) to generate an emotional response in your reader— then simply writing what feels right to you won’t be enough.


These tips will help you make an important transition:

  • away from writing poetry to celebrate, commemorate, or capture your own feelings (in which case you, the poet, are the center of the poem’s universe)

  • towards writing poetry in order to generate feelings in your reader (in which case the poem exists entirely to serve the reader).


  • 不是为了庆祝,纪念或捕捉自己的感受来写诗(在这种情况下,诗人是诗歌宇宙的中心);

  • 而是为了让读者产生某种感情而写诗(在这种情况下,诗完全是为乐读者服务)。

  • Tip #1 Know Your Goal

  • 提示1 了解你的目标

If you don’t know where you’re going, how can you get there?

You need to know what you are trying to accomplish before you begin any project. Writing a poem is no exception.

Before you begin, ask yourself what you want your poem to “do.” Do you want your poem to explore a personal experience, protest a social injustice, describe the beauty of nature, or play with language in a certain way? Once you know the goal of your poem, you can conform your writing to that goal. Take each main element in your poem and make it serve the main purpose of the poem.




  • Tip #2 Avoid Clichés

  • 提示2  避免陈词滥调

Stephen Minot defines a cliché as: “A metaphor or simile that has become so familiar from overuse that the vehicle … no longer contributes any meaning whatever to the tenor. It provides neither the vividness of a fresh metaphor nor the strength of a single unmodified word. The word is also used to describe overused but nonmetaphorical expressions such as ‘tried and true’ and ‘each and every'”

Cliché also describes other overused literary elements. “Familiar plot patterns and stock characters are clichés on a big scale”. Clichés can be overused themes, character types, or plots. For example, the “Lone Ranger” cowboy is a cliché because it has been used so many times that people no longer find it original.

A work full of clichés is like a plate of old food: unappetizing.

斯蒂芬迈诺特将陈词滥调定义为:“过度使用已经变得熟悉的隐喻或比喻......不再对表意有任何意义。它既没有新鲜的生动性,也不再有单个字词的力量……这个情况也适用于过度使用但非隐喻的表达,如‘tried and true’(亲试有效)和‘each and every’(一个每一个)。”

陈词滥调还出现在其他过度使用的文学元素中,“熟悉的情节模式和角色是常见的陈词滥调的形式”。这可能是过度使用的主题,角色类型或情节。例如,“Lone Ranger” (孤独的护林员)牛仔是一种陈词滥调,因为它已被使用了很多次,人们不再觉得它是原创的。


Clichés work against original communication. People value creative talent. They want to see work that rises above the norm. When they see a work without clichés, they know the writer has worked his or her tail off, doing whatever it takes to be original. When they see a work full to the brim with clichés, they feel that the writer is not showing them anything above the ordinary. (In case you hadn’t noticed, this paragraph is chock full of clichés… I’ll bet you were bored to tears.)

Clichés dull meaning. Because clichéd writing sounds so familiar, people can complete finish whole lines without even reading them. If they don’t bother to read your poem, they certainly won’t stop to think about it. If they do not stop to think about your poem, they will never encounter the deeper meanings that mark the work of an accomplished poet.

陈词滥调是没有原创性的交流。大家重视创新的人才,希望看到超出常规的工作。当他们看到一部完全没有陈词滥调的作品时,他们知道作家已经尽到了他的最大努力 。当读者看到满满的陈词滥调时,他们觉得作家并没有向他们展示任何超越平凡的东西。(你可能已经注意到,这段话充满了陈词滥调......我敢打赌你会无聊到想流泪。) 


Examples of Clichés:

  • busy as a bee

  • tired as a dog

  • working fingers to bone

  • beet red

  • on the horns of a dilemma

  • blind as a bat

  • eats like a horse

  • eats like a bird


  • 像蜜蜂忙碌

  • 累得像狗

  • 工作到把手指磨成骨头

  • 甜菜红

  • 陷入两难境地

  • 盲目的像蝙蝠

  • 像马一样吃

  • 像鸟一样吃

How to Improve a Cliché

I will take the cliché “as busy as a bee” and show how you can express the same idea without cliché.

Determine what the clichéd phrase is trying to say.

In this case, I can see that “busy as a bee” is a way to describe the state of being busy.

Think of an original way to describe what the cliché is trying to describe.

For this cliché, I started by thinking about busyness. I asked myself the question, “What things are associated with being busy?” I came up with: college, my friend Jessica, corporation bosses, old ladies making quilts and canning goods, and a computer, fiddlers fiddling. From this list, I selected a thing that is not as often used in association with busyness: violins.

Create a phrase using the non-clichéd way of description.

I took my object associated with busyness and turned it into a phrase: “I feel like a bow fiddling an Irish reel.” This phrase communicates the idea of “busyness” much better than the worn-out, familiar cliché. The reader’s mind can picture the insane fury of the bow on the violin, and know that the poet is talking about a very frenzied sort of busyness. In fact, those readers who know what an Irish reel sounds like may even get a laugh out of this fresh way to describe “busyness.”

Try it! Take a cliché and use these steps to improve it. You may even end up with a line you feel is good enough to put in a poem!










  • Tip #3 Avoid Sentimentality.

  • 提示3 避免感伤

Sentimentality is “dominated by a blunt appeal to the emotions of pity and love …. Popular subjects are puppies, grandparents, and young lovers。When readers have the feeling that emotions like rage or indignation have been pushed artificially for their own sake, they will not take the poem seriously。

Minot says that the problem with sentimentality is that it detracts from the literary quality of your work. If your poetry is mushy or teary-eyed, your readers may openly rebel against your effort to invoke emotional response in them. If that happens, they will stop thinking about the issues you want to raise, and will instead spend their energy trying to control their own gag reflex.


迈诺特说,多愁善感的问题在于它会降低你作品的文学品质。如果你的诗歌是糊涂的催泪的,你的读者可能试图反抗你的努力 。如果发生这种情况,他们将不再关注你想要表达的主题,而是会花功夫来控制自己的呕吐反射。

  • Tip #4 Use Images.

  • 提示4 使用图像

“BE A PAINTER IN WORDS,” says UWEC English professor emerita, poet, and songwriter Peg Lauber. She says poetry should stimulate six senses:

  • sight

  • hearing

  • smell

  • touch

  • taste

  • kinesiology (motion)


“Sunlight varnishes magnolia branches crimson” (sight)

“Vacuum cleaners whir and hum startle my ferret” (hearing)

“Penguins lumber to their nests” (kinesiology)

Lauber advises her students to produce fresh, striking images (“imaginative”). Be a camera. Make the reader be there with the poet/speaker/narrator.

UWEC英语教授、诗人和词曲作者Peg Lauber说道,“做一个言语界的画家”。她说诗歌应该刺激六种感官:














文章来源Jerz’s literacy weblog (est.1999)


插画日本艺术家Hiramatsu Reiji





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