吴云东在致辞中对IDIBELL在合作中的充分信任表示感谢,并向IDIBELL科学家发出热情邀请,期待双方在合适的时机交流互访,增进合作。高毅勤与Gabriel Capellá回顾了各自的发展历程,介绍了科研进展、人才培养和发展规划等,并就双方在项目合作、学生培养等方面开展广泛深入的合作交换了意见,希望在双方的共同努力下,培养出一批具有国际视野的创新型高层次人才。
IDIBELL研究所主任Gabriel Capellá
Angel Raya详细介绍了该项目的合作培养形式,他认为,此次会议的成功召开是开启双方深入交流的里程碑,为双方未来的科研合作打下了坚实基础,也进一步提高了IDIBELL的国际影响力。
签约后,与会科学家们分别围绕各自研究领域作了相关报告,他们从研究成果、前沿技术、需求动态及潜在合作机会等几个方面展开了深度分享与交流。深圳湾实验室资深研究员周雷、闫致强、特聘研究员梁卓斌、蔡羽轩、唐啸宇、张喆、李刚、彭琴,IDIBELL再生医学项目的主要研究人员Anna Veiga、Carolina Florian、Mireya Plass、Jordi Guiu 、Alessandra Giorgetti、Meritxell Rovira、Esteban Hoijman等参与研讨。
The Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBELL) is a research center in biomedicine focused in cancer, neuroscience, translational medicine and regenerative medicine. Research, innovation and society are the axes on which researchers work every day with the goal of improving the quality of life of citizens.
IDIBELL is located in L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, south of Barcelona. It is a CERCA Centre from the Catalan Government and a member of the Campus of International Excellence of the University of Barcelona (HUBc). In 2009, it became one of the first five Spanish research centers accredited as a health research institute by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III. In 2015, the European Commission recognized IDIBELL with the 'HR Excellence in Research' award, which identifies IDIBELL as a provider and supporter of a stimulating research work environment.
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